Science And God.

The greatness of a very creative and loving God is all around us ...
The great­ness of a very cre­ative and lov­ing God is all around us …

One of con­tem­po­rary man’s great­est idio­cy once he has been exposed to a lit­tle edu­ca­tion is the belief that the new knowl­edge he is exposed to reveals the non-exis­tence of God.
Hence he begins a cru­sade against his Creator while he strug­gles might­i­ly yet unsuc­cess­ful­ly to come up with a plau­si­ble alter­na­tive expla­na­tion for his mis­er­able existence.
Some Education can do that to a fool.
Noted Apologist Dr. Ravi Zachariah in com­ment­ing on this idio­cy , point­ed out that Liberalism in the Halls of acad­e­mia have turned knowl­edge into an Anti-God phe­nom­e­non in recent times.
Dr. Zachariah point­ed to the fact that his­tor­i­cal­ly the ‚most edu­cat­ed peo­ple were the most Religious until recent­ly when Liberalism invad­ed Academic spaces advanc­ing a view that sci­ence dis­proves God.
Unfortunately for these hea­thens Science and God are not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. Science explains God’s great­ness not dis­prove his existence.