Rumsfeld Dead At 88

June 30 — Donald Rumsfeld, a force­ful U.S. defense sec­re­tary who was the main archi­tect of the Iraq war until President George W. Bush replaced him as the United States found itself bogged down after 3−1÷2 years of fight­ing, has died at age 88, his fam­i­ly said in a state­ment on Wednesday.

It is with deep sad­ness that we share the news of the pass­ing of Donald Rumsfeld, an American states­man and devot­ed hus­band, father, grand­fa­ther and great grand­fa­ther,” the state­ment said. “At 88, he was sur­round­ed by fam­i­ly in his beloved Taos, New Mexico.”

The state­ment did not say when Rumsfeld died.
Read more @ https://​www​.reuters​.com/​w​o​r​l​d​/​u​s​/​f​o​r​m​e​r​-​u​s​-​d​e​f​e​n​s​e​-​s​e​c​r​e​t​a​r​y​-​d​o​n​a​l​d​-​r​u​m​s​f​e​l​d​-​d​e​a​d​-88 – 2021-06 – 30/