Second Peter A Better Choice For Jamaica…

The People’s National Party is today Saturday, set to have a lead­er­ship elec­tion between Dr. Peter Phillips MP, the cur­rent leader of the par­ty and Peter Bunting MP, who is chal­leng­ing for lead­er­ship of the par­ty under his cam­paign slo­gan “Rise United”. The new leader is to be select­ed by del­e­gates with­in the par­ty.
Both men are for­mer min­is­ters of gov­ern­ment under past PNP admin­is­tra­tions.
In fact, both men have served as min­is­ters of nation­al secu­ri­ty in dif­fer­ent PNP administrations. 

Peter Phillips is 70-year-old, while Bunting is 59-years-old. Past lead­ers of the PNP Michael Manley, Percival Patterson and Portia Simpson Miller all past Prime Ministers of that par­ty were at Phillips’ age look­ing to exit the stage.
Asked about his deci­sion to con­test this chal­lenge to his lead­er­ship at a time when past lead­ers were look­ing to retire, Peter Phillips told the inter­view­er he could not just walk away sim­ply because some­one thought he was old.

Insofar as age goes, it real­ly does not mat­ter, how old a per­son, is as long as they are able to coher­ent­ly artic­u­late pol­i­cy direc­tions which are cogent and rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the future, not stuck in the past.
Having nev­er sat down with either man to talk about their views, it is dif­fi­cult for me to form an opin­ion of either, suf­fic­ing to say that the People’s National Party under its present lead­er­ship is still stuck in the hyper­bol­ic left­ist failed ide­ol­o­gy of the ’70s.
With clenched fists and ref­er­ence to each oth­er as “com­rades”, the PNP exudes ves­tiges of a time , pro­gres­sives and edu­cat­ed Jamaicans want to put in their rearview mir­rors.

Communism is a failed polit­i­cal ide­ol­o­gy, so too is social­ism. The Soviet Union and China were the two bas­tions of Communism in the 20th cen­tu­ry.
Today, the Soviet Union does not exist, for­mer states, with the excep­tion of maybe one or two, are inde­pen­dent states which have large­ly adopt­ed west­ern-style demo­c­ra­t­ic mar­ket-dri­ven poli­cies. Russia and China have both dereg­u­lat­ed their economies allow­ing for mar­ket forces to pro­vide wealth and oppor­tu­ni­ties for their peo­ple.
In actu­al­i­ty, not only has Communism failed, so too has the con­cept of demo­c­ra­t­ic social­ism.
It is to this sink­ing ide­ol­o­gy that the present PNP under Peter Phillips has con­tin­ued to teth­er itself.

To his cred­it, Peter Bunting is a younger leader who has cred­i­ble pri­vate sec­tor bona fides. Bunting is a wealthy for­mer busi­ness­man whom I believe Is the bet­ter choice of the two, giv­en his oppo­si­tion to demo­c­ra­t­ic social­ism as a polit­i­cal direc­tion.
The present JLP admin­is­tra­tion under the lead­er­ship of Prime Minister Andrew Holness is a par­ty which under­stands,( to some degree) how the pri­vate sec­tor is sup­posed to work for the bet­ter­ment of the coun­try.
The PNP seem­ing still strug­gles to under­stand that cit­i­zens are not sup­posed to depend on Government for jobs and or hand­outs.
A PNP under Peter Bunting in my esti­ma­tion, will give our coun­try two par­ties with bright young lead­ers who under­stand that the Government should not be an enabler but a facilitator.

It is with that in mind why I hope the del­e­gates in that par­ty select Peter Bunting to lead the par­ty into the future and away from the old ways of the past.