Romney’s Strategy Is, Tell As Many Lies On Obama As Possible, Then Say, “elect Me I’m Not Him”.

Mitt Romney went to Reno Nevada today and spoke to vet­er­ans of Foreign Wars, the group was addressed by the pres­i­dent on July 23rd. Romney addressed the group as he pre­pared to leave for England, Poland and Israel.

I could­n’t help but chuck­le as I watched him strut­ting around the stage like a wound-up toy, with his sig­na­ture short, rapid, stiff steps, then lis­ten­ing to his bel­li­cose Foreign Policy speech that was giv­en to him by the neo-cons in his par­ty who are still on the same destruc­tive path they have been on for decades. Their Foreign premised on America’s Military strength and Hegemony. They believe America should go around the around the world top­pling gov­ern­ments and installing the inter­est of the 1%.

Obama obvi­ous­ly thinks what worked for him last time is going to work this time, the mis­ter nice guy demeanor works when you are first seek­ing the pres­i­den­cy, I’m not sure this will play very well with the elec­torate this time around. Obama spoke yes­ter­day in Reno with­out address­ing Romney by name, his address before this tra­di­tion­al group was rather tame and lack-lus­ter, not so with Romney.

Mitt Romney was all lath­ered up, froth spew­ing from the sides of his mouth, as he strug­gled to deliv­er the lie-laden right-wing spiel, his deci­bel lev­el increased marked­ly as the veins in his neck bulged out , every line an attack on Obama, with noth­ing beyond if I’m your pres­i­dent I will or I will not depend­ing on the line.

Obama for his part goes around talk­ing as if he is still a law pro­fes­sor, speak­ing in vague terms that repub­li­cans pick apart and use against him. As I have said before if Obama feels he will win this elec­tion com­ing up in November by being nice he is wrong, if the pres­i­dent is tired or feel he has noth­ing to prove and as such he is will­ing to throw this elec­tion, he should step aside and allow a Democratic can­di­date like Hillary Clinton to step up and defend the par­ty and the ideals intel­li­gent peo­ple in this coun­try believe in .

Romney’s plan to win the pres­i­den­cy is sim­ple it seem, tell as many lies on Obama as is pos­si­ble, berate him at cam­paign stops on those lies, then say I am not Obama, vote for me. Of course Mitt Romney’s only rea­son for want­i­ng to be pres­i­dent is that he wants to be president.

So far it seem it is work­ing nation­al polls have shown him run­ning neck and neck with Obama, and of course there are more than enough low infor­ma­tion and illit­er­ates who will be vot­ing who frankly may real­ize Romney’s raw ambi­tion for him. They may just make his strat­e­gy a viable one.