Senate Minority Leader Would Gladly Be Seen As A Bumbling Old Fool Rather Than A Rabid Racist.

Mitch McConnell’s Freudian slip of the tongue as he addressed vot­ing rights may have been shock­ing to some who are will­ful­ly blind. Still, it is dif­fi­cult to see how any­one could believe the Kentucky Senator is any­thing but an old under­cov­er racist.
Speaking after Republicans, with the help of fake Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, killed pas­sage of a new vot­ing rights bill, McConnell said the following.
Well, the con­cern is mis­placed. Because if you look at the sta­tis­tics, African American vot­ers are vot­ing in just as high a per­cent­age as Americans”. “Ouch,” how could he let that slip? McConnell has been rather care­ful and delib­er­ate with his speech his entire career, but it can be rather dif­fi­cult to hold in who you are for so long.

Mitch’s slip of the tongue and his attempts to link him­self to Dr. Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights cam­paign were both trans­par­ent and pathet­ic. How telling is it that as soon as a white racist is con­front­ed with their racism, they default to hav­ing black friends or some dis­tant asso­ci­a­tion with some­one black.
I have always said the efforts employed in cov­er­ing up a crime are evi­dence of a crime.
But Mitch McConnell was­n’t done try­ing to con­vince the world what we heard from his mouth was­n’t real. Along with the lat­er pre­pared faux out­rage, he went on try­ing to con­vince us it was just an error.“This out­ra­geous mis­char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of my record as a result of leav­ing one word out inad­ver­tent­ly the oth­er day … is deeply offen­sive,” he said dur­ing a press con­fer­ence in Louisville Friday. “I’ve nev­er been accused of this sort of thing before. It’s hurt­ful and offen­sive, and I think some of the crit­ics know it’s total­ly non­sense.Mitch said.
“Bitch Please.”
What total bull­shit, the old cur­mud­geon had just ral­lied his cau­cus to vote against the right of Black People to freek­ing vote in the year 2022.

After lit­er­al­ly infer­ring that Black vot­ers are not Americans, some­thing white suprema­cists have main­tained for as long as the coun­try exist­ed, Mitch McConnell went back to the micro­phone. This is where the slip­pery tur­tle that is Mitch came through, and many missed it.
Back at the micro­phone, he claimed he left out the word ‘almost
Again here is Mitch’s ini­tial state­ment. “Well, the con­cern is mis­placed. Because if you look at the sta­tis­tics, African American vot­ers are vot­ing in just as high a per­cent­age as_​_​_​_​Americans. “Almost does not work there.
See, what Mitch attempt­ed to do there was to play to his age; he want­ed at that moment to be seen as a bum­bling old man who makes mis­takes, not a racist who got caught.
At that moment, the astute, ever schem­ing, delib­er­a­tive Senate Minority leader would glad­ly be seen as a bum­bling old fool rather than a rabid racist.
After his first attempt at cor­rect­ing the record, he left the podi­um then returned to say the word he left out was ‘all”.
Nicely played Mitch, but that nice maneu­ver did not slip by me; I saw the play developing.
Nice try, though!





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.