The debate over pri­or­i­ties USA Ad rages on, the Ad fea­tures steel-work­er Joe Soptic lament­ing the loss of his wife to can­cer. Mister Soptic lost his job at a steel-plant ‚when the Romney led Bain Capital closed the plant where he had worked for years.

First off that pri­or­i­ties Ad, does not run on tele­vi­sion any­where, the Ad, was made, the lame-stream media picked up on it and it went viral, so in essence pri­or­i­ties gets their mes­sage out with­out hav­ing to spend mil­lions doing so, brilliant.

That aside, some of the loud­est voic­es, as per usu­al, are com­ing from lame democ­rats.

Former Indiana US Senator Evan Bayh who left the Senate bemoan­ing the lack of bi-par­ti­san­ship in Washington DC, was on Fox Sunday morn­ing August 12th acqui­esc­ing to John Roberts’ prompt­ing that win­ning dirty leaves the vic­tor no man­date to govern.

Evan Bayh

John Roberts for­mer­ly of CNN is now one of the talk­ing heads on Fox news, he fur­thers FOX ’ right-wing agen­da, pret­ty much like every­one else who works on that organ of mis­in­for­ma­tion and lies. Democratic guests on his Sunday morn­ing show with will find them­selves argu­ing their case against Roberts and the oth­er Republicans.

Anyway back to Evan Bayh, what does Bayh mean agree­ing with a right-wing hack, that in the event President Obama wins dirty he will get no help from Republicans in Governing? Is this guy for real ? Evan Bayh was a Hillary Clinton sup­port­er, Barack Obama won Indiana not because of Evan Bayh, but despite him. Evan Bayh rep­re­sents the group, repub­li­can or demo­c­rat ‚which is most resis­tant to Obama’s pres­i­den­cy, white male.

This is the most non­sen­si­cal state­ment that could come from any per­son claim­ing to be a demo­c­rat, where was the help com­ing from repub­li­cans, day one of Obama’s pres­i­den­cy? was it in the state­ment of Bayh’s for­mer col­league from Kentucky Mitch Mc Connel whose stat­ed goal is to make Barack Obama a one term pres­i­dent? was it in the his­toric num­ber of Republican fil­i­busters in the Senate which makes pass­ing the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da impos­si­ble? Or was it in the una­nim­i­ty with which his repub­li­can friends have ensured that they jammed the pres­i­den­t’s poli­cies, poli­cies which by the way would pro­vide jobs and improve the lives of American’s.

Or was it in the way so-called blue-dog democ­rats have wran­gled and argued, when they had the house and sen­ate and did not pass the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da? Does Bayh sup­port the pres­i­dent, is he pre­tend­ing to sup­port Barack Obama or is he a pres­i­den­tial-can­di­date in waiting?

Democrats, cow­ards that they are, one and all, includ­ing those in the Administration with the excep­tion of DNC chair Debbie Wassermann Schultz are all run­ning for the exits from an Ad which is not run­ning on paid Television, but which cuts to the heart of the truth. 

If peo­ple lose their jobs because a com­pa­ny acquire the com­pa­ny which employs them , load up that com­pa­ny with debt, then clos­es down the com­pa­ny leav­ing them out in the cold with­out mon­ey or health insur­ance, guess what they die. Joe Soptic’s wife died from can­cer, whether or not it had any­thing to do with Romney and Bain is imma­te­r­i­al. Romney wants to repeal the afford­able care Act which pre­cludes insur­ance com­pa­nies from deny­ing cov­er­age to peo­ple with what they char­ac­ter­ize as pre-exist­ing conditions. 

If sick peo­ple can­not get health care they die. It’s that sim­ple, no won­der the coun­try is in this mess in so many areas, with peo­ple like Evan Bayh who are seen as lead­ers. It’s lit­tle won­der the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty gets shoved around by repub­li­cans, bye-bye Evan Bayh you are cer­tain­ly not missed.

Say what you want about the Tea Party, but they have car­ried out an ide­o­log­i­cal purge of the Republican par­ty , leav­ing only peo­ple who sup­port their agen­da and are will­ing to stand and be count­ed as loy­al foot-sol­diers for their cause. Their nar­ra­tive may be lying and decep­tion but their dis­ci­pline is impeccable.

DNC Chair, Florida Congress-woman Debbie Wasserman Schultz is far more effec­tive a sur­ro­gate for the pres­i­dent than even David Axlerod who seem to have some­thing stuck in his throat when­ev­er he is on tele­vi­sion to artic­u­late the pres­i­den­t’s poli­cies, Wasserman-Shultz apt­ly laid it out for John Roberts Sunday, indict­ing the pro­pa­gan­da FOX news as hyp­o­crit­i­cal for lament­ing pri­or­i­ty’s Ad, when they nev­er opened their mouths to con­demn the assault against the pres­i­den­t’s nation­al­i­ty, human­i­ty, cred­i­bil­i­ty, sin­cer­i­ty or otherwise.


Paul Ryan

Republican pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Mitt Romney has demon­strat­ed yet again that he has absolute­ly no con­vic­tion, or char­ac­ter. As was being spec­u­lat­ed in the lame-stream media Romney caved in to the demands of the far right-wing of his par­ty by select­ing forty-three year-old Wisconsin con­gress­man Paul Ryan to be his run­ning-mate,. Many in the media wants you to believe that this lit­tle Trojan-horse will use his witt, charm and intel­li­gence to add vig­or and vital­i­ty to the Romney cam­paign, I humbly beg to dif­fer, in as much as Sarah Palin’s intro­duc­tion of hate , vit­ri­ol , and dem­a­goguery did not help John McCain I sub­mit this guy Ryan will bring strong appeal to the most intran­si­gent fringe of the par­ty but will chase away seniors in droves.

Paul Ryan wants to make Medicare a vouch­er pro­gram, he wants to dis­man­tle Medicaid as we know it, he wants to repeal Roe Vs Wade, and remove a wom­an’s right to choose an abor­tion even if she is raped. Ryan wants to give tril­lions in added tax breaks to the wealth­i­est Americans and pass on the bill to the middle-class.

The Ryan bud­get is more of the trick­le-down-eco­nom­ics that has con­tin­ued to wreak hav­oc on the American econ­o­my and will have fur­ther dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences if allowed to be enact­ed into law.

That doc­u­ment in Ryan’s hand is a destruc­tive pre­scrip­tion for the mid­dle and work­ing class, more give-aways to the very rich. How stu­pid do they think the elec­torate is? Did the trick­le-down eco­nom­ics of the Bush years make any­one but the 1%‘s life better?

The optics above are not acci­den­tal, these events are not staged out of igno­rance, these are care­ful­ly staged events with the optics send­ing pow­er­ful mes­sages to whom they are intend­ed. Look for more wars, most prob­a­ble with Iran, look for ter­ri­ble upheaval in the Middle-East if there is a Romney pres­i­den­cy, if you thought the Bush years were hor­ri­ble a Romney pres­i­den­cy will be horrific.

Here’s what Romney/​Ryan have in store for those who refuse to read, or those who refuse to be objec­tive, whether out of racial-ani­mus, apa­thy or oth­er­wise. More ille­git­i­mate wars ‚more mon­ey for wealthy cor­po­ra­tions ‚like Cheney/​Bush did. 

This guy is a straw can­di­date, he has no rea­son for want­i­ng to be pres­i­dent oth­er than ambi­tion. His wife Anne Romney said quote“It’s Mitt’s time, it’s our time now”. That state­ment pre­sent­ed a brief syn­op­sis of the Romney can­di­da­cy in a nut-shell.

That optic above is a sig­nal to Netanyahu the Israeli right-winger, we will crush Iran and do what­ev­er you want us to do.

Voters who are mad about 3 Trillion dol­lars added to the debt under Obama,( mon­ey spent to sta­bi­lize the econ­o­my by the way), will have a lot more that to be wor­ried about. If they are mad about 8.3 per­cent unem­ploy­ment they should vote Mitt Romney. If they are angry about slow job growth, health care they nev­er had, and an end to America’s unfund­ed wars, they should vote Romney ‚they will have a lot to cheer for in short order. Romney/​Ryan is Bush/​Chaney 2.0.

Voters had bet­ter acquaint them­selves with the issues and know what time it is , these pic­tured above cer­tain­ly do.