Resounding Response Necessary To Police Commissioner’s Question!

Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams
Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams

JAMAICANS have not react­ed with the kind of sense of pur­pose or stri­den­cy required to show the bru­tal gun­men run­ning ram­pant in our land that the entire coun­try is pre­pared to stand against them. The killing of three cops in just over a week would have trig­gered nation­al out­rage in any coun­try seri­ous about let­ting crim­i­nals know that their vicious activ­i­ties would not be accept­ed or be allowed to go unpunished.

The usu­al argu­ment is that the coun­try has been numbed by the large num­bers of mur­ders — aver­ag­ing over 1,000 a year — or that the pop­u­lace does not think the police have the cred­i­bil­i­ty to moti­vate them to work with cops to solve the crime prob­lem. There is also the view that our ‘informer fi dead’ cul­ture is all per­va­sive in crime-infest­ed areas. We think the time has come to put an end to all these excus­es and for the coun­try to unite against crim­i­nal­i­ty and these wan­ton killers who spare none, not even babies or old ladies. You know things are bad when INDECOM, the Independent Commission of Investigation, has joined the two major polit­i­cal par­ties and the Ministry of National Security in con­demn­ing the recent activ­i­ties of gunmen.

INDECOM has been hard on the police to reduce extra­ju­di­cial killings, with some suc­cess to show for their efforts. In a per­vert­ed sense, this is the iron­ic reward that the Commission gets for its human rights approach to crime. Imperfect as the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is, it is what stands between the gun­men and anar­chy in our soci­ety. If gun­men feel they can kill police­men and women with impuni­ty, that would embold­en them in their crim­i­nal activ­i­ties gen­er­al­ly. We are heart­ened to see the improve­ment in the tone of press state­ments com­ing from the Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), which we have tak­en as a sign that the JLP wants to see an end to this wan­ton law­less­ness that is crip­pling our coun­try. It would go a far way in set­ting the exam­ple for the rest of the coun­try, we believe, if both major polit­i­cal par­ties agreed to de-trib­alise their approach to crime-fight­ing, includ­ing cut­ting their links to crim­i­nal sup­port­ers. Crime-fight­ing needs the full sup­port of the pop­u­lace to suc­ceed. People have to tell the police what they know and where the crim­i­nals are hid­ing. The ques­tion asked by Police Commissioner Dr Carl Williams, who will be brave enough to stand up and declare that they will not yield their sov­er­eign­ty and free­dom of con­science to gun­men, must not go unanswered.

Jamaica must respond in a resound­ing and deci­sive way. All of us!
STORY ORIGINATED HEREResounding response nec­es­sary to police com­mis­sion­er’s question!