
No amount of con­dem­na­tion and dis­gust would be enough in respond­ing to what we wit­nessed on an ama­teur video shot by a stu­dent in a Columbia South Carolina Schoolroom as school offi­cials and stu­dents stood and sat in numb silence as a state trained , paid and sanc­tioned Thug assault­ed a 16 year old girl in the most vicious way pos­si­ble under the guise and author­i­ty of law enforcement.
As nau­se­at­ed and dis­gust­ed as the world is at this vicious dis­play of bar­barism is, if stu­dents had not tak­en out their cell phones and record­ed this inci­dent no one would have been any wis­er, this stu­dent and her class­mates would have been assault­ed, trau­ma­tized and vic­tim­ized with­out con­se­quence to the offend­er. Life would have gone on as usu­al as it always has.

Life would have gone on as usu­al because for almost four hun­dred years this is exact­ly how black peo­ple have been treat­ed in this coun­try. As I said in pre­vi­ous articles,whatever hap­pened in that class­room which pre­cip­i­tat­ed the call­ing of the police, can­not be dis­cussed in the same con­text in which we dis­cuss what hap­pened after the police entered the room.
If we do so we unwit­ting­ly give tac­it sup­port to the bru­tal crim­i­nal bar­bar­i­ty and dis­gust­ing dis­play of dis­re­spect we all witnessed .

So when the head of the FBI James Comey comes out and blames cit­i­zens for video­tap­ing atroc­i­ties com­mit­ted against them by these bru­tal thugs in uni­form as the rea­son for the rise in crime this is what he wants to keep from you.
Clearly this was a crime and it should be pros­e­cut­ed if and when it is pros­e­cut­ed it will in fact add to the crime statistics.
The only thing James Comey did not say to the Police Chiefs and the Nation is that much of the crime is being com­mit­ted by those who are sworn to pro­tect and serve.

It was a telling moment at least for the 47 mil­lion Black cit­i­zens of this coun­try when the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigations came out and blamed them for non-vio­lent­ly record­ing police abuse against their per­sons , rather than speak to the atro­cious behav­ior we are wit­ness­ing in front our eyes.
For those in our com­mu­ni­ty who have his­tor­i­cal­ly seen the FBI as Savior against the forces of tyran­ny Comey’s speech must give you pause.


As we sort through this shock­ing event which hap­pened to the abused teenage girl and every oth­er stu­dent par­tic­u­lar­ly stu­dents of col­or we do a tremen­dous dis­ser­vice to them if we do not view what hap­pened to her in the greater con­text of the school to prison pipeline which the states have been run­ning in this coun­try essen­tial­ly turn­ing reg­u­lar dis­ci­pli­nary mat­ters into crimes and our school age chil­dren into criminals .

They start­ed with the sleigh of hand by not accept­ing that what they have done is mil­i­ta­rize schools with police. Somehow they fig­ured smart peo­ple would not be par­tic­u­lar­ly pleased with hav­ing gun-tot­ing cops hav­ing any­thing to do with their chil­dren inside their classrooms.
So what they did was to place gun-tot­ing cops into the class­rooms among your kids, only they cre­at­ed a more palat­able name for them. All of a sud­den the juiced up sher­if­f’s deputy is no longer a cop he is a school resource offi­cer.

What resource does he/​she bring to the school you decide ?
Students around the globe attend class­es at dif­fer­ent lev­els with­out hav­ing armed cops in their schools and they do just fine that’s the way it’s always been.
America cre­at­ed it’s own night­mare with it’s insane insa­tiable appetite and affin­i­ty for guns.
But as insane as that is that is not the big­ger issue. The real issue is the Country’s con­tin­ued obses­sion with crim­i­nal­iz­ing and incar­cer­at­ing its minori­ties by attack­ing stu­dents of col­or in the places where they should feel safest.

Make no mis­take about it there is a tac­tic yet explic­it accep­tance of this class­room to prison approach by the states and by a large sub­set of the white population.
Did I say a large sub­set of whites?
Yes a large per­cent­age of the white pop­u­la­tion is so hate­ful of Blacks that they will sup­port every harm which is brought about on the per­son of black people.
It is nev­er about their sup­port for police , in fact they are abused just as bad­ly by police . The fact is that they have devel­oped a pol­i­cy of “the ene­my of my ene­my is my friend”.
They are not sup­port­ing police they are sup­port­ing assault on Black peo­ple, it does not mat­ter whether it’s the police, the Russians or ISIL any­one who hates and is will­ing to assault Blacks are friends of theirs.

We see it in the data as it relates to how black stu­dents are dis­ci­plined with­in the school systems.
It is evi­dent in sus­pen­sion and expul­sion rates even though there is absolute­ly no data which sug­gests that black stu­dents are more dis­rup­tive in school.

We waste our time talk­ing about the action of the cop if the con­ver­sa­tion is not cen­tered on why state gov­ern­ments are turn­ing schools into police posts. Cops ought not be in class­rooms unless some­one pulls a gun or oth­er weapon on some­one else and they are called.
This act of Government which places cops in schools is designed to intim­i­date young peo­ple into acqui­esc­ing to Government’s demands or else. It has noth­ing to do with safety.

Most of us attend­ed schools in which there were no cops or any­where on the prop­er­ty , how many oth­er nations engages in this prac­tice oth­er than the United States?
I can tell you not many if at all…
Black America wise up the fir­ing of this cop alone will change nothing.