Secret Service Head Resigns After Multiple Lapses Of President’s Security

Secret Service Director Julia Pierson Is she up to the Job she is given
Secret Service Director Julia Pierson
Is she up to the Job she is given

After fac­ing scathing crit­i­cism on Tuesday for the agency allow­ing an intrud­er with a knife to run into the White House, and allow­ing an armed con­trac­tor ride an ele­va­tor with President Barack Obama, the head of the U.S. Secret Service resigned today.Secret Service Director Julia Pierson acknowl­edged the agency charged with pro­tect­ing Obama had failed on Sept. 19 when it allowed a man to jump the fence at the home of the pres­i­dent, burst through the front door and run about 130 feet (40 meters) into the East Room, which is used for events and recep­tions. “This is unac­cept­able and I take full respon­si­bil­i­ty,” Pierson told a U.S. House of Representatives com­mit­tee. “We are all out­raged with­in the Secret Service at how this inci­dent came to pass. It is self-evi­dent mis­takes were made,” she said, promis­ing law­mak­ers that it would nev­er hap­pen again.

Related: Secret Service Blows Another Security Assignment

As a first step, Pierson said the front door of the White House now has an auto­mat­ed lock when there is a secu­ri­ty breach. It did not have one at the time of the intru­sion. Any dis­ci­pli­nary actions, how­ev­er, would be based on an inter­nal probe by the agency, Pierson said. The inci­dent was anoth­er black mark for the Secret Service, which has suf­fered a series of scan­dals includ­ing a lone gun­man fir­ing shots at the White House in 2011, a pros­ti­tu­tion scan­dal involv­ing agents in Colombia in 2012 and a night of drink­ing in March that led to three agents being sent home from a pres­i­den­tial trip to Amsterdam. Factbox

In anoth­er secu­ri­ty lapse for the agency, a pri­vate secu­ri­ty agent who had a gun shared an ele­va­tor with Obama in Atlanta on Sept. 16, three days before the White House intru­sion, a Secret Service offi­cial said. The man, who was oper­at­ing an ele­va­tor car­ry­ing Obama and his Secret Service detail dur­ing the pres­i­den­t’s vis­it to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, aroused sus­pi­cion when he began tak­ing pic­tures and video of Obama on his phone, the offi­cial said. During ques­tion­ing, the man’s super­vi­sor asked for his gun, star­tling Secret Service agents. Under agency rules, peo­ple with access to the pres­i­dent need spe­cial clear­ance to car­ry guns. The Washington Post, which along with the Washington Examiner, first report­ed the inci­dent, said the man had three con­vic­tions for assault and battery.

Related: Secret Service Scandal: It Gets Worse

House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, a Republican, said an inter­nal probe was insuf­fi­cient to rebuild trust in the agency. U.S. Representative Michael McCaul, chair­man of the House Committee on Homeland Security, said he would intro­duce leg­is­la­tion to cre­ate an inde­pen­dent com­mis­sion to con­duct a top-to-bot­tom review of the agency.

In a hear­ing last­ing more than three hours, law­mak­ers crit­i­cized Pierson’s ini­tial post-inci­dent state­ment, which made it appear intrud­er Omar Gonzalez was appre­hend­ed just inside the door. But she acknowl­edged on Tuesday that Gonzalez, an Iraq war vet­er­an, strug­gled with an offi­cer inside the door and crossed through a large foy­er into a hall­way and most of the way through the 80-foot (24-meter) East Room. Shortly before the intru­sion, Obama and his fam­i­ly had left for the weekend.


Gonzalez will return on Wednesday to fed­er­al court, where he has been charged with unlaw­ful entry while car­ry­ing a weapon. A fed­er­al grand jury indict­ed him on Tuesday on that fed­er­al offense, along with District of Columbia charges of car­ry­ing a dan­ger­ous weapon out­side a home or busi­ness and unlaw­ful pos­ses­sion of ammunition.

Related: Issa’s Hearing on Secret Service Lapses Could Bring Fireworks

The White House is sup­posed to be one of America’s most secure facil­i­ties,” Issa said. “How on Earth did this hap­pen?” Another Republican, U.S. Representative Jason Chaffetz, pressed Pierson on when offi­cers can use lethal force against intrud­ers in a mod­ern era of sui­cide bombers. She said such deci­sions were up to offi­cers, but they first need to deter­mine that they or oth­ers are in immi­nent danger.

Chaffetz told Pierson: “I want it to be crys­tal clear. You make a run and a dash at the White House, we’re gonna take you down. I want over­whelm­ing force. Do you dis­agree with me?” Pierson replied, “I do want offi­cers and agents to exe­cute appro­pri­ate force for any­one intend­ing to chal­lenge and breach the White House.”

Pierson said the Secret Service had appre­hend­ed 16 fence jumpers in the last five years, includ­ing six this year. On Sept. 11, some­one was caught sec­onds after scal­ing the fence. Lawmakers ques­tioned why Gonzalez had escaped more scruti­ny. In July, he was arrest­ed in Virginia for reck­less dri­ving, elud­ing police and pos­sess­ing a sawed-off shot­gun. In August, he was stopped, but not arrest­ed, while walk­ing along the south fence of the White House with a hatch­et in his waistband.

Pierson said the agency was down about 550 employ­ees from its opti­mal lev­el, and there had been staff reduc­tions fol­low­ing auto­mat­ic spend­ing cuts and “oth­er fis­cal constraints.”

Obama appoint­ed Pierson, 55, a 30-year Secret Service vet­er­an, in March 2013. The first female direc­tor in the agen­cy’s 148-his­to­ry, she was giv­en the mis­sion of clean­ing up the agen­cy’s culture.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama had con­fi­dence in Pierson and said she did not offer her res­ig­na­tion. That changed today when Pierson offered her res­ig­na­tion and President Obama accept­ed it.

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