Senior Cop: Anti Gang Laws Can Help Police

Head of the Northeastern Division Snr Supt Surrendra Sagramsingh said police offi­cers will have more pow­er to put gang mem­bers behind bars if the Anti-Gang leg­is­la­tion is approved.

He was com­ment­ing yes­ter­day dur­ing a vis­it to the Morvant/​Laventille Secondary School where he accom­pa­nied the man­ag­er of the TTPS Victim and Witness Support Unit Asha Corbie, to offer sup­port in the wake of the mur­der of 15-year-old school­boy Joshua Andrews on Monday.

Since Monday’s inci­dent, where Andrews and “PH” taxi dri­ver Devon Fernandez were killed, res­i­dents and stu­dents of the school claimed they are being threat­ened by crim­i­nals in the area that “snitch­es get killed.”

Sagramsingh is now lob­by­ing for leg­is­la­tion that will pro­tect wit­ness­es, sim­i­lar to laws in the Bahamas where wit­ness­es can tes­ti­fy under anonymity.

We realise that crime has tak­en a spi­ral upwards posi­tion. We have seen in dif­fer­ent juris­dic­tions that there is leg­is­la­tion that actu­al­ly sup­port the police inter­ven­tion with regards to gang-relat­ed offences…this is my hum­ble opin­ion,” he said.

Corbie said her unit has devised a plan and com­mu­ni­cat­ed it to the prin­ci­pal of the school.

We will be vis­it­ing affect­ed fam­i­lies and not just pro­vid­ing coun­selling ser­vices but will be look­ing at oth­er needs that may exist and see how best we can con­nect them with oth­er agen­cies that can assist,” she said.

She offi­cers are now see­ing how best they can alle­vi­ate that sense of fear and pain that the stu­dents, prin­ci­pals, teach­ers and fam­i­ly mem­bers are experiencing.

Sagramsingh said that there exists the pos­si­bil­i­ty of arrests soon in the case. A joint police and army raid in the dis­trict on Tuesday net­ted four peo­ple want­ed for recent shoot­ings, wound­ings and out­stand­ing war­rants. http://​www​.guardian​.co​.tt/​n​e​w​s​/​2​018 – 01-10/se­nior-cop-anti-gang-laws-can-help-police