We Ask Again How Safe Is President Obama In Light Of These Revelations

The much ignored sto­ry of Omar Gonzales a 42 year old Iraq Veteran who scaled the White House fence ran across the Lawns and entered the res­i­dence of the President of The United States is now gath­er­ing steam. CNN now reports.The man who jumped the White House fence ear­li­er this month and breached the mansion’s doors actu­al­ly made it far­ther than orig­i­nal­ly thought, offi­cials said Monday.


Officially thought by whom? What was the offi­cial report giv­en about this inci­dent? Why would it require a whis­tle-blow­er to tell a Politician, Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz a mem­ber of the over­sight com­mit­tee that Gonzalez ran through much of the main floor, past a stair­way that leads up to the first family’s res­i­dence, and was ulti­mate­ly stopped at the far south­ern end of the East Room. He also reached the door­way to the Green Room, an area that looks out on the South Lawn. New infor­ma­tion sur­faced that one Secret Service Agent was over­pow­ered by Gonzalez before he was ulti­mate­ly sub­dued. The Secret Service had pre­vi­ous­ly stat­ed that Gonzalez was stopped after enter­ing the front door of the North Portico. Why would the Secret Service delib­er­ate­ly lie about this? Chaffetz con­firmed the details of what now appears to be a wild chase through the main floor of the White House, first report­ed by theWashington Post.

East Room
East Room

Chaffetz a Republican could not miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to play pol­i­tics how­ev­er , say­ing quote: “I could not be more proud of the indi­vid­ual agents, but I wor­ry that Director (Julia) Pierson and the lead­er­ship there at the Secret Service is fail­ing them,”. It would have been a mod­ern day mir­a­cle had a Republican dealt with a seri­ous issue with­out resort­ing to politics.

I’m not sure what Jason Chaffetz knows about secu­ri­ty, what I do know is that no one should be proud of those Agents who were work­ing that day. All of them who were involved let the President his fam­i­ly and ulti­mate­ly the Country down. It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that any Security Officer worth his/​her train­ing would allow an intrud­er to breach the fence , sprint across the Lawn and enter the home of the leader of the free world with­out tak­ing him out. To those talk­ing about the restraint, I say “bull”. Where was the restraint when they shot Miriam Carey?

This was not restraint. What hap­pened was an egre­gious dere­lic­tion of duty ! Gonzalez was armed with a knife, accord­ing to reports. For all those Agents knew he could have had a gun, he could have had a bomb. What if he had a bomb strapped to him­self and a tim­ing device. This is beyond seri­ous. The President and his Family could have been there, they could have been hurt or worse. This is as seri­ous a breach as ever in this Agency’s long list of foul-ups in their mis­sion to pro­tect the first fam­i­ly. Never have we heard of this lev­el of care­less­ness and incom­pe­tence in the pro­tec­tion of an American President.

Which leads us to ask whether this is incom­pe­tence or is there some­thing else going on? Can we even trust this ver­sion of events when there has been so many dif­fer­ent sto­ries com­ing from that Agency?

To sug­gest that Gonzalez suf­fers from PTSD is beside the point. Miriam Carey was suf­fer­ing from Post Partum Depression and she is dead. Restraint is being legal­ly jus­ti­fied in killing but refrain­ing from doing so because it is avoid­able. When you have a duty to pro­tect the President and his fam­i­ly and you allow that kind of breach to occur it is not restraint. It is incompetence.