Samuel Alito Gloats, Chastised Foreign Leaders After Overturning Roe…

If it seems like wrong is win­ning, that right is being drowned out, or even that only good peo­ple are dying, you may not be too off base in your thinking.
Whether or not you believe abor­tion is right or wrong is hard­ly the issue, but when a group of 5 unelect­ed bureau­crats decides to take away rights that peo­ple had for almost half a cen­tu­ry, one gets to think­ing, ‘who gave them that right?
I thought the court was sup­posed to inter­pret the laws.
Am I wrong in think­ing that the court has no author­i­ty to give or take away the rights of citizens?
Whether you or I agree, the American Supreme court is now in the busi­ness of tak­ing away the rights that two gen­er­a­tions of Americans were born into. If that does not scare you, I have no idea what will.
Below, President Barack Obama chid­ed the court for over­turn­ing prece­dent and open­ing the door for spe­cial inter­est mon­ey to flood the elec­tions process. Samuel Alito had the gall to sit there and mouth the words ‘not true.” Every word the pres­i­dent said about that cit­i­zens unit­ed rul­ing was valid.

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As I try to unpack this dilem­ma for you, it is vital to under­stand what the major­i­ty of Americans who do not sup­port the anti-Democracy Republican par­ty are up against. 

It is also impor­tant that we flush out why the Republican par­ty gave up on Democracy and have now become a full-fledged author­i­tar­i­an polit­i­cal move­ment.
Five of those six Republicans on the high court vot­ed to over­turn (prece­dent on prece­dent) when they over­turned Roe Versus Wade; when ques­tioned dur­ing their con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings, at least three of those dis­hon­est liars said they would respect stare deci­sis, let the deci­sion stand, a foun­da­tion­al prin­ci­ple in jurisprudence.
But those liars, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney-Barrett, lied to get on the high­est court. They knew that they had no inten­tion of hon­or­ing what they told Senators.
All three of the afore­men­tioned liars have one thing in com­mon; they were all placed on the court by Donald Trump, a patho­log­i­cal liar, a cheat, and an ene­my of American Democracy.
The oth­er two clowns Clarence Tom-Ass, and Samuel Alito were both placed on the court by the Bush pres­i­den­tial dynasty of Herbert Walker Bush and his goof­ball son George W Bush respec­tive­ly, the 41st and 43rd pres­i­dents of the United States. 

The five who lied and cheat­ed their way onto the court were nom­i­nat­ed to the court by two of three pres­i­dents who gained office by the dis­crim­i­na­to­ry elec­toral col­lege despite not being elect­ed by the major­i­ty of the American people.
Let it sink in that Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amey Coney-Barret ascend­ed to the court by a one-term pres­i­dent, Donald Trump who lost the pop­u­lar vote, was impeached twice in his sin­gle term, and launched an attack on con­gress after he lost reelec­tion to stay in power.
Alito was appoint­ed by Bush 43rd, a pres­i­dent many said was a war crim­i­nal. Clarence Tom-Ass, appoint­ed by Bush 41, was dogged with alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al harass­ment dur­ing his con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings. In its wis­dom of advice and con­sent, the United States Senate con­firmed him to the high­est court despite those allegations.
The same alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al impro­pri­ety dogged Brett Kavanaugh dur­ing his con­fir­ma­tion hear­ings. Still, the reac­tionary Republican-held Senate again con­firmed a judge under a cloud of sex­u­al impro­pri­ety alle­ga­tions onto the high­est court.
The world got to see Samuel Alito’s arro­gance and polit­i­cal cleav­ings then, and the world is see­ing the arro­gance of Alito today as he is no longer constrained.
The 6 – 3 Republican major­i­ty on the court has not only giv­en the likes of Tom-Ass, Alito, and oth­ers the pow­er to reshape America, they are pret­ty uncon­cerned about how they flaunt their pow­er, even overseas.

The Code of Conduct for United States Judges (the Code) is a set of eth­i­cal canons that the Judicial Conference of the United States (Judicial Conference) has adopt­ed to pro­mote pub­lic con­fi­dence in the integri­ty, inde­pen­dence, and impar­tial­i­ty of the fed­er­al judi­cia­ry. The Code gov­erns the behav­ior of most fed­er­al judges; how­ev­er, it does not explic­it­ly apply to Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Although the Justices con­sult the Code, along with oth­er sources, for guid­ance when per­form­ing their judi­cial duties, the Court is not present­ly sub­ject to a defined body of gen­er­al eth­i­cal rules. (https://​sgp​.fas​.org/​c​r​s​/mi)
Samuel Alito knows that there are real­ly no rules gov­ern­ing how they con­duct them­selves; after all, he was installed by a pres­i­dent who did [not] win the pop­u­lar vote, he lied about how he would approach prece­dent, and wrote the opin­ion over­turn­ing half a cen­tu­ry of prece­dent in Roe V Wade.
He also saw Clarence Tom-Ass and his wife *‘Ginny’*(* Ginny, an appro­pri­ate name for the wife of an Ass) con­duct them­selves as if they are in a banana republic.
Oh, wait.….
Never mind!
The Ginny thing? It’s a Jamaican thing you would­n’t understand.

Alito is so proud of his role in the destruc­tion of Roe that he is not con­tent to rev­el in the vic­to­ry right-wing reac­tionar­ies have sought for 49 years; he went to Rome, where he chas­tised world lead­ers for dar­ing to com­ment on what he and his cohorts did.
Speaking from Rome at an event host­ed by Notre Dame Law School, Alito said the abor­tion rights case prompt­ed “a few sec­ond thoughts” on his belief that American judges have no busi­ness cri­tiquing oth­er coun­tries’ court rulings.
I had the hon­or this term of writ­ing, I think, the only Supreme Court deci­sion in the his­to­ry of that insti­tu­tion that has been lam­bast­ed by a whole string of for­eign lead­ers,” he said, paus­ing for laugh­ter from the audi­ence, “who felt per­fect­ly fine com­ment­ing on American law.” “One of these was for­mer [British] Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but he paid the price,” Alito said mock­ing­ly, prompt­ing more laughs. He threw in a legal joke: “Post hoc ergo propter hoc, right?”

Johnson had called the deci­sion a “back­ward step.” He recent­ly stepped down over an unre­lat­ed string of scandals.
“But oth­ers are still in office,” Alito con­tin­ued. “President [Emmanuel] Macron and Prime Minister Trudeau, I believe, are two.” Canada’s Justin Trudeau called the deci­sion “hor­rif­ic,” and the French leader released a state­ment express­ing sol­i­dar­i­ty with Americans “whose free­doms have today been com­pro­mised by the U.S. Supreme Court.”
“What real­ly wound­ed me, what real­ly wound­ed me, was when the Duke of Sussex addressed the United Nations and seemed to com­pare the deci­sion whose name may not be spo­ken with the Russian attack on Ukraine,” Alito said. Chuckles and groans could be heard across the audi­ence. (As report­ed by HuffPost).
Samuel Alito is in his ele­ment, and so are the oth­er Trump appointees on the court, but I hope you weren’t sur­prised that this is happening.
You sim­ply can­not get clean wine from dirty bot­tles. The deci­sion to over­turn Roe was not about whether or not the deci­sion was con­sti­tu­tion­al. The rad­i­cal repub­li­can major­i­ty that con­trols the court is as uneth­i­cal, unprin­ci­pled, and immoral as the peo­ple who appoint­ed them and the Senators who vot­ed to con­firm them.
These are the prod­ucts of the Federalist Society that rais­es the likes of Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney-Barrett, and oth­ers to main­tain white suprema­cy and Christian fun­da­men­tal­ism in America.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.