Romney Being Handled By The Orange Haired Clown.

Donald trump
Donald trump

I don’t agree with all the peo­ple who sup­port me. And my guess is they don’t all agree with every­thing I believe in,” Romney told reporters before fly­ing from California to Colorado Monday evening. “But I need to get 50.1 per­cent or more. And I’m appre­cia­tive to have the help of a lot of good people.”

These are not the words of your low­ly blogger,They are the words of the esteemed Republican can­di­date for pres­i­dent Mitt Romney. Romney uttered these words on his cam­paign char­ter, in response to ques­tions from the press regard­ing his sched­uled Tuesday fund-rais­er in Las Vegas Nevada with (Carnival Barker) Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has posi­tioned him­self as one of the most well know big­ots in America. Trump despite his wealth, has shown that mon­ey can­not buy class. He con­tin­ues to fan the flames of racial hatred with the birther issue, which essen­tial­ly ques­tions the legit­i­ma­cy of President Obama’s pres­i­den­cy, by sug­gest­ing that he was not born in America.

After the pres­i­dent released his birth cer­tifi­cate and the ver­bal stomp­ing he admin­is­tered to him , in which he labeled him a car­ni­val bark­er, some thought that intel­li­gent peo­ple would be free from the big­ot­ed rants of the orange-haired-buf­foon.

That has not turned out to be so, Trump an ego-mani­a­cal nar­cis­sist has attached him­self to the Romney cam­paign like a par­a­sit­i­cal crus­tacean. Trump knows that there real­ly is no bad pub­lic­i­ty, he is in it to improve the trump brand, as such his tele­vi­sion show gets rat­ings and most of all he gets to hear his name men­tioned on tele­vi­sion. Trump fan­cies him­self as a major play­er in American pol­i­tics, after all, why not? Citizens United has basi­cal­ly put the pres­i­den­cy up for the high­est bid­der, why should he, the (car­ni­val bark­er) not be a player?

Trump does not care what hap­pens as long as he gets the afore­men­tioned, of course it would be bet­ter for him if Romney gets into the White House where they want envi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tions rolled back and the vig­i­lance of the envi­ron­men­tal Protection Agency done away with. This kind of men­tal­i­ty is not con­fined to Trump there are dozens of filthy rich bil­lion­aires who are will­ing to put their mon­ey where their mouths are to defeat Obama. They seri­ous­ly see cit­i­zens unit­ed as an open­ing of the door to pur­chase the elections.

Romney knows that the far right-wing of the repub­li­can fringe is sus­pi­cious of him, as such, he is pre­pared to hold his nose and cozy up to Trump, he is will­ing to roll the dice to see what trac­tion he may squeeze out of the birther issue. It is also con­ve­nient for Romney to say what he said in the open­ing state­ment of this blog. So he gets to say the nasty things he would like to say about the pres­i­dent, using sur­ro­gates, while keep­ing his hands clean. How suc­cess­ful will this strat­e­gy be? The birther issue has been debunked, as such those who espouse it are seen as racist vile crea­tures of the lunatic fringe. Like every­thing else Romney tries to have it both ways.

Conservative icon George Will blast­ed the orange-hair-buf­foon on tele­vi­sion last week say­ing quote:

I do not under­stand the cost ben­e­fit here” “The cost of appear­ing with this blovi­at­ing igno­ra­mus is obvi­ous, it seems to me.” “Donald Trump is redun­dant evi­dence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can still intrude into American pol­i­tics,” Will con­tin­ued. “Again, I don’t under­stand the ben­e­fit. What is Romney seek­ing?”http://​www​.the​blaze​.com/​s​t​o​r​i​e​s​/​r​o​m​n​e​y​-​r​e​f​u​s​e​s​-​t​o​-​r​e​p​u​d​i​a​t​e​-​t​r​u​m​p​-​o​n​-​t​h​e​-​b​i​r​t​h​e​r​-​i​s​s​u​e​-​p​o​ll/

I think that what we have heard com­ing out of Mitt Romney’s mouth is the most despi­ca­ble vile but cow­ard­ly and rep­re­hen­si­ble type of pol­i­tick­ing imag­in­able. From Rush Limbaugh’s onslaught on Susan Fluke, to not stand­ing up to the hate mon­gers who demand­ed that his very qual­i­fied gay for­eign pol­i­cy advis­er step down, to the woman who called the pres­i­dent a trai­tor, no courage from Romney. Many peo­ple are won­der­ing when will Romney have his sis­ter-Souljah moment. But if what Romney had to say on that air­plane is any indi­ca­tion of his char­ac­ter, we will have a long wait.

Donald Trump is a clown , if Romney allows him­self to be han­dled by a clown, what does it make Mitt Romney?