I listened and read some of the unfortunate statements that has surfaced from some quarters, after the brilliant performances of Jamaica’s athletes at the Beijing and more recently the London Olympics.

As I age, I seek to be more objec­tive, less impetu­ous, I make greater effort to seek out com­mon ground with those with whom I dis­agree, or con­verse­ly those who dis­agree with me, with a view to at least under­stand­ing how peo­ple who dis­agree with me feel, or at least walk away with an under­stand­ing of how they arrived at their perspective.

Carl Lewis

As such, the com­ments of for­mer American Olympian Carl Lewis, is the most unfor­tu­nate and painful,of all the chat­ter. Lewis’ state­ments are the most trou­bling for me, because on the face of it ‚we could argue he is bad-mind­ed, envi­ous, angry, jeal­ous, what­ev­er. We may find a whole slew of expla­na­tions for Mister Lewis’ out­burst at the Jamaican con­tin­gen­t’s suc­cess, and par­tic­u­lar­ly that of world recorder hold­er Usain Bolt.

Following Bolt’s per­for­mance in Beijing, Lewis told Sports Illustrated: “Countries like Jamaica do not have a ran­dom pro­gram, so they can go months with­out being test­ed. I’m not say­ing any­one is on any­thing, but every­one needs to be on a lev­el play­ing field​.Read more: http://

If you don’t ques­tion that in a sport that has the rep­u­ta­tion it has right now, you’re a fool,” Lewis said. “Period.“http://​www​.latimes​.com/​s​p​o​r​t​s​/​s​p​o​r​t​s​n​o​w​/​l​a​-​s​p​-​s​n​-​u​s​a​i​n​-​b​o​l​t​-​r​i​p​s​-​c​a​r​l​-​l​e​w​i​s​-​m​a​y​-​l​o​s​e​-​s​o​m​e​-​a​m​e​r​i​c​a​n​-​s​u​p​p​o​r​t​-​2​0​1​2​0​8​1​0​,​0​,​4​6​6​3​0​8​1​.​s​t​ory

I feel a cer­tain sense of sor­row at mis­ter Lewis’ state­ments because of the deep­er under­ly­ing rea­sons I believe we are still wag­ing this war against each oth­er as great , great grand-chil­dren of slaves. No one was more proud when Carl Lewis was win­ning his medals in the 80’s, for me his vic­to­ries were our vic­to­ries, all Jamaicans cheered Lewis and Riddick and Williams and all oth­er American ath­letes of col­or who rose above the vicious assault of Jim Crowe in America, to dom­i­nate track and field the way Mohamed Ali Had per­se­vered to dom­i­nate and inspire the world even after being imprisoned.

Shelly Anne Fraser-Pryce , fastest woman in the world.

Our unique Jamaican-ness makes us iden­ti­fy with peo­ple wher­ev­er and when­ev­er they strug­gle for free­dom jus­tice, and basic human rights,and dig­ni­ty. As our lead­ers have fought to get Nelson Mandel released from that hor­ri­ble prison-cell on Robin Island in South Africa, so too did we cheer for mis­ter Lewis when he won, his vic­to­ries were our vic­to­ries, he was one of us.

Even though we had our own ath­letes in those Olympics, Lewis’ vic­to­ries rep­re­sent­ed some­thing big­ger for us, it was more that sports, those vic­to­ries were polit­i­cal state­ments to the for­ti­tude and the indomitable spirt of oppressed peo­ple to per­se­vere to sur­vive and to triumph.

Jamaican Olympic team.

Comments com­ing from the usu­al sources do not both­er me much, after all those who were for gen­er­a­tions used to hav­ing unfair advan­tages ‚were not going to believe oth­ers can com­pete suc­cess­ful­ly and win with­out the ben­e­fits of those advan­tages they were used to having.

Chairman of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO), Professor Winston Davidson, is describ­ing claims by a mem­ber of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), that it is dif­fi­cult to find and test Jamaican ath­letes, as “a vicious attack on a small coun­try”. Davidson’s com­ments came moments after he emerged from a meet­ing with JADCO board mem­bers who spent the greater part of yes­ter­day comb­ing through their data­base to find evi­dence to back up the claim by the IOC offi­cial.

Professor Winston DavidsonProfessor Winston Davidson:

No evi­dence

The mem­bers turned up emp­ty-hand­ed in their search.“What Mr (Dick) Pound said was bla­tant­ly false. We knew it was spu­ri­ous, but we spent the whole day try­ing to find evi­dence of it,” Davidson said.“We don’t think they would do this to America and oth­er big­ger coun­tries. It is a vicious attack on a small coun­try,” Davidson fumed.http://

The eupho­ria on the faces of Shelly Anne Fraser-Pryce and oth­ers messers Lewis and Pound, is not that which you are used to see­ing from some of your own coun­try-folk and col­leagues, these are the expres­sions of pure unadul­ter­at­ed ‚joy from accom­plish­ing against all odds.

Veronica Campbell-Brown.

The thrill of vic­to­ry from hard work, per­se­ver­ance, and suc­ceed­ing when you are told you could­n’t , you are not good enough. That gen­tle­men is what you see on the tracks and in their per­for­mances and the indeli­ble joy etched in their indi­vid­ual faces, that gen­tle­men is not from dope, that is pure accomplishment.

You both should try it sometime.

It is sad when a black man allows him­self to be a tool to those who would destroy his broth­ers, and sis­ters. Carl Lewis has fur­ther rel­e­gat­ed him­self to the dust-bin of his­to­ry, anoth­er (Benedict Arnold) , anoth­er Uncle-Tom who is too self-absorbed in his own fail­ings too con­sumed in his own mis­er­able life to acknowl­edge and cel­e­brate the suc­cess­es of those who have gen­uine­ly earned it.

For that I tru­ly feel sor­ry for Carl Lewis, a man who has accom­plished ter­rif­ic feats in track and field, but who has allowed self-cen­tered nar­cis­sis­tic ego­ma­nia to ren­der him a mere foot-note in history.