This Is Not About Rice

Adrian Paterson indict­ed for dis­ci­plin­ing his own son.

Adrian Peterson
Adrian Peterson

Minnesota Vikings star run­ning back Adrian Peterson turned him­self in to Montgomery County, Texas, author­i­ties ear­ly Saturday morn­ing. He was booked into the Montgomery County jail at 1:06 a.m. CT and released at 1:35 a.m. CT after post­ing the $15,000 bond. Peterson had been indict­ed by a grand jury on charges of reck­less or neg­li­gent injury to a child and a war­rant had been issued for his arrest. He flew back ear­ly Saturday morn­ing to Minnesota, where he has been deac­ti­vat­ed for the Vikings’ home game against the Patriots on Sunday. At a news con­fer­ence on Saturday after­noon, Montgomery County first assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney Phil Grant said Peterson was charged with one count of injury to a child and could be sen­tenced to as many as two years in state jail, as well as a $10,000 fine. Probation is an option, Grant said, for defen­dants with no pri­or crim­i­nal record. Grant said only one grand jury reviewed Peterson’s case, refut­ing a report that an ini­tial grand jury reject­ed the case and it took a sec­ond grand jury to indict Peterson. He said the grand jury “was pro­vid­ed lots of evi­dence over a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of week.

Obviously a Parent is not allowed to dis­ci­pline his child. So says the Government! Never mind that Adrian Peterson was raised
Robert Muller
Robert Muller

using those same stan­dards. Texas author­i­ties allege the boy was spanked with a switch from a tree and marks were vis­i­ble on him. I’m no expert on dis­ci­pline, yet it seem iron­ic that the Government is in the busi­ness of telling lov­ing par­ents how, when and even if, they may dis­ci­pline their own chil­dren, yet cops are giv­en a free hand to assault and even kill with­out con­se­quence. If this is not tyran­ny , what is?

The Government hauls a car­ing father before the courts who takes the nec­es­sary steps to cor­rect his own child, yet the Government refus­es to hold killer cops who abuse and mur­der inno­cent civil­ians account­able. In fact the Government shields and pro­tects them. Robert Muller for­mer head of the FBI report­ed­ly will con­duct Investigations into the NFL as it regards domes­tic vio­lence. If this was­n’t so insult­ing I would laugh. Where is Muller , where is the National out­rage for the almost dai­ly killing and assault vis­it­ed on inno­cent peo­ple by police? Absolute Tyranny !!!
Ray Rice is welcomed with open arms by the fans of his hometown in New Rochelle. Read more:
Ray Rice is wel­comed with open arms by the fans of his home­town in New Rochelle. 

New Rochelle Welcomes Home Ray Rice.

New Rochelle wel­comed home it’s native son on Saturday. Ray turned up at his old High School with Wife Janay.Several hun­dred fans watched the game and many of them expressed sup­port for Rice. Dozens of fans wore Rice’s No. 27 Ravens jer­sey and some held signs, includ­ing one that read: ‘We love you Ray,’ and ‘New RO loves you.’

Rice for­mer High School Coach had this to say. “He made a mis­take in his life but New Rochelle is a very proud pro­gram, and once you’re a mem­ber, you’re a mem­ber for life,” DiRienzo said. “Even though Ray made a mis­take doesn’t mean we throw him out of the house. Ray’s one of my sons in my foot­ball fam­i­ly and we’d nev­er throw him out of the house.”

The mael­strom which has ensued since this inci­dent came ful­ly to light has had the oppo­site effect on me, com­pared to most . The feroc­i­ty of the attacks on Ray and even Jenay Rice, tells me this has noth­ing to do hsrice14s-3-webwith the Rices. Every ultra-lib­er­al fem­i­nist has crawled out from under their rock to con­demn Rice. As I wrote ear­li­er the NFL is rolling over so that Robert Muller can con­duct a top to bot­tom review . Where is Muller regard­ing the cops who beat the crap out of their wives after they fin­ish beat­ing the peo­ple they come in con­tact with?

The woe­ful­ly incom­pe­tent Media is inca­pable of inves­ti­gat­ing Voter Suppression. Corruption in Government, and the tyran­ni­cal Police state in which peo­ple are being abused dai­ly. They loop end­less cycle of garbage report­ing ‚fea­tur­ing every man-hat­ing fem­i­nist they can find. In addi­tion to the many self hat­ing blacks who are too stu­pid to see through the charade.

As I said in a pre­vi­ous Article they don’t care about Jenay Rice their objec­tive is to destroy their fam­i­ly. The blood-lust pil­ing on is in fur­ther­ance of break­ing the black fam­i­ly and replac­ing it with their degen­er­ate far left fem­i­nist agen­da. It is great to see Rice’s old high school foot­ball coach stand up despite the noise and embrace Ray Rice. 

There is a lot worse crap hap­pen­ing in America wor­thy of atten­tion. Worthy of round the clock media spot­light. Worthy of top-tier inves­ti­ga­tions, yet noth­ing is being done. Leave Ray and Jenay Rice alone .