Despite the out­ra­geous and reck­less state­ments Antonin Scalia made from the bench at the Supreme Court yes­ter­day equat­ing the right of minori­ties to vote in America with racial enti­tle­ments, not a sin­gle Republican has come out in con­dem­na­tion of his statements.

Antonin Scalia
Antonin Scalia

Those Americans, and in par­tic­u­lar African-Americans who thought that some­how this coun­try had entered some sem­blance of post racial peri­od with the elec­tion of Barack Obama to the pres­i­den­cy ‚need to think again Conversely ‚Obama’s ele­va­tion has awak­ened what I am con­vinced always exist­ed here, a dark under-bel­ly of sin­is­ter evil, even in the high­est places of pow­er. We as humans and in par­tic­u­lar African-Americans must be on watch and in prayer for this pres­i­dent and his fam­i­ly, there are inher­ent evil arrayed against him which has noth­ing to do with his policies.

Whether you believe that Shelby County Alabama has a case in ask­ing the Supreme Court to remove it from Section 5 of the law which makes it manda­to­ry for the States named in the law (egre­gious pre­vi­ous offend­ers against the rights of minori­ties to vote) to get per­mis­sion from the Federal Government before mak­ing changes to their vot­ing laws is one issue.

The argu­ment of Shelby Count’s lawyers and seem­ing­ly the opin­ion of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts, that there are oth­er States which are big­ger offend­ers of the law and as such they ought to removed is insulting.

If the Presidential Elections of 2012 is an appro­pri­ate har­bin­ger of what will hap­pen to African-Americans in America then it is indeed a seri­ous time for intro­spec­tion reflec­tion and indeed some pan­ic. State Rights to the right-wing in America means the abil­i­ty to manip­u­late the laws using archa­ic and ille­gal meth­ods to pre­vent black peo­ple from vot­ing. It means lynch­ings with no one held account­able, it means abuse at the hands of the very peo­ple tasked with pro­tect­ing us. State Rights means rel­e­gat­ing black peo­ple to the back of the bus, it means dogs and water hoses , it means Federal Troops in order for our chil­dren to enter schools our tax­es built and main­tains. That is why they are against the Federal Government, when they talk about giv­ing States rights that is what they crave. Antonin Scalia’s igno­rant and poignant com­ments from the Bench, equat­ing the free and fair right of African Americans to vote as “Racial Entitlements brings to mind an impor­tant fact .Antonin Scalia was appoint­ed to the Supreme Court with a 98 ‑0 vote, the last time the Federal Voting Rights Act was re-autho­rized Senators vot­ed 98 – 0 .

Using Scalia’s own met­ric, it seem the time has come for his appoint­ment to be revis­it­ed, he is tenured, that appoint­ment is for life. Senators should get to work doing the nec­es­sary Legislative work in an effort to ensure that kind of igno­rance is removed from such a loft perch.