Rubio & Cruz Both Claim To Be Christians, Boys Please.…

The American polit­i­cal right has some of the worst human beings any­where on plan­et earth; I expect­ed the despi­ca­ble stink behav­ior from Ron Johnson, Mitch Mcconnell, et al., but the ones that real­ly kill me are the likes of Raphael Cruz and Marco Rubio.
I have no idea why these two Hispanics rub me the wrong way and cause me to be so angry.
Oh hell, who am I fool­ing? I do know why I can’t stand either of those two fakes. They act white like they are more white than the stu­pid racist whites who still cling to the igno­rant idea that they are supe­ri­or to oth­er races.
Raphael Cruz is so despi­ca­ble that not even the peo­ple he tries to impress like him. What a piece of crap.
Raphael Cruz is an immi­grant born some­where in Canada. Rubio, on the oth­er hand was born in Miami, Florida, one of four chil­dren of Cuban immi­grants who came to America in 1956.
Despite their hum­ble begin­nings, these two Hispanic immi­grants are two of the most anti-immi­grant in the United States. At this point, it is rea­son­able to say that the United States of America would be a bet­ter coun­try with­out these two hate­ful Cubans.
Raphael Cruz hates his Hispanic her­itage so much that he calls him­self “Ted.” I hope none of you refer to him as Ted; his name is Raphael. 

We all know Raphael is a super douche, and we some­times over­look the fact that Marco Rubio may be an even big­ger douche-bag than old Raphael from time to time. It’s as if the two Cubans do and say out­ra­geous things to get attention.
For exam­ple, the recent announce­ment by the Biden Administration that it intends to grant some stu­dent debt relief to Americans who qual­i­fy by virtue of their earnings.
Most Republicans came out against the plan label­ing it unfair! I was shocked that the only char­ac­ter­i­za­tion the fas­cists in that par­ty would use such a mild word as ‘unfair’ and not some­thing more caus­tic like social­ist or communist.
Raphael Cruz argued that stu­dent-loan for­give­ness will ben­e­fit the “slack­er barista” who got a “use­less” degree. Many of those slack­er baris­tas undoubt­ed­ly live in the state of Texas and Florida and will be vot­ing for these two clowns when the time comes.
As I have said many times, this gives me seri­ous pause when it comes to the ques­tion of one man, one vote.
Rubio and the Florida Republican Governor Ron Desantis, a wannabe dic­ta­tor, mod­eled in Donald Trump’s image, came out against the plan.
But it is Marco Rubio that rubs me the worst of the two clowns. Rubio told FAUX dis­in­for­ma­tion chan­nel quote:
“I owed over $100,000 in stu­dent loans,” Rubio said. “The day I got elect­ed to the Senate I had over $100,000 still in stu­dent loans that I was able to pay off because I wrote a book. And from that mon­ey I was able to pay it, if not I’d still be pay­ing it.”
Conventional wis­dom dic­tates that, at the very least, the lat­ter part of Rubio’s state­ment would be rea­son enough that he should be hap­py that poor Americans are final­ly get­ting a break from oner­ous stu­dent debt. But Republicans do not care about any­one but them­selves. Everything is about them, and as soon as they claw their way out of the bar­rel, it’s to hell with every­one else.

Rubio said he thought the stu­dent-loan for­give­ness was “ille­gal” and that “the pres­i­dent does­n’t have the author­i­ty to do it.” He reit­er­at­ed his belief that can­cel­ing the debt was “unfair,” not­ing that 85% of Americans do not have debt from stu­dent loans because they paid them off or nev­er took them out.
The bot­tom line for the lit­tle grem­lin and his cohorts is that any­thing that ben­e­fits the poor­est Americans is a major issue for Republicans.
The irony is that, like most oth­er Scribes and Pharisees who pro­fess to be Christians, Marco Rubio has no love in his heart for any­one but themselves.
Marco Rubio often talks about faith and wrote about his reli­gious con­vic­tions in his 2012 book, “An American Son: A Memoir.” His par­ents bap­tized him Catholic, and he is now a prac­tic­ing Catholic — after explor­ing the Mormon and Southern Baptist faiths.
After a crush­ing defeat in his home state of Florida for the Republican Nomination for President in 2016, Rubio tried to prove he was the right elec­toral fit for the GOP pres­i­den­tial nom­i­na­tion; he con­tin­u­al­ly gave all pow­er and praise to God and assured vot­ers: “There’s only one sav­ior, and it’s not me. It’s Jesus Christ, who came down to Earth and died for our sins.”
I seri­ous­ly won­der what God Marco Rubio was refer­ring to when he demon­stra­bly has zero com­pas­sion for the poor and less fortunate.
Marco Rubio is a fake and a fraud. He is the anthe­sis of what Yeshua the Christ stood for, car­ing for the poor and des­ti­tute, feed­ing the hun­gry, vis­it­ing the incar­cer­at­ed, and look­ing out for the chil­dren and the elderly.
On every charge that Yeshua left us, Rubio and his right-wing fas­cist ilk have failed the American peo­ple, yet as I said in a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, poor whites and the Cubans down in Miami con­tin­ue to vote for Republicans.
The Cubans make me laugh; their hatred for the Castros still makes them slaves to their fas­cist Colonizers; maybe Marco Rubio and Raphael Cruz should do a lit­tle read­ing up on the his­to­ry of Cuba.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.