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New York City Cops placed at the inter­sec­tion of 96th street and Broadway on New York City’s upper west side to mon­i­tor pedes­tri­an traf­fic end­ed up beat­ing and blood­y­ing an 84 year-old man plac­ing him in Hospital. The NYPD says it’s offi­cers were there to issue sum­mons to jay-walk­ers who were improp­er­ly using the cross walk. Those tick­ets were report­ed­ly for a whop­ping $250.The NYPD said they decid­ed to tick­et pedes­tri­ans after a young woman was killed at the very inter­sec­tion just 12 hours earlier.


Mayor de Blasio’s spokesman, Phil Walzak, said Sunday, “We won’t sit by while lives are lost and fam­i­lies are torn apart. These lat­est crash­es under­score the urgent need to make our streets safer, which is why we are mov­ing deci­sive­ly to enact ‘Vision Zero’.” “The guy didn’t seem to speak English. The cop walked him over to the Citibank” near the north­east cor­ner of 96th and Broadway, said one wit­ness, Ian King, a Fordham University law student.“[The offi­cer] stood him up against the wall and was try­ing to write him a tick­et. The man didn’t seem to under­stand, and he start­ed walk­ing away. 

Bill de Blasio ran as a Democrat promis­ing to put an end to New York city’s con­tro­ver­sial stop-and-frisk pol­i­cy. That pol­i­cy came under fire after the city’s minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ty com­plained that young black and lati­no youths were being indis­crim­i­nate­ly tar­get­ed for harass­ment, even as the search­es yield­ed hard­ly any weapons. That issue and that issue alone caused the pre­vi­ous­ly lit­tle know de Balsio to surge ahead of the more rec­og­niz­able, then coun­cil speak­er Christine Quinn. Quinn endorsed the stop and frisk pol­i­cy put in place by the out­go­ing Mayor Michael Bloomberg.


de Blasio com­menced by hir­ing William Bratton to be his police Commissioner . For those who for­got, Bratton was the guy Rudolph Giuliani put in place when he was elect­ed may­or. How could that mes­sage be lost on any­one? Bratton was a tough guy who gave cops the impres­sion that they could do no wrong. The rela­tion­ship between New York City’s minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties and the NYPD was rot­ten under Bratton and Giuliani. The brash nar­cis­sis­tic Giuliani only got rid of Bratton after he got jeal­ous of the press Bratton was get­ting. That is the police com­mis­sion­er that the new Democratic Mayor brought back to mend fences with the minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ty. Is it any won­der then that NYPD cops feel at lib­er­ty to pound an 84 year old man into the pave­ment, leav­ing him blood­ied and dazed neces­si­tat­ing stitch­es to the back of his head?


The vio­lence unfold­ed in front of sev­er­al news reporters, who had been at the inter­sec­tion doc­u­ment­ing an acci­dent that killed Upper West Side pedes­tri­an Samantha Lee 12 hours earlier.

Did any of you see this on the net-work news? Me nei­ther. It is a shame and a dis­grace that peo­ple hired to pro­tect cit­i­zens, young , old, mid­dle-age, could turn on the most vul­ner­a­ble among us. Police Officers should be in the busi­ness of pro­tect­ing peo­ple, that’s what they get paid to do. Yet cops now a days seem to be juiced up wan­na-be ‑Rambos out to inflict pain on oth­ers. Many of these guys are ex sol­diers, many have seen sev­er­al tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. These are the peo­ple pop­u­lat­ing your local depart­ments. Police are not there to pro­tect you any­more, they are there to con­trol you. The NYPD claims it was there to pro­tect lives, that pro­tec­tion came at the least cost of a $250 tick­et and at the pre­mi­um of the cracked skull of an 84 year old and con­coct­ed charges. People have to open their eyes before its too late, this is tyran­ny.Having spent 10 years as a law-enforce­ment offi­cer in Kingston Jamaica,one of the world’s tough­est cities, I can­not imag­ine any cir­cum­stance under which I could­n’t han­dle an 84 year-old with­out hurt­ing him.

The Police Commissioner should be ashamed to lie to res­i­dents of the city that the poor gen­tle­man sus­tained the injuries as a result of a fall. This hap­pened in front of wit­ness­es , cred­i­ble wit­ness­es, not wit­ness­es paid to lie. New Yorkers can­not depend on the press to tell them what hap­pened, even when it hap­pen in front of reporters. They had a chance to see what is hap­pen­ing in their name and on their dime. Nothing has changed, it is busi­ness as usu­al, dif­fer­ent wrap­per, same old crap inside.


  1. Wow! All of us who can think for our­selves know that “tyran­ny” is in place in this coun­try. It is like the media is a part of it. These peo­ple are the best liars, what could a elder­ly man done for the police to beat him mer­ci­less­ly? I won­der if these cops in New York have rel­a­tives? When I was a cop, I’d nev­er hurt or caused harm to an elder­ly per­son. The Democrats are the greater evil of both par­ties. Your hopes of see­ing civil­i­ty returned to the streets of New York by the police is a far fetched idea. Remember, ter­ror­ism? My heart goes out to the old man. It’s unfor­tu­nate how the police alien­at­ing them­selves from the cit­i­zens. I hope the man and his fam­i­ly will get jus­tice, if jus­tice exist in this country.

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