Romney Stands For Nothing, So He Falls For Everything.

I wrote recent­ly in these blogs that Republicans sin­cere­ly believe that social pro­grams being pro­posed by Democrats are repa­ra­tions for the enslave­ment of blacks in America.

Well my friends it took only a few days for you to see that I was indeed right in mak­ing the claims I did in that blog-post, Mitt Romney’s des­per­ate pres­i­den­tial cam­paign has dredged up the oft-used bogey man of Welfare to scare white peo­ple into vot­ing for them.

What’s laugh­able is that when­ev­er they go for the wel­fare scare, you know they are des­per­ate. Ronald Reagan the holy grail of per­fec­tion for right-wing nut cas­es used the scare of wel­fare queens to make his argu­ment that rich peo­ple were being asked to sub­sidise the life style of the lazy, shift­less negroes.

Obama Romney

He was not the first to play the race card to get votes and he cer­tain­ly will not be the last. As I argued in my blog-post on this sub­ject ‚Newt Gingrich in push­ing for wel­fare reform dur­ing the Clinton Presidency, had a very rude awak­en­ing when he dis­cov­ered that the vast major­i­ty of wel­fare recip­i­ents were not black peo­ple but mid­dle-aged white women. That dis­cov­ery qui­et­ed the wel­fare scare for a cou­ple of elec­tion cycles. That did not stop the old hate mon­ger Gingrich, from scrap­ing the bot­tom of the race-bait­ing well in this very pri­ma­ry past, call­ing the pres­i­dent the wel­fare president.

So what does Mitt Romney hope to gain from attack­ing President Obama on the sub­ject of wel­fare ? Does Romney believe with 8.3 per­cent unem­ploy­ment (arguably caused by repub­li­can intran­si­gence), the edu­ca­tion of the pub­lic by groups like occu­py wall street about the inequity of our finan­cial sys­tem, and the Obama’s cam­paign pum­mel­ing of Romney on Bain, that some­how vot­ers are going to say “I want to side with the rich guy”?

I’ll tell you straight up it’s not gonna hap­pen, all the polls are point­ing to Obama pulling away from Romney in this race, even the FOX polls have Obama up by 9 points nationally.

Romney does­n’t want to talk about his time at Bain Capital, he does­n’t want to talk about his tenure as Governor of a lib­er­al New England State, he does­n’t want to talk about his sig­na­ture health care accom­plish­ment (Romney care), he does­n’t want to talk about his tax returns, he does­n’t want to talk about his Mormon Faith.

What the hell can we talk about ?

Mitt Romney wants to be elect­ed President of the United States as a stealth can­di­date, with the vot­ing pub­lic hav­ing no idea who he is​.IN effect he wants to be pres­i­dent by default.

Mitt Romney is feel­ing the heat of hav­ing to rep­re­sent a par­ty that has lurched alarm­ing­ly off track , (if it ever was on track to begin with). The Republican par­ty of Chuck Hagel, Colin Powell, and William Cohen is a dis­tant mem­o­ry. The Republican par­ty has been hijacked by a moron­ic mob of rag­ing lunatic pitch-fork bear­ing witch-hunters.

What is left is a bunch of degen­er­ates led by the likes of Rusk Limbaugh, Dick Chaney, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin and oth­ers. Straw men who front in the par­ty are just fig­ure heads for the lunatic fringe.Mitt Romney was once the Governor of the state of Massachuset, Mitt Romney was once a rea­son­able busi­ness­man who want­ed to do good in pol­i­tics, and he tried , no one believes Mitt Romney is an evil man.

What we believe is that Romney has allowed the quest for pow­er to cause him to sell his soul to the dev­il, his father must be dis­ap­point­ed in what his son turned out to be. The true test of a man is nev­er about how much mon­ey he makes, a man is judged by the con­tent of his char­ac­ter (Dr, Martin Luther King Jnr.)

Romney has shown no char­ac­ter, no balls in stand­ing up to the hate mon­gers on the right, he has stead­fast­ly refused to talk about poli­cies that he intends to enact if he was to be elect­ed pres­i­dent. He has sought instead to dem­a­gogue the pres­i­dent for doing a bad job , even though pres­i­dent Obama has done a decent job , giv­en the hand he was dealt.

I am not argu­ing that Romney should go about the coun­try extolling the virtues of Obama, what I do believe is that a man of char­ac­ter would tell the slime-balls, NO when­ev­er they lift their despi­ca­ble heads to say igno­rant moron­ic nean­derthal things about the president.

Romney how­ev­er can­not do that , his cam­paign is built on lies, he has no hon­esty , no char­ac­ter, no soul. He wants to be pres­i­dent , not because he cares about peo­ple, not because it’s a call­ing as per George Bush, he wants to be pres­i­dent because he and his wife believes “it’s their turn”.