“I could have accomplished more against my enemies but I have had to use one hand fending off my friends.”[Paraphrased].
As we experience the events that succeeded the ghastly killing of George Floyd, we have seen people of all stripes stand up and pay their respects to the memory & family of Mister Floyd.
Speaking for myself, I am still unable to look at the video or watch some of the emotional images without crying uncontrollably.

I have no idea why I cannot stop crying for a man I have never met? I have no idea what made me close my business, pick up a video camera, and stand with protestors in my city?
Neither do I know what prompted me to brave a line of heavily armed police officers, to tell them in no uncertain terms, tears in my eyes, that what they are doing across the country is wrong?

In all of the events that occurred, with all of the shocking images we bear witness to, of police acting out aggressively & barbarically against citizens, I saw hope. I saw hope for a better tomorrow.
I saw a possibility for the manifestation of the dream as Dr. King saw it over [60]years ago. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
I saw it in the millions of young and old white people who turned out to march, literally placing themselves in harm’s way, at extreme risk even at the peril of death. In many cases, they outnumbered black people by wide margins.
Many have been brutalized and even killed by police. Let us never fail to recognize the sacrifices of our white brothers and sisters who stand, and have stood with us, and have suffered, even though they didn’t have to.

Even as my heart swells with hope at the prospect of a white awakening, I am cautious and constrained in my expectations of what will come from this momentous event.
For far too long many in the black community have used these events as opportunities to gain personal recognition for themselves.
Let this not be another event for the self-absorbed to jockey for attention. Let it be the defining event that will characterize the beginning of the end of white supremacy.

This is a moment that must be harnessed for the greater good. It is an inflection moment that has peeled away the thin veneer of normalcy that had for four hundred years plus, covered the ignoble and horrific nightmare that is white American racism.
It is time to step away from those who would [“what about”] us to death. It is time to walk away from those who would sidetrack what we are about as a people, demanding equality and justice, fair-play on a level playing field.
Yes, that includes those with black skin.
Those who have found a kind of sick and demented comfort in [“Massa’s house”], whether as his maid, butler, or as his [concubine].

There are some who have black skin but white hearts, they sold their souls to the devil, and have made the tactical decision to speak ill of black people as a vehicle to gain likes on social media.
Understand, that some would rather be subservient on their knees in deferential servitude to their oppressors, than face the dangers of standing on their own feet towards a path to true freedom.

It is for those reasons that Harriet Tubman reportedly carried a gun, not for the white slave-catchers but for those negroes with white hearts who would run back to [Massa]. Those Israelites who berated Moses because they did not have meat.
The events that we witnessed after the lynching of George Floyd’s death have illuminated the brutish & murderous proclivity inherent in American police.
For all intents and purposes, they have demonstrated that they are the opposition, they are [the tip of the spear of black oppression], (as if we didn’t already know)?

The vast majority of white men in America’s police departments have revealed themselves as enemies of the black community.
But for a few exceptions, they have become a counter-movement to the struggles of black people’s fight for black autonomy, they are the counter-movement.
They have revealed themselves as race-soldiers against the black community, something African-Americans have been saying they are for generations and generations.

The hardest part of this battle is dealing with those in black skin who would jockey for [power & place] on the back of a tragedy. Worse yet, there are those who are quite willing to be subservient race concubines. Those we simply must ignore and hope they will dry up and blow away.
They are relevant only when we give them oxygen. Like a tiny flickering flame, place a jar over it and it dies a natural death.
They are relevant only to those they serve, they are not relevant to us.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog chatt-a-box.com.
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
You may subscribe to his blogs free of charge, or subscribe to his Youtube channel @chatt-a-box, for the latest podcast all free to you of course.