th (6)In the pre­vi­ous Article I wrote about our son’s death I can­did­ly point­ed to my short­com­ings as a Christian. I attempt­ed to bring atten­tion to the fact that though I espouse the faith, I am still a neo­phyte regard­ing the after-life.

Okay so I under­stand why you would ques­tion my inter­est in this par­tic­u­lar aspect of the Christian doctrine!

As I said in a pre­vi­ous Article, los­ing a child is syn­ony­mous to noth­ing I have ever expe­ri­enced. I was extreme­ly close to my son. The sud­den and dras­tic sep­a­ra­tion is fol­lowed by numb­ing shock, which is like noth­ing pre­vi­ous­ly expe­ri­enced. Utter dis­be­lief . A large part of my prob­lem is my inabil­i­ty to accept the final­i­ty of this psy­chi­cal death. So nat­u­ral­ly I des­per­ate­ly seek out a greater assur­ance from the Biblical promise of “Life Everlasting” .

Well inten­tioned friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers remind me that Job lost all his chil­dren and prop­er­ty. Of course the Bible also said God removed the hedge of pro­tec­tion he had placed around Job his servant.

THE DEVIL Job 1 – 10

9Then Satan answered the LORD, “Does Job fear God for noth­ing? 10“Have You not made a hedge about him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his pos­ses­sions have increased in the land. 11“But put forth Your hand now and touch all that he has; he will sure­ly curse You to Your face.”…

GOD’S RESPONSE Job 1 vs 12

Vs. 12 – God gives Satan per­mis­sion to go ahead and test Job in the way that Satan desires with one restric­tion: Satan was not allowed to touch Job’s per­son in any way. However, every­thing else that Job had, God placed in Satan’s hand to do as Satan desired.‑1 – 6‑12/​

The Author went on to state quote..Here is where God remains blame­less from send­ing these evils upon Job. God put Job’s things in Satan’s hand, but Satan still had a choice as to what to do with Job’s things. Satan could have cho­sen to leave Job alone. Of course, he does not, because Satan thinks he has some­thing to prove?Satan thinks he knows more than God. I will leave that assess­ment for you to judge.

Job 42:10

th (5)The LORD restored the for­tunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the LORD increased all that Job had twofold. 11Then all his broth­ers and all his sis­ters and all who had known him before came to him, and they ate bread with him in his house; and they con­soled him and com­fort­ed him for all the adver­si­ties that the LORD had brought on him. And each one gave him one piece of mon­ey, and each a ring of gold.…

Let’s read vs. 18&19: “18, While he was still speak­ing, anoth­er also came and said, “Your sons and daugh­ters were eat­ing and drink­ing wine in their old­est brother’s house, 19 and sud­den­ly a great wind came from the wilder­ness and struck the four cor­ners of the house, and it fell on the young peo­ple, and they are dead; and I alone have escaped to tell you!” 

Job lost all his chil­dren in one dis­as­trous instance, all 10 of them. This sure­ly must have cre­at­ed grave con­cerns for Job. “His chil­dren were eat­ing and drink­ing wine“when they died, they weren’t pray­ing and singing. Did they go straight to Heaven> Job had no way of know­ing. It appears that Job’s chil­dren were just pawns in this chess game.

Ultimately the sto­ry of Job despite the restora­tion of wealth was not a win for him, not only did he lose his chil­dren, the Bible is silent on whether his chil­dren who were basi­cal­ly hand­ed over to the wicked­ness of the Devil were assured the afterlife.