Romney Now Signals That He Wants Race To Be The Factor In These Elections

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney

Republican candidate for president Mitt Romney built his presidential run betting against the American economy. In essence Romney betted against the country he claim to love, and want to represent as its highest elected leader.Republican candidate Mitt Romney

We already knew Romney was a bet­ting man, this was on dis­play dur­ing the com­i­cal yet woe­ful­ly pathet­ic Republican pri­ma­ry cam­paign, Romney offered the equal­ly pathet­ic Texas Governor Rick Perry a ten thou­sand dol­lar bet, in defense of his Massachusetts health-care plan, Romney-care.

Romney extend­ed the wager to the Texas Governor, deny­ing Perry’s claim that he had sug­gest­ed his Massachusetts health­care plan should be a mod­el for the coun­try, an asser­tion Perry repeated.Romney then vehe­ment­ly denied that claim, yet there were numer­ous instances where he extolled the virtues of his plan and argued stri­dent­ly it should be a mod­el for the country

I was tak­en a lit­tle aback. Driving out to the sta­tion this morn­ing, I’m pret­ty sure I didn’t dri­ve by a house that any­one in Iowa would even think about that a $10,000 bet was even pos­si­ble, so a lit­tle out of touch with the nor­mal Iowa cit­i­zen,” Perry said dur­ing an inter­view on Fox News Sunday.http://http//

Rick Perry’s asser­tion was right dur­ing the repub­li­can pri­maries, it is right today, that impul­sive bet on that stage demon­strat­ed some­thing deep­er about Mitt Romney that his fel­low repub­li­can allud­ed to then, Romney is an out of touch rich guy, but it does­n’t just stop there, he is an out of touch rich guy who feel enti­tled. We have heard the dis­re­spect­ful and pre­sump­tu­ous com­ments from his wife, “President Obama should start pack­ing to leave the white House”, It’s Mitt’s time now, it’s our time”,” we will not release any more tax returns to you peo­ple” . Of course those are only from her, Romney him­self has cre­at­ed a scrap-book of gaffes and unforced errors , enough for sev­er­al elec­tion cycles, yet the lame stream media has just brushed them aside with­out chal­leng­ing them on what they know are lies and cam­paign talk­ing points.

Romney staked his claim on a sin­gle issue, the American Economy will be so bad he will be elect­ed pres­i­dent by default, he essen­tial­ly made him­self a one trick pony, that’s a hell of a bet to take against your own coun­try, and it’s a hell of a bet to make on a pres­i­den­tial run con­sid­er­ing the finan­cial and oth­er costs asso­ci­at­ed with pres­i­den­tial runs.

As President Obama has cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly stat­ed, the eco­nom­ic data com­ing out the week imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing each month, should not be looked at with­in the nar­row prism of those month­ly num­bers, but should be viewed in a broad­er con­text, they should be seen as a con­tin­ued march in the right direc­tion on the road toward an econ­o­my built to last. The American peo­ple, despite being ner­vous about their own finan­cial sit­u­a­tions, seem to buy into the pres­i­den­t’s argu­ments, poll after poll has shown that vot­ers under­stood the sever­i­ty of the eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion Obama inherited.

They also rec­og­nize that the Tea Party House of Representatives, and obstruc­tion­ist Senate Republicans have done every­thing to ensure that noth­ing gets done on this pres­i­den­t’s watch. Despite the less than desir­able eco­nom­ic data, the Romney cam­paign real­izes that the pres­i­dent is still ahead, Romney decid­ed he had to change the nar­ra­tive, make it about some­thing else, so he picked Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his run­ning mate. Romney knew he would have to defend Ryan’s bud­get, which lit­er­al­ly dec­i­mates the poor and indi­gent, yet he gam­bled pick­ing Ryan will gen­er­ate enough right wing votes to put him over the top. Romney gam­bled that there is enough ani­mus and hatred on the right for the pres­i­dent all he has to do is add Ryan and the right will be out in droves. The jury will be out on that strat­e­gy for awhile, even though some are already argu­ing that plan may have already back­fired as for many Ryan rep­re­sents whats wrong with a dys­func­tion­al Congress. Romney may have mis­cal­cu­lat­ed how tox­ic the addi­tion of Ryan may be to seniors because of medicare, as well as his nean­derthal posi­tions on the rights of a woman to chose or make deci­sions with her own body.

Of course true to form Romney is try­ing to frame that part of the con­ver­sa­tion as Obama’s attack on Religion, it may be a tough sell to Catholics who believe that the Ryan bud­get is an immoral assault on the poor.

Romney cal­cu­lat­ed that he will go after the Obama record with the lie that he raid­ed the Medicare Trust Fund to the tune of 700 bil­lion dol­lars, then link it with the oth­er social pro­gram the right hates, Obama-Care and he will have a win­ner. So they came out guns blaz­ing ‚as they always do, all of them, from top to bot­tom recit­ing the same talk­ing points, “Obama raid­ed Medicare and put the mon­ey into anoth­er big gov­ern­ment bureau­cra­cy Obama-Care”.

We talked about Paul Ryan and what he stands for in pre­vi­ous blogs , here’ a guy who has a rep­u­ta­tion as a deficit hawk that is com­plete­ly unearned or deserved. Ryan vot­ed for all big Government spend­ing dur­ing Bush’s pres­i­den­cy includ­ing the wars waged on a cred­it card, this guy Ryan is a fig­ment of the lame stream medi­a’s imag­i­na­tion, he sud­den­ly turned deficit hawk because there is a Democrat in the White House.

While the lame stream media gets all nos­tal­gic about Ryan the way they did about the brain-dead Sarah Palin , there are even more sin­is­ter rea­sons to be very fear­ful of this guy Paul Ryan. Set aside the fact that his bud­get would dou­ble down on the Bush-era poli­cies which gave huge tax breaks to the very rich, Ryan wants to add insult to injury by hav­ing you, me and every­one else at the bot­tom pay for it. Simply put, trick­le down eco­nom­ics on steroids, as it has been characterized.

How stu­pid does Romney think we are?

Romney real­ized that despite his despi­ca­ble cam­paign of lies he is loos­ing, the pres­i­den­t’s num­bers have remained con­stant despite lies , obstruction,and decep­tion, despite the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and oth­er Billionaires tens of mil­lions of dol­lars of dirty mon­ey being spent to buy the elec­tions, Romney can­not close the deal with vot­ers. So Mitt Romney made the cal­cu­lat­ed deci­sion if I can­not get up to the lev­el of Barack Obama I will drag Obama down to my level.

Romney, for the dura­tion of his 5 year cam­paign„ has lied and dis­re­spect­ed Obama, he used racial dog whis­tles to appeal to the far right of the par­ty he rep­re­sents, at every cam­paign stops he makes state­ments that the pres­i­dent does­n’t under­stand America, the pres­i­dent does­n’t under­stand American excep­tion­al-ism the President does not get Americans. That feeds into the nas­ti­ness pre­vi­ous­ly unseen before the intro­duc­tion of Sarah Palin into the cam­paign of 2008.

Romney has not once stood up to those who spew the ran­cid bile which comes out of that sew­er which hous­es that ele­ment. Romney not only does not have the balls or the guts to stand up to those ele­ments, he real­ly does not want to stand up to them, he wants to be pres­i­dent and that’s all that mat­ters he said he will sup­port any­one who will help him get 50% plus 1.

The lame stream media was more than will­ing to acqui­esce to the Romney, Koch ‚Adelson machine, when Vice President Biden speak­ing about repub­li­can desire to let Wall Street write their own rules , In Virginia said Quote:””[Mitt Romney] said in the first hun­dred days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules — unchain Wall Street,” Biden told his audi­ence at The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville, Va.

They’re going to put y’all back in chains,” he said.Read more:‑1.1136217#ixzz23e6s7Laq

Well , con­text does­n’t mat­ter for Romney , any­thing to change the sub­ject of his pathet­ic pick for a run­ning mate,anything to change the fact that his lies about Obama aren’t work­ing so he delved head first into his new strat­e­gy telling the lame peo­ple on CBS that the Vice President’s com­ments were one more exam­ple of a des­per­ate cam­paign, no one both­ered to ask him how come the pres­i­den­t’s cam­paign is des­per­ate when they are beat­ing him in most cat­e­gories that mat­ter and with­in the states that are up for grabs.

They sim­ply let him and his sur­ro­gates run with the lies and innu­en­dos unchallenged.

The Obama cam­paign shot back that Romney had become unhinged ..unhinged ineed,if ever the cam­paign or the can­di­date was ever hinged.

Surely that is the best char­ac­ter­i­za­tion for a froth­ing mouth patho­log­i­cal liar.

Biden does­n’t need to change the term ” put ya all back in chains” to “shack­les” what’s the dif­fer­ence? What makes the right feel that chains refer to black peo­ple ? What makes Ryan and the oth­er nut cas­es use of the word “unshack­le ” right and Biden’s wrong? When did the right care about black peo­ple any­way? Romney is the most oppor­tunis­tic politi­cian and lit­er­al­ly the worst can­di­date for pres­i­dent I have ever seen. He is just a patho­log­i­cal liar the kind of which I have nev­er ever seen.

The American vot­ers will have a sim­ple deci­sion to make come November do they want to be for­ev­er rel­e­gat­ed to serfs in their own coun­try where they will sim­ply be pawns of the filthy rich, the coun­try is already sold out to the rich­est 1%of the population.

Voters will have to ask them­selves why is it wealthy peo­ple like Charles and his broth­er David Koch and oth­ers like Sheldon Adelson are will­ing to spend hun­dreds of mil­lions to unseat pres­i­dent Obama ?

Charles Koch.….…..David Koch Sheldon Adelson

Why do these filthy rich peo­ple want to get Republicans elect­ed? These men are not patri­ots they are self­ish rot­ten rich ego­ma­ni­acs, the Koch broth­ers man­u­fac­ture myr­i­ad prod­ucts which we rou­tine­ly use in our homes and places of busi­ness each day with­out giv­ing them any thought. These include petro­le­um-based prod­ucts , oil to heat our homes, gas for our cars, paper and lum­ber prod­ucts and a litany of oth­er prod­ucts. They do not want alter­na­tive sources of ener­gy, Romney’s trek to the Dakotas to talk to coal min­ers was not an acci­dent , it was to send a mes­sage to the wealthy financiers above that he will allow them to dec­i­mate the Eco-sys­tem so they can make more mon­ey from dan­ger­ous fos­sil fuels which are lit­er­al­ly killing off mankind.

Romney once said that cli­mate change must be addressed, he now says cli­mate change can­not be proved and we can ill afford to spend mon­ey fix­ing some­thing that is unproven. this is the rea­son Obama accus­es these peo­ple of being from the flat earth soci­ety. This Summer is the hottest on record, the Polar Ice caps are melt­ing and drift­ing south, Farmers all across the coun­try are loos­ing their crops from the worst drought in 70 years, yet there are repub­li­can talk­ing heads say­ing there is no smok­ing gun to prove cli­mate change and indict man as a con­trib­u­tor to its emer­gence. I would encour­age these delu­sion­al talk­ing heads to take a look at the mean­ing of cir­cum­stan­tial evidence.

PS: A sad day for American Democracy today, a Pennsylvania Judge ruled that Republican vot­er sup­pres­sion laws devised by repub­li­cans in that state’s leg­is­la­ture and signed into law by the Republican Governor , may go forward.

It is indeed a very sober­ing time in America that this great nation seem hell-bent on self-destruc­tion, Forty sev­en years after the vot­ing Rights was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 5, 1965, over 30 States in these United states led by Republican leg­is­la­tors and Governors have turned back the clock with dra­con­ian vot­er sup­pres­sion laws designed to steal the elec­tions and hand the coun­try to a cor­po­rate hack called Mitt Romney and his pup­peteer, the Koch Brothers.

Where is the out­rage, where is the much vaunt­ed moral author­i­ty of America, ? Where is the much vaunt­ed American excep­tion­al­ism? Is this what Romney means when he talks about lead­er­ship, is this the American excep­tion­al­ism repub­li­cans like Romney and oth­ers talk about on the trail?

Mitt Romney should be ashamed to be run­ning a cam­paign of this nature, but he has no shame , he is a man on a mis­sion to nowhere, he has no char­ac­ter, sim­ply an emp­ty suit who will do any­thing and say any­thing to be pres­i­dent, so he may ful­fil the agen­da of his cor­po­rate mas­ters, a dan­ger­ous man.

May God help America if this guy is elected.

2 thoughts on “Romney Now Signals That He Wants Race To Be The Factor In These Elections

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