Intellectually savvy people never thought Newt Gingrich was a decent human being, every time he opens his mouth he shows that he is a vile despicable maggot .

Just a cou­ple of days ago this vile over­weight despi­ca­ble loath­some pig said on FOX News to Greta Van Susteren that the President of the United States was not a real President.http://​the​hill​.com/​v​i​d​e​o​/​c​a​m​p​a​i​g​n​/​2​5​8​6​8​9​-​g​i​n​g​r​i​c​h​-​o​b​a​m​a​-​n​o​t​-​a​-​r​e​a​l​-​p​r​e​s​i​d​ent.

Newt Gingrich John Sununu

Donald Trump

Gingrich fan­cies him­self as a Historian, he imag­ines him­self as some­one who shaped America in a mean­ing­ful way, every chance Gingrich gets he talks about him­self in those terms.

As if the loath­some racial assault he lev­eled at the pres­i­dent was not enough the fat hog went on to say the fol­low­ing on FOX Tuesday.

Obama is a “false pres­i­dent,” a “part-time pres­i­dent,” and…wait for it…a “lazy” president.

This fits snug­ly into the nice racist lit­tle nar­ra­tive the three Mongrels pic­tured above have been per­pet­u­at­ing for the last 4 years.

He real­ly is like the [NFL] sub­sti­tute ref­er­ees in the sense that he’s not a real pres­i­dent. He doesn’t do any­thing that pres­i­dents do, he doesn’t wor­ry about any of the things the pres­i­dents do,” Gingrich said. “But he has the White House. He has enor­mous pow­er. And he’ll go down in his­to­ry as the pres­i­dent, and I sus­pect that he’s pret­ty con­temp­tu­ous of the rest of us.”

Hillary Clinton is a seri­ous per­son. Barack Obama is an ambi­tious per­son. They’re very dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties. Hillary Clinton gets up every day think­ing about pub­lic pol­i­cy. Barack Obama gets up every­day think­ing about Barack Obama. They’re very dif­fer­ent approach­es to life. And I think those of us who are his crit­ics need to get over it and under­stand this is who is pres­i­dent. This is a man who in the age of false-celebri­ty hood is sort of the per­fect pres­i­dent because he is a false pres­i­dent. He is a guy who doesn’t do the president’s job.”

The prob­lem with these intel­lec­tu­al retards is that all of the oth­er Mongrels through­out this country“s his­to­ry did not get judged favor­ably by rel­e­vant peo­ple, they are foot-notes in history.

For an Egomaniac like Gingrich who is bloat­ed with his own sense of self-impor­tance, it is vital­ly impor­tant for him in his mind that he be viewed as sig­nif­i­cant even posthumously.

News flash to Gingrich etal, you will be mere men­tions of infamy.

When intel­li­gent peo­ple ref­er­ence his­to­ry Gingrich will be recalled as a ser­i­al Adulterer.

He will be recalled as a hyp­ocrite who worked tire­less­ly to impeach President Clinton for an ill-advised fling with an intern, while he him­self was involved in illic­it Adulterous affairs at the same time.

Gingrich will be recalled as a Fraud who got run out of Congress on mul­ti­ple ethics charges.

The oth­er two incon­se­quen­tial morons are unwor­thy of fur­ther evaluation.