
The major­i­ty of our pop­u­la­tion is poor; whole heap a dem over deh so have mon­ey. Dem inna bet­ter job, bet­ter sit­u­a­tion. They can engage, but part of the prob­lem is half of them are scared. Dem don’t want to come down here for a cause because they are ter­ri­fied… it’s as sim­ple as that. “Much like how we have lead­ers in Jamaica who take a stand on cer­tain issues and push things, you don’t have com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ers in the Jamaican dias­po­ra that are active… who are just at it. You just kin­da find a man who will say ‘mi a yaadie’, wear the colours and a it dat and big up them­self when Bolt a run. For us to have a strong Jamaican or Caribbean voice we need organ­i­sa­tion, we need peo­ple to be active­ly sup­port­ing caus­es in Jamaica,” These are the word of dance-hall artiste Shaggy as he addressed a press con­fer­ence at the Jamaica Observer where he announced plans for his con­cert to aid the Bustamante chil­dren’s Hospital.


Observer Photo:

Read more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​S​h​a​g​g​y​-​a​p​p​e​a​l​s​-​t​o​-​d​i​a​s​p​o​r​a​-​t​o​-​h​e​l​p​-​J​a​m​a​i​c​a​#​i​x​z​z​2​p​C​C​L​a​tLf.

Shaggy has done a great job on behalf of chil­dren, through his Make a Difference Foundation, his work on behalf of chil­dren and the needy is wor­thy of praise. I believe his heart is in the right place and I sense some frus­tra­tion in his com­ments, prob­a­bly because he feels those of us who live over­seas can do more to help. With that said how­ev­er, I believe his com­ments were at best in-art­ful and worse case, smacks of igno­rance. There is an old say­ing that you can attract much more ants with hon­ey than you can with vine­gar. Shaggy cer­tain­ly has enough acclaim and influ­ence to make suc­cess­ful appeals to the dias­po­ra which can trans­late into cash.

That is why his com­ments are so unfor­tu­nate. I hope I am not over-ana­lyz­ing Shaggy’s com­ments but they do smack of some­thing dark and sin­is­ter which many Jamaicans can attest to. It is a kind of deep envy which comes out of even those at home who are well-off and have the option of leav­ing. “whole heap a dem over deh so have mon­ey. Dem inna bet­ter job, bet­ter sit­u­a­tion. They can engage”. Many returned res­i­dents and oth­ers return­ing to vis­it have been killed because of what that state­ment signifies.

Jamaicans liv­ing abroad send sig­nif­i­cant sums of mon­ey home every year. That is for­eign cur­ren­cy which keeps the Jamaican econ­o­my afloat. I under­stand that what he is con­tend­ing is that there is not enough sup­port for char­i­ties, yet the remit­tance sent home is not the only for­eign exchange being put into the Jamaican econ­o­my by the dias­po­ra. The Customs Department rake in tremen­dous amounts of rev­enue each year from goods sent home by the dias­po­ra. As a small busi­ness own­er I see the lev­el of com­mit­ment of our peo­ple in the remit­tances , goods and even the Digicel and Lime cred­its they send home. Many includ­ing myself, make impor­tant con­tri­bu­tions to var­i­ous Charities, Schools and NGO’s with­out the fan­fare of press conferences.

What Shaggy does on behalf of the poor is com­mend­able, more of us real­ly need to engage in help­ing if we are in a posi­tion to do so. However it is impor­tant to note that what each per­son or group does is as impor­tant as what Shaggy and oth­er celebri­ties do, even if of dif­fer­ent mag­ni­tudes. As we aspire to do more to help we must also simul­ta­ne­ous­ly work to change the mind­set of many at home that those who live over­seas are an unend­ing mon­ey-pit to be raid­ed and exploit­ed or even killed. We must dis­pel and dis­cred­it the notion that depen­den­cy is a virtue. Lets hope we will all find a way in 2014 to lend a hand-up to those less for­tu­nate, while avoid­ing the acri­mo­nious and regres­sive demo­niz­ing of others.

4 thoughts on “SHAGGY MISSES THE MARK:

  1. Well “Shaggy” gets the chance to call a spade, a spade and he pre­tends as if it is a fork. What he should have done, is to point fin­ger at both polit­i­cal par­ties, espe­cial­ly the PNP because they are in pow­er at this time! As a for­mer US Marine and a man who has lit­tle knowl­edge of the American laws, he should called for a revamp of our “archa­ic laws” that are on the books in Jamaica. He should have called for the scrap­ping of “Indecom” because it low­ers the moral of the police and embold­en the crim­i­nals to com­mit bar­bar­ic crimes.
    This was his oppor­tu­ni­ty to blow the whis­tle against the “pro­tec­tion­ism” of crim­i­nals by the cur­rent gov­ern­ment, which was pass on by the pre­vi­ous gov­ern­ment as a respond to the extra­di­tion of “Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke.” His nar­ra­tive is send­ing the wrong mes­sage to crim­i­nals, as if all for­eign­ers who’s of Jamaican descent are vis­it­ing or return­ing to Jamaica with lump-sum of mon­ey and these par­a­sites are enti­tle to some. If they don’t get it freely, they will kill you, because it is us against them and those who work hard to achieve what they have must share with them. This enti­tle­ment thing is killing Jamaicans and Jamaica, since the “bush jack­et man” Michael Manley. Those poi­sons of depen­den­cy have been plant­ed and it is now a part of our “cul­tur­al rel­a­tivism.” It would be bet­ter if Shaggy attack the cur­rent admin­is­tra­tion for their inept­ness and non­cha­lant atti­tude towards crimes and their fond­ness of crim­i­nals with­in Jamaica.
    2014 is not going to be a Happy New year for some Jamaicans, as they will always live, work, eat and sleep in con­stant fear of their lives. Jamaica is a criminal’s paradise.

  2. Let us start first­ly with the poor. Encourage, force or make laws to pre­vent them from mul­ti­ply­ing the poor by get­ting and hav­ing chil­dren they can­not afford to take care of prop­er­ly. it bur­den oth­ers as well as the econ­o­my. come togeth­er and farm lands to sur­vive if that is the only skills you have, start a back­yard gar­den if the land space per­mits, try to help your­self legal­ly before you seek inter­ven­tion. You are allow­ing your­selves to be used to com­mit all sorts of crime by the brains with their mon­ey who can import pur­chase and import guns and bul­let mak­ing machines into this island, all because of the bad choic­es you have made over the years, well this is 2014 and you have the chance to cor­rect all of that let me see what you will do with the ball sit­ting there in your court

    • Sometimes tact is a bet­ter appli­ca­tion than the truth mis­ter Brigham. Shaggy would be well served if he learned the dif­fer­ence between the two and how to apply them appropriately .

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