SECRET DISSERVICE! Knife-wielding White House Intruder Not Stopped Because President’s Bodyguard Was Too Busy Chatting On His Personal Cellphone: Report

The knife-carrying intruder who burst into the White House wasn't stopped outside because a Secret Service agent was busy talking on a cell phone, it was reported Thursday.
The knife-car­ry­ing intrud­er who burst into the White House was­n’t stopped out­side because a Secret Service agent was busy talk­ing on a cell phone, it was report­ed Thursday.

The knife-car­ry­ing intrud­er who burst into the White House was­n’t stopped out­side because a Secret Service agent was busy talk­ing on a cell phone, it was report­ed Thursday. A series of “per­for­mance, orga­ni­za­tion­al and tech­ni­cal” fail­ures allowed Omar Gonzalez to break into the White House Sept. 19, accord­ing to Department of Homeland Security report obtained by The New York Times.

Omar Gonzalez, the knife-carrying intruder who burst into the White House wasn't stopped outside because a Secret Service agent was busy talking on a cell phone, it was reported Thursday.
Omar Gonzalez, the knife-car­ry­ing intrud­er who burst into the White House was­n’t stopped out­side because a Secret Service agent was busy talk­ing on a cell phone, it was report­ed Thursday.

The Secret Service agent guard­ing the north lawn, which Gonzalez crossed on his way to the front door, was in his van talk­ing on his cell, The Times report­ed. His wasn’t wear­ing his radio ear­piece at the time and had left a sec­ond radio in his lock­er, accord­ing to Homeland Security report cit­ed by The Times. The agency only became aware that Gonzalez, a U.S. Army vet, had entered the secure perime­ter when oth­er agents began run­ning after him.

The Secret Service alarm sys­tems also failed to work, let­ting Gonzalez scale the fence with­out sound­ing a warn­ing. The First Family had exit­ed the White House just moments before Gonzalez, who had a knife in his pock­et, burst inside.

He was tack­led by a guard in the hall­way and appre­hend­ed.‑1.2010399