Respect Begets Respect.…

Cops turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he speaks at the funeral
Cops turn away from Mayor de Blasio as he speaks at the funeral

Once again mem­bers of the New York City Police Department demon­strat­ed for the World that con­trary to the con­trived hype about their Organization being the best, they are real­ly a bunch of dis­re­spect­ful thugs.

As they did when Mayor Bill deBlasio vis­it­ed Woodhull Hospital after two of their col­leagues Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were alleged­ly killed by Ismaaiyl Brinsley, sup­pos­ed­ly as they sat in their patrol cars on a Brooklyn street. 
They once again demon­strat­ed the dis­re­spect they dish out to cit­i­zens daily. 
Once again to the Mayor, this time with the sup­port of oth­ers who trav­eled to the city to attend funer­al ser­vices for Ramos.
Even as they demon­strat­ed their rep­re­hen­si­ble dis­re­spect to the Mayor, they suc­ceed­ed in show­ing the world just how disrespectful,arrogant, and out of con­trol American cops tru­ly are.
Yes those who trav­eled from oth­er cities who joined in the shock­ing dis­play of dis­re­spect to the city’s Mayor also tar­nished the uni­forms of the cities and the States they came from. Ultimately they showed the rest of the world that in America the final author­i­ty is police author­i­ty . America is a total police state. A place now where even elect­ed offi­cials are afraid of the pow­er of the police.
If these police Agencies can behave this way to a Caucasian Mayor, a man of pow­er, what are their actions when they engage cit­i­zens in poor neigh­bor­hoods? Unfortunately that is the rea­son we are here, this is the full cir­cle response that brought us to this place of lamen­ta­tion and mourning.

Once again the chief archi­tect of NYPD dis­re­spect, Rudolph Giuliani insert­ed him­self into the brouha­ha by stat­ing on CBS face the Nation quote. 

Racialist , race baiter Rudolph Giuliani
Racialist , race baiter Rudolph Giuliani

As long as de Blasio con­tin­ues count­ing the Rev. Al Sharpton among his clos­est allies, he deserves cops’ dis­trust”, Giuliani said.“When he los­es Al Sharpton maybe then he can have a bet­ter rela­tion­ship with the New York City Police Department,” Giuliani said. “If you would like to have a poster boy for hat­ing the police, it’s Al Sharpton.” “Mayor de Blasio, please say you’re sor­ry,” Giuliani said on “Face the Nation.” “He cre­at­ed an impres­sion with the police that he was on the side of the protesters.”

Never once did El Deuce Giuliani men­tion that part of the rea­son the NYPD is such a dis­re­spect­ful bunch of thugs is because he led a drunk­en throng of them in 1992 onto the steps of city hall in an attempt to intim­i­date then Mayor David Dinkins ‚the city’s first African American Mayor. The divi­sive lit­tle self-serv­ing turd nev­er men­tioned that there he goad­ed them to dish out rep­re­hen­si­ble, racist invec­tive at Mayor Dinkins.
“He cre­at­ed the impres­sion with the police that he was on the side of the pro­test­ers” Eric Garner was choked to death in broad day­light by Daniel Pantaleo on a video which need­ed no enhanc­ing for clar­i­ty. Yet a police boot-lick­ing grand jury on Staten Island made the deci­sion that the black man’s life was not worth indict­ing one of their own. 
That is American Justice. 
On whose side should a con­sci­en­tious Mayor be? Shouldn’t any and every­one be on the side of fair­ness and justice.
How could a self pro­mot­ing Giuliani who is a lawyer by trade fail to make the con­nec­tion that jus­tice must be served for all if the sys­tem is to work? Or should the sys­tem only work for Giuliani and his Italian and oth­er European American friends? Is that what America is all about?
Or is that what America is all about?
To those hyp­ocrites in long robes who sup­pos­ed­ly rep­re­sent and preach God’s word, your hell will be worse than that of those who mur­der the innocent. 
You who stand there in front of a sea of cops and lament and thank the cops for what they do, yet nev­er have a word of kind­ness for the fam­i­lies of the under-served, the pow­er­less, the down-trodden.
You are Charlatans. 
You are Devils , wolves in sheep clothing. 
You who remain silent when the inno­cent lives of the poor and pow­er­less are being squeezed out of their very being, as they say with their last breath “I can’t breath”,I can’t breathe”” I can’t breathe”.
You remain silent.
Now you pon­tif­i­cate in front of a sea of blue !!!
Ask your­selves , what would Jesus do?
You are hea­thens who have no respect for human­i­ty. You are Pharisees, no won­der peo­ple are turn­ing from the Church, you are Impostors. !
Police have no more right to life than any­one else.
Police have no more right to respect than any­one else.
Police have no more right to thanks than any oth­er set of workers.
Police offi­cers are paid to do a job, those who fall over and pros­trate them­selves at the foot of police and their unions do so because they are not sub­ject to the harsh cru­el­ty of Police aggres­sion abuse and murder.

Commisioner William Bratton . lets see Bratton bring the same level of determination and fortitude to demanding that a Federal grand jury indict Pantaleo for killing Eric Garner
Commisioner William Bratton .

Are all police offi­cers bad ? 
No !
But police are sup­posed to police the rest of us thats the start­ing point, so they must be held to a high­er stan­dard. It fol­lows there­fore that when police com­mit atroc­i­ties against the very peo­ple they are sworn to pro­tect and their col­leagues do noth­ing it makes them all guilty. 
We must sup­port police to do the job we ask them to, and we must sub­ject them to the same laws that every­one else is sub­ject to.
Unless of course what they are asked to do is not the same for everyone.
As Commissioner Bill Bratton reit­er­at­ed part of his own eulo­gy, not­ing that cops need to have more empa­thy for con­cerns about police abuse, par­tic­u­lar­ly in black com­mu­ni­ties“I made com­ments yes­ter­day in my eulo­gy about see­ing each oth­er to under­stand,Bratton said. “When I say ‘see each oth­er,’ that means to not look past each oth­er, but to real­ly see what is moti­vat­ing what we’re experiencing.”

Yes what they are expe­ri­enc­ing is some blow-back from the pain of those who feel they can get no jus­tice. No jus­tice in the way Police treat them. No jus­tice in the way the crim­i­nal Justice System responds to their com­plaints. No jus­tice or empa­thy from those who sup­port those who abuse them. Maybe its time mem­bers of the NYPD chuck the Giuliani , Patrick Lynch approach and embrace the lat­est advice of Commissioner Bratton . This may save then a lot of heart-ache, it would save a lot of pain on both sides if they spend time re-train­ing and re-ori­ent­ing, rather than trolling social media look­ing for threats against them. Building bridges through respect is the best secu­ri­ty ‚not erect­ing more walls and look­ing over their shoulders.