Rubio A Cheap Political Hustler.

The field of 2016 presidential candidates includes 16 Republicans and five Democrats. (AP)
The field of 2016 pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates includes 16 Republicans and five Democrats. (AP)

Normally I stay away from the hus­tings of the polit­i­cal trail. Generally the com­ments are over the top, out­landish, real­ly said for shock value.
The ben­e­fit of shock val­ue this polit­i­cal cycle should not be under­es­ti­mat­ed as the Republican field is now a crowd­ed 16-per­son-field to date who knows what oth­er nar­cis­sist will dive in before this is done.

In this over­crowd­ed Republican field Establishment can­di­dates are hav­ing a hard time reg­is­ter­ing in the polls. despite huge name recog­ni­tion Florida’s Jeb Bush. Ohio’s John Kasich. New Jersey’s Chris Christie. New York’s George Pataki. Liousiana’s Bobby Jindal.Arkansas Mike Huchakabe. Wisconsyn’s Scott Walker and Texa’s Rick Perry all Governors and for­mer Governors are hav­ing a hard time qual­i­fy­ing to make the debate stage in the first debate.

Then there are the Senators and for­mer Senators Rick Santorum. Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio. Rand Paul and Lindsay Graham.

Ben Carson is a for­mer Brain sur­geon ‚Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump comes from the busi­ness road.

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Despite my expec­ta­tions that I will see and hear the reg­u­lar crazy over the top rhetoric from Republicans and to some degree Democrats fight­ing back . I was stunned to hear Florida’s Marco Rubio say on FOX in crit­i­ciz­ing Donald Trump.
Quote: We already have a President in the white House who has no class”
I was nev­er a fan of this snivel­ing lit­tle self hat­ing Cuban Hispanic but I real­ly got­ta ask what is this lit­tle polit­i­cal hus­tler talk­ing about?
I mean who is this guy?
This lit­tle turd turned his back on Hispanics who are try­ing to reg­u­lar­ize their sta­tus. When his own Cuban par­ents ben­e­fit­ed from the kind­ness of American for­eign pol­i­cy toward Cubans look­ing to flee Cuba.
This lit­tle “noth­ing” like his oth­er Cuban coun­ter­part Ted Cruz, are the worst kind of polit­i­cal opportunists.

How dare this insignif­i­cant lit­tle idiot say Obama has no class. When Barack Obama exem­pli­fies ever sin­gle char­ac­ter­is­tic Conservatives say is symp­to­matic of a good American?
This lit­tle hus­tler make those com­ments when he is doing every­thing in his pow­er to begin to qual­i­fy for a posi­tion Obama won comfortably.
Twice !!!
Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal sin­cere­ly believe they are white As these three stooges jock­ey to be heard above the noise of the polit­i­cal din nei­ther can run away from their heritage.
This Marco Rubio the self loathing Cuban hus­tler how­ev­er does take the cake.