How Secure Is The President When All The Hype About The Secret Service Is Peeled Away

The White House
The White House

The Secret Service chief has stepped-up secu­ri­ty out­side the White House after a man with a knife who jumped the fence made it into the pres­i­den­tial res­i­dence before being appre­hend­ed, offi­cials said Saturday.This was report­ed by the huff​in​g​ton​post​.com

Seriously the man had time to Jump a fence, cross the lawns and enter the res­i­dence of the President of The United States of America , and by the way it is report­ed that the man was armed with a fold­ing knife. There are so many things wrong with this pic­ture that I will come back to it.

It is report­ed that President Barack Obama insist­ed he still has con­fi­dence in the belea­guered agen­cy’s abil­i­ty to pro­tect him and his family.

After the fact
After the fact

What else is he going to say? He still has to depend on them to pro­tect him for not only the remain­der of his tenure in office but for the remain­der of his life. It is not the first time that there has been foul-up by this Agency, involv­ing this President.

in March Agents were in the Netherlands as part of a con­tin­gent prepar­ing for President Obama’s vis­it. According to offi­cials, one Secret Service agent was found intox­i­cat­ed and passed out in the hall­way of his hotel. Hotel staff sub­se­quent­ly alert­ed U.S. author­i­ties. This agent and two oth­ers — who were his com­pan­ions on a night out drink­ing in the Dutch cap­i­tal — were dis­ci­plined by being sent home for not exer­cis­ing bet­ter judgment.

How is it that someone can scale the fence , spring across the lawn and enter the President's residence unscathed?
How is it that some­one can scale the fence , sprint across the lawn and enter the President’s res­i­dence unscathed?

Nearly two years ago an advance team ahead of an Obama vis­it to Colombia for the Summit of the Americas got drunk. In that case, Secret Service agents hit the clubs of Cartagena for a night of drink­ing that end­ed with them bring­ing pros­ti­tutes back to their hotel. The agency imme­di­ate­ly pulled 11 agents alleged­ly involved in the scan­dal from Obama’s secu­ri­ty detail, put them on admin­is­tra­tive leave and removed their secu­ri­ty clearances.

How much is enough? The media is engrossed in a feed­ing fren­zy sur­round­ing the Ray Rice Elevator inci­dent , They just won’t let it go. Yes what Rice did was despi­ca­ble, but now it’s much larg­er than Rice . Every lit­tle Racist turd has now crawled out of their hole and is now pass­ing Judgement. This is an issue of National Import. Where is the cov­er­age? Or are we to assume that the Nation’s first black fam­i­ly in the White House is unde­serv­ing of the pro­tec­tion com­men­su­rate with the office? The same pro­tec­tion afford­ed pre­vi­ous occu­pants of the White House.

President Barack Obama and his daugh­ter had just left the White House by heli­copter on Friday evening when the Secret Service says 42-year-old Omar J. Gonzalez scaled the fence, dart­ing across the lawn and through the unlocked North Portico doors before offi­cers final­ly tack­led him. Officials had orig­i­nal­ly said that Gonzalez appeared unarmed as he sprint­ed across the lawn — poten­tial­ly one rea­son agents did­n’t shoot him or release their ser­vice dogs to detain him.

This is a ridicu­lous­ly absurd state­ment, designed only to cov­er their ass­es? How could they make that deter­mi­na­tion while he was run­ning toward the President’s Residence? It must be con­strued that any­one who unlaw­ful­ly breach­es the fence sur­round­ing the White House and tries to enter the Building has mal-intent ! What if he had a bomb strapped to his body ‚or sim­ply had one in his pos­ses­sion? How could they tell he did­n’t have a gun? Did they see the knife while he was run­ning ? Isn’t a knife a weapon capa­ble of killing some­one? Did they think about that state­ment before they con­coct­ed it? Who made that deci­sion not to take out that intrud­er? Would a black intrud­er have been giv­en that ben­e­fit? The answer is no!

34 year old Miriam Carey before she was killed by Secret Service and Capitol Police
34 year old Miriam Carey before she was killed by Secret Service and Capitol Police

That state­ment does not stand scruti­ny. They had no prob­lem killing 34-year-old Miriam Carey, of Stamford, Conn. on Friday Oct 4th Last year. The inci­dent began at about 2:30 p.m. at the White House gates at 15th and E streets NW. Police say Carey had attempt­ed to ram a tem­po­rary secu­ri­ty bar­ri­er out­side the White House with her car, then struck a Secret Service uni­formed divi­sion offi­cer. She then fled the scene, lead­ing police on a chase. Carey had her one year-old baby in the car at the time, This did not stop Secret Service and Capitol Police from killing her. Carey’s moth­er said her daugh­ter was suf­fer­ing from post-par­tum depression.

If some­one breached the pri­vate sanc­tum of my home with­out my per­mis­sion I would be livid. This guy breached the Residence of the leader of the free world and there is no con­se­quences. What if this is a dry run? The President and his fam­i­ly were not at home at the time. What if they were? As the Media spot­light blazes and the pontificaters

They had no compunction about pumping bullets into Miriam Carey
They had no com­punc­tion about pump­ing bul­lets into Miriam Carey

grand­stand about Ray Rice and whether Roger Goodell should be fired the real seri­ous issues are receiv­ing no atten­tion . As I said in a pre­vi­ous Article, all of this noise about the NFL, though of some mer­it, is being done to drown out the calls for atten­tion to the killing of black men across America by Police.

With all of the hype sur­round­ing the Secret Service , I am yet to be con­vinced that this is a pro­fes­sion­al agency which takes the safe­ty of the Nation’s chief exec­u­tive and his fam­i­ly seri­ous­ly. Those wish­ing to do the President and his fam­i­ly harm only has to be right once. They seem to be get­ting a hell of a lot of oppor­tu­ni­ty toward that end.