S.C. COP Fired And Arrested After Stomping Man In Head…(Watch Video)

Wherever you read these arti­cles, that often­times gets buried by the main­stream media, unless pub­lic out­cry forces them to cov­er them, the offend­ers are usu­al­ly the same white police offi­cers egre­gious­ly assault­ing and mur­der­ing peo­ple of col­or, usu­al­ly Black Americans.
Regular Americans have become watch­dogs over police because their depart­ments, unions, and the polit­i­cal pow­er struc­ture that have author­i­ty over them refus­es stead­fast­ly to hold these racist mur­der­ers accountable.
Instead, they con­tin­ue with the false nar­ra­tive that police abus­es are iso­lat­ed inci­dents, or worse, do not exist at all.
Private CCTV cam­eras have become ene­mies of police crime to the extent that the body-worn cam­eras that tax­pay­ers pay for to hold them account­able gen­er­al­ly nev­er gets turned on when they are abus­ing mem­bers of the pub­lic, end up being manip­u­lat­ed, evi­dence removed, and the pub­lic told it has no right to those recordings.
It is a vast con­spir­a­cy between the police, their unions, pros­e­cu­tors and Judges, and polit­i­cal patrons.

The fact that any American Police offi­cer is now being held account­able is a func­tion of decades of agi­ta­tion from Black People who decid­ed that they would no longer sit still while white race sol­diers in police uni­forms con­tin­ue to mur­der and oth­er­wise abuse them.

The events in 2020 in which Derek Chauvin open­ly mur­dered George Floyd in broad day­light in Minneapolis, Minnesota, have shone an unyield­ing spot­light on police crimes across America that can longer be denied and make an abject fool of cop apologist.
The rash of evi­dence that proves that most police offi­cers are racist bul­lies or weak-kneed cow­ards who refuse to step in and pre­vent crime can no longer be denied.
Recent laws in some munic­i­pal­i­ties that seek to pun­ish offi­cers for not stop­ping their col­leagues from assault­ing mem­bers of the pub­lic are still a work in progress.
It will be inter­est­ing to see how these cas­es are treat­ed by pro-police right-wing judges, to the extent that cas­es of that nature are brought before the court, con­sid­er­ing the pro-police abuse com­plic­i­ty of so many pros­e­cu­tor’s offices.
None of these atroc­i­ties would have come to light if the pub­lic still depend­ed on Police depart­ments to do the right thing, inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of abuse by their offi­cers, and take the appro­pri­ate cor­rec­tive mea­sures against cops who clear­ly are abus­ing their authority.
It too cit­i­zens jour­nal­ists to gath­er footage, some­times risk­ing life and limb on high­ways when they see police abus­ing oth­er citizens.

It is not with­out risk to film their crimes as we saw just days ago in a Miami Beach hotel lob­by where a swarm of those uni­formed thugs bru­tal­ly attacked a sin­gle Black man who had already sur­ren­dered and was hand­cuffed like rabid dogs and bru­tal­ly assault­ed him and a bystander who had the courage to film the encounter.
These kinds of events are not anom­alies; they are the norm. For as long as I can recall, the main­stream media glo­ri­fied police and ignored police abuse, in my mind, gra­tu­itous­ly por­tray­ing police as heroes to be thanked and wor­shipped above every oth­er cat­e­go­ry of workers.
As a for­mer police offi­cer, I nev­er under­stood the rea­son for that until lat­er, when I began to under­stand how these insti­tu­tions were set up and lion­ized and made to be pro­tec­tors of white supremacy.
Almost two decades after the FBI warned that white suprema­cists had invad­ed police depart­ments, nei­ther the depart­ments nor gov­ern­ment at any lev­el took any steps to root out these white ter­ror­ists from their midsts.
To begin with, these police depart­ments were a mere step up from the slave patrols from which they were gen­e­sis, so, under­stand­ably, no one would take the warn­ings seri­ous­ly or con­sid­er doing any­thing about them.


S.C. officer fired and arrested after stomping man in head, authorities say…

A 58-year-old man in Orangeburg, S.C., was stomped by a police officer on July 26, 2021.
A 58-year-old man in Orangeburg, S.C., was stomped by a police offi­cer on July 26, 2021

Orangeburg Department of Public Safety Officer David Lance Dukes is charged with first-degree assault and battery in the July 26 attack, officials said

A police offi­cer in Orangeburg has been fired and arrest­ed after stomp­ing the head of a man who was on his hands and knees, caus­ing his head to hit the con­crete, South Carolina author­i­ties said. Orangeburg Department of Public Safety Officer David Lance Dukes is charged with first-degree assault and bat­tery in the attack on July 26, accord­ing to a war­rant from the State Law Enforcement Division. Dukes ordered a 58-year-old man who walks with a stick to the ground, but he moves care­ful­ly because he has pins and rods in his leg from a pre­vi­ous injury, attor­ney Justin Bamberg told The Times and Democrat of Orangeburg.


Because of my client’s dis­abil­i­ty, he’s rel­a­tive­ly slow,” Bamberg said. The man suf­fered a bruise to his fore­head and was tak­en to the hos­pi­tal by para­medics, accord­ing to the arrest war­rant. Dukes’ lawyer said he ful­ly coop­er­at­ed with the state police and is tak­ing the case seri­ous­ly. “This is a dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion and an unfor­tu­nate sit­u­a­tion,” Jack Furse said. “He has absolute­ly no vio­lent his­to­ry, and he’s not a pro­cliv­i­ty to violence.”
Orangeburg Public Safety offi­cials said Dukes, 38, was fired after their own review of the inci­dent, which was cap­tured on a body camera.
Bamberg said he hopes the city will release that footage. (by the AP)

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.