Pastor, Have You No Shame…

When Barack Obama took over the reins as President of the United States the Republican Party decid­ed that the way to nul­li­fy his Presidency was to oppose every­thing he proposed.
This is not fan­ta­sy, this actu­al­ly hap­pened on the after­noon that the 44th President of the United States was being inau­gu­rat­ed Highly placed Republicans were hud­dled togeth­er, for­mu­lat­ing the plan of obstruction.
Mich McConnell said his only func­tion was to make the new­ly elect­ed President a one term president.
Since then Barack Obama has been inun­dat­ed with dis­re­spect and obstruc­tion unprece­dent­ed in the his­to­ry of this Republican sole­ly based on the col­or of his skin.
Since the com­mence­ment of Obama’s pres­i­den­cy we have seen a mas­sive rise in the num­ber of hate groups, and right wing white militias.
We have wit­nessed a mas­sive rise in mass shoot­ings large­ly by well armed white shooters.
We have see a South Carolina Congressman(Joe Wilson ) shout out you lie as the President of the United states stood in the Congress to deliv­er the State of the Union address.
We have seen a Supreme Court Justice (Samuel Alito ) shake his head and mouth the words “not true” as the Presidency cor­rect­ly chas­tised the Supreme Court on it’s cit­i­zens United rul­ing allow­ing mas­sive amounts of mon­ey into the sys­tem by rich donors.
We have seen Arizona Governor Jan Brewer wag her scrawny scrag­gly and with­ered fin­gers in the face of the President of the United States as he dis­em­barked from his plane in that state.
We have seen Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and oth­ers demand that can­di­date Obama release his birth cer­tifi­cate( a prac­tice sim­i­lar to slavers demand­ing free black men show their papers to whomev­er (white) demand­ed to see them).
I could go on and on with the indig­ni­ties this pres­i­dent have suf­fered at the hands of Republicans.I total­ly under­stand that Republicans would turn around and blame Obama for the tox­ic cli­mate of anx­i­ety, fear, and anger they have fed over the last 7 years in order to nul­li­fy Obama’s presidency .
It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that a black per­son could actu­al­ly blame the President for what was done to him …
Pastor Darrell Scott speaks to the mem­bers of the media out­side Trump .
Pastor Darrell Scott speaks to the members of the media outside Trump Towers...
Pastor Darrell Scott a Trump sup­port­er speaks to the mem­bers of the media out­side Trump Towers…

I have a sim­ple ques­tion for this pas­tor .“Have you no shame”?