Romney And Friends Repugnant Racist Code Speak:

I hope you are all now following what is happening in the political arena, particularly those of you who spend countless hours on social media like Face-Book and twitter, engaging in mindless inane chatter that does nothing to educate inspire or improve life. Ok, I was a little bit hard on you but, here’ the deal, irrespective of where you are domiciled the election of 2012 will affect your life one way or another, and that includes those of you who access these blogs who live in other countries. You may wonder how so? If Mitt Romney is elected we will be returning to the days of wars and more wars all over the Globe courtesy of the neo-con hawk puppeteer behind a president Romney.

Romney’s wife was unable to do what the des­per­ate­ly hope she would be able to do, human­ize the robot­ic emp­ty suit which is her hus­band, that task is an impos­si­ble task because her hus­band is a wound up wood­en crea­ture, inca­pable of under­stand­ing the emo­tions of aver­age peo­ple, as a result he has dis­played zero char­ac­ter in stand­ing up to the racist xeno­phobes that camp out in that par­ty. As such Mitt Romney has cast his lot with the most vile despi­ca­ble ele­ments who are hell-bent on the destruc­tion of Barack Obama. Of course a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date needs 50% plus one right? So gear up for the dirt­i­est elec­tion cam­paign most of you will prob­a­bly see in your life time, they have to throw this (nig­ger)sic: out of the White House, they won’t come out and say it the way I have said it here, but they speak to oth­ers in code.

John Boehner said if the coun­try was a bar Obama would be thrown out . Code :

Romney, Gingrich, Ryan , McDonald from Virginia, and the moron­ic Santorum speak­ing about Welfare? code:

When Reince Priebus the head of the RNC talk about wel­fare and tak­ing back our coun­try and return­ing it to its glo­ry days < code:

They are using racial code to attack pres­i­dent Obama and decent Americans should not stand for it, decent Americans must push back against these attacks against our President,a decent and good man.

Chris Matthews host of MSNBC’S (Hardball)took it to the RNC’S Reince Priebus on the (morn­ing joe tele­vi­sion show) Matthews told the RNC’s hack that what they were doing was racist dog whis­tle pol­i­tics , it was despi­ca­ble and it was wrong,Priebus like the typ­i­cal school yard bul­ly when con­front­ed, wilt­ed and with­ered , retreat­ing with mon­grel like whim­per, only to be saved by fel­low repub­li­can Joe Scarborough.http://

Repugnant campaign of lies misinformation and racial codes.

So they trot out John McCain to talk about Foreign Policy, John McCain was a pris­on­er of war, we get that, as such many includ­ing many in the Democratic Party fall all over them­selves to defer to John McCain. The truth is, John McCain is a polit­i­cal oper­a­tive, if he was a Democrat no one would be hold­ing up John McCain as some­one to defer to.

John McCain’s for­eign pol­i­cy is to bomb every­one, “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran”, all of a sud­den McCain is the spokesper­son for the Iranian peo­ple who were seek­ing to be res­cued from their, tyran­ni­cal lead­ers, all of a sud­den McCain is the per­son lament­ing the fact that the American President Barack Obama did not com­mit American Troops to anoth­er ill-advised war to res­cue the Iranian peo­ple from themselves !!!

That is the pol­i­cy Republicans want to attack Iran under the guise that they are res­cu­ing them from tyran­ni­cal rulers, how well did that work out in Iraq, and Afghanistan?

They trot out Condoleezza Rice to talk about Foreign Policy, nei­ther Rice nor McCain uttered the words Osama Bin Laden. Rice in her ram­bling dia­tribe at the first African-American President for­got to men­tion that as National Security Adviser to President George Bush and lat­er Secretary of State, she played a sig­nif­i­cant part and was an inte­gral part of the web of deceit and lies which launched a fraud­u­lent war which result­ed in the death of count­less Iraqis, and the destruc­tion of their coun­try, and the death and maim­ing of thou­sands of American troops.

The pathet­ic irony which is the Romney Ryan Campaign is the obvi­ous tact they have tak­en to dis­qual­i­fy President Obama based on.






They can­not talk about Foreign Policy,.

The Iraq war is over, and Osama Bin Laden is dead.

They can­not talk about accomplishments.

Four mil­lion jobs cre­at­ed, General Motors is alive.

So it will be a no holes barred assault on Obama, he will be teased , chid­ed, lied on,he will be made out to be an alien , not just from anoth­er coun­try , but from anoth­er galaxy.

He will be accused of clos­ing a GM plant on Wisconsin that was closed before he became pres­i­dent, just ask Paul Ryan about that plant clos­ing, ask him how Obama did it before he was sworn into Office as President of the United States.

Ask Condoleezza Rice how Obama pre­vent­ed her from sit­ting at lunch coun­ters in the Racist Southern State of Alabama , yet she per­se­vered to become Secretary of State, just ask her how Obama did that despite her being old­er than Obama.

Just ask all of them about “you did­n’t build that” The line pla­gia­rized , lit­er­al­ly lift­ed from a state­ment made with­in a con­text that meant noth­ing close to what the one phrase sounds like.

The racial “dog whis­tle” deliv­ered by Rick Santorum, as no one else could deliv­er that lev­el of racial bull-shit, yes the same Rick Santorum who addressed this very same sub­ject of wel­fare to a lily-white audi­ence.quote:t “I don’t want to make black peo­ple’s lives bet­ter by giv­ing them some­body else’s money”
Read more: http://​news​busters​.org/​b​l​o​g​s​/​m​a​t​t​-​h​a​d​r​o​/​2​0​1​2​/​0​1​/​0​6​/​a​n​d​e​r​s​o​n​-​c​o​o​p​e​r​-​b​a​s​h​e​s​-​s​a​n​t​o​r​u​m​-​r​e​c​y​c​l​i​n​g​-​s​u​p​p​o​s​e​d​l​y​-​r​a​c​i​a​l​-​r​e​m​a​r​k​#​i​x​z​z​2​5​3​u​2​h​1IL

Of course the very same Santorum with­ered and shriv­eled up under the pres­sure of hav­ing to face up to his racist lies. quote: I looked at the video and I don’t — in fact, I’m pret­ty con­fi­dent I did­n’t say black. What I think I start­ed to say a word and sort of, bluh – sort of mum­bled it and changed my thought, but I don’t — I don’t recall say­ing black. No one in that audi­ence, no one lis­ten­ing, no reporter there, heard me say that. I think it was – and from every­thing I see and I’ve looked at it sev­er­al times, I was start­ing to say one word and I sort of came up with a dif­fer­ent word and moved on and it – and it sound­ed like black.

I have a cou­ple of dif­fer­ent word for you Rick Santorum you prob­a­bly nev­er heard of these PATHOLOGICALLY MENDACIOUSadd these two to your vocab­u­lary, like all oth­er typ­i­cal lying racist you lied and when con­front­ed with your own words, you added insult to injury by lying even more.

These are the hyp­o­crit­i­cal Pharisees, Santorum the Catholic. Ryan the Catholic, Romney the Mormon, Huckabee the Evangelical,I could go on and on.These peo­ple hate gay peo­ple, they hate abortion,they hate oth­er races, they hate oth­er religions,they hate help­ing the poor, but they damn sure are in love with lying.

They run around the coun­try telling white Americans they are the real Americans, every­one else has a hyphen­at­ed pre­cur­sor to their name, none so more than African-Americas. Trying to stir up racial ani­mus with the wel­fare lie ‚” Obama is tak­ing mon­ey from your Social Security and just send­ing it to his black friends with­out demand­ing that they work for it.

Ask your­selves how come peo­ple in oth­er coun­tries would kill to have their gov­ern­ment enact leg­is­la­tion which pro­tects those most vul­ner­a­ble ‚the old , indi­gent, the very young, the sick, or just peo­ple down on their luck, yet American white peo­ple hate those pro­grams? Republicans from Richard Nixon to Romney have suc­cess­ful­ly attached Welfare to Black peo­ple, it’s then easy to see why they hate it, yet they are the largest groups of wel­fare recip­i­ents, both at the bot­tom and at the top of cor­po­rate welfare.

This was start­ed by Gingrich, Santorum and of course Romney picked the next Generation of dem­a­gogues Paul Ryan to run with that mes­sage. Never mind that it is a damn lie.

Obviously Republicans feel that they may have their own brand of Christianity, (even if it’s a cult) that suits their nar­ra­tive, they argue lies and makes them facts, in their twist­ed Orwellian par­al­lel Universe, they argue that Israel has right to defend itself, but Iran does not have the right to defend itself if attacked by Israel. Yet no one in the lame-stream Media both­ers to demand the ratio­nale for that theory.

I will stop here for now.