Romney Is A Liar Plain And Simple:

Republican pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Willard Mitt Romney is run­ning for pres­i­dent on the cam­paign strategy“I am not Obama.

Noticeably absent from Romney’s strat­e­gy is truth. Romney has made sev­er­al claims on the cam­paign trail ‚and on the garbage spew­ing FOX net­work which have been fact checked and proven to be lies. Not to be deterred Mitt Romney refus­es to allow truth to get in the way of his nar­ra­tive, so he dou­bles down , know­ing that as he speaks he is in fact telling lies.

Romney state time and again that the pres­i­dent goes around the world apol­o­gis­ing for America. It’s a lie.

Romney goes around the coun­try includ­ing in Cincinnati Ohio June 14th stat­ing that pres­i­dent Obama has not nego­ti­at­ed a sin­gle trade deal.

It’s a lie, President Obama nego­ti­at­ed trade deals with Panama, South Korea and others.

He said the pres­i­dent insti­tut­ed a stim­u­lus that did no good.

It is a lie hun­dreds of teach­ers , fire-fight­ers, cops, and oth­er work­ers owe their jobs to the stimulus.

Romney’s litany of lies is stun­ning­ly dis­hon­est, yet he keeps repeat­ing the same debunked malarkey.

Hannnity of FOX misinformation

Romney goes around the coun­try stat­ing that pres­i­dent Obama stat­ed if he did not get unem­ploy­ment under 8% it would be a one term propo­si­tion for him. That’s a lie , a state­ment tak­en out of con­text. Mitt Romney tells the American peo­ple time and again lie after lie, after lie and when he is called out on them he con­tin­ues as if truth does not matter.

So then, there must be a big­ger strat­e­gy behind Romney’s lies. Bear in mind that the sin­gle most iden­ti­fi­able thread which runs through repub­li­cans is that they are patho­log­i­cal liars. I am still left scratch­ing my head at the bold-faced utter dis­hon­esty of Mitt Romney, some­one who is offer­ing him­self for the most pow­er­ful office in the world,the American presidency.

At play here is the Carl Rove orches­trat­ed Orwellian strat­e­gy, tell as many lies as pos­si­ble make the pres­i­dent scary as hell, bom­bard the air­waves with swift boat type adver­tise­ments the likes of which they ran against John Kerry, fund­ed by the likes of State of Israel zealot casi­no tycoon Sheldon Alderson, and oth­er mem­bers of the one percent.

Reports are that Alderson has pledged to spend, get this , one hun­dred mil­lion dol­lars in his quest to buy the elec­tions for Mitt Romney.

Thanks you Supreme court for the gift of cit­i­zen’s unit­ed , cor­po­ra­tions are now peo­ple, the votes of the aver­age man is worth nought,nada, zero.

Those who have the most mon­ey will be able to shape the nar­ra­tive, the air­waves will be bom­bard­ed in so-called swing states to the tune of what ana­lysts say will be over a bil­lion dol­lars spent in advertising.

Obama won the 2008 elec­tion by rough­ly 6 per­cent­age points over Arizona Senator John McCain. Some num­bers crunch­ers argue if race was not a fac­tor Obama would pos­si­bly have won by an over­whelm­ing 17 point mar­gin, some­thing sim­i­lar to Reagan’s win over Jimmy Carter, 1980.

Obama won large­ly on the mas­sive turn out of col­lege age young peo­ple who cast­ed race aside, Hispanics and African-Americans. President Obama is fight­ing an up hill bat­tle this time, he is the incum­bent. There is no evi­dence there will be any­where near the turn out he had from those groups as they did in 2008.

Romney’s han­dlers under­stands this , and they are run­ning a dis­ci­plined cam­paign, a cam­paign of lies , but dis­ci­plined indeed. They have man­aged to run their can­di­date with­out him hav­ing to give specifics on any of the many things he has promised. He appears on the Rupert Murdoch’s organ of mis­in­for­ma­tion where they repeat the cam­paign talk­ing points to him and he nods and smile.

Romney has not out­lined an eco­nom­ic plan that make sense, in fact he has not been allowed to speak to the press, sure­ly his han­dlers have not yet fig­ured out how to con­vince the already low infor­ma­tion elec­torate how he pro­pos­es to cut spend­ing, give tax breaks to the wealth­i­est Americans and grow the Pentagon’s bud­get. It is impos­si­ble to do, yet he has been run­ning around the coun­try spew­ing the same garbage and has not been held to account for his lies.