Shame On CNN..

CNN will air an expose’ on O J Simpson 20 years after the for­mer foot­ball great was found not guilty of killing his wife Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman.
The net­work has been doing it’s best to pro­mote the pro­gram using it’s own anchors to dis­cuss spe­cif­ic parts of the twen­ty year old case , inter­spers­ing at dif­fer­ent times in their inter­views the per­cent­age of black Americans who believed O J Simpson was guilty then as against the per­cent­age of blacks who now believe he is guilt as he was charged .

Personally I could­n’t care a Rat’s behind about O J Simpson, or whether he is guilty or not. What I find rather instruc­tive is that the Supreme Court struck down key parts of the Nation’s vot­ing Rights Act.
The United States Congress has not lift­ed a fin­ger to fix the law .
Every week there is a mass shoot­ing in America. They hap­pen in Schools, Churches, Movie Theatres, and oth­er pub­lic places. Additionally each day peo­ple are gunned down all across America , far exceed­ing 30’000 annually.

Open Carry Vigilantes Terrorize Ferguson Protester
Open Carry Vigilantes Terrorize Ferguson Protesters

There is a pletho­ra of issues that CNN could occu­py its time with, but no it is of para­mount impor­tance that they bring up the fact that a duly con­sti­tut­ed jury of Simpson’s peers lis­tened to the evi­dence, includ­ing racists rants from Mark Furman and oth­er cops direct­ly involved in the inves­ti­ga­tions and decid­ed Simpson was not guilty.
Over the sum­mer American streets erupt­ed in chants of “Black lives mat­ter”.
We saw inno­cent unarmed peo­ple of col­or gunned down by Police. The inci­dents were so bla­tant many chose not to dis­cuss them as if not dis­cussing them makes them any less true.
CNN has done noth­ing to inves­ti­gate or report on the blan­ket obstruc­tion of the Obama agen­da by right-wing nuts in the Republican caucus.
There is noth­ing from CNN on the open car­ry of auto­mat­ic weapons by vig­i­lante in Ferguson Missouri.
CNN has­n’t seen fit to do an expose’ on state sanc­tioned police killings in America because it is total­ly fix­at­ed on O J Simpson’s alleged killing of two white people.

Members of the Oath Keepers walk with their personal weapons on the street during protests in Ferguson, Missouri
Members of the Oath Keepers walk with their per­son­al weapons on the street dur­ing protests in Ferguson, Missouri.

O J Simpson was nev­er a part of the Black com­mu­ni­ty, nev­er­the­less he was exon­er­at­ed by a large­ly African-American jury. Immediately after being found not guilty O J Simpson ran back to the white com­mu­ni­ty as a fish need­ing water to breathe. He could not keep out of trou­ble with the law in inci­dent after inci­dent which includ­ed his rela­tion­ship with anoth­er white woman.
O J Simpson also went ahead and authored a book titled “If I did it”. Arguably Simpson was either too stu­pid or too enam­ored with white soci­ety he thought they were just dying to wel­come him back with open arms.
After Simpson was let go I told many friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers that Simpson would receive a life or a mul­ti­ple year sen­tence for an offence as small as a traf­fic tick­et going forward.

Parole: Because he was convicted on multiple charges, Simpson still faces at least four more years in prison on sentences that were ordered to run consecutively

July 2013 O.J. Simpson was grant­ed parole on some charges stem­ming from his 2008 kid­nap­ping and armed rob­bery con­vic­tions involv­ing the holdup of two sports mem­o­ra­bil­ia deal­ers at a Las Vegas hotel.

The Nevada Board of Parole Commissioners released an order approv­ing the for­mer NFL star’s parole request. But the order did­n’t mean Simpson would be leav­ing Lovelock Correctional Center any­time soon. Because he was con­vict­ed on mul­ti­ple charges, the 66-year-old still faces at least four more years in prison on sen­tences that were ordered to run con­sec­u­tive­ly. Simpson was con­vict­ed of a slew of charges against him on October 3, 2008 — the 13th anniver­sary of the day he was acquit­ted of killing his ex-wife Nicole brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.

Jackie Glass
Jackie Glass

Just before sen­tenc­ing Simpson the tri­al Judge Jackie Glass said sev­er­al times that her sen­tence in the Las Vegas case had noth­ing to do with Simpson’s 1995 acquit­tal in the slay­ing of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. “I’m not here to try and cause any ret­ri­bu­tion or any pay­back for any­thing else,” Glass said.
The fact that she said it did not have any­thing to do with that case in which O J Simpson was acquit­ted by a jury says that it had every­thing to do with that verdict.
Not sur­pris­ing­ly Ron Goldman’s father Fred Goldman, and sis­ter Kim were con­ve­nient­ly at the tri­al and said they were delight­ed with the sentence.
Welcome to white American justice.

At a time when there are no short­age of issues which CNN could involve itself in search­ing for truth the net­work is try­ing to prove to itself and white America that they exact­ed revenge.
News flash CNN every­one knows it so gloat­ing serves no use­ful purpose.
It may be news to you but O J was nev­er a part of our com­mu­ni­ty. Go right ahead and do with him what you desire.