Reputed Gangster Nico Samuels O/​c Bowsa Reportedly Killed By Police..( Gruesome Pics, Inside)

According to sources reput­ed Gang leader Nico Samuels o/​c Bowsa was killed in a con­fronta­tion with the secu­ri­ty forces on Saturday in Ironshore St James.

No mas Bowsa

Reports are that the secu­ri­ty forces went to a house as part of an oper­a­tion and were greet­ed with heavy gun­fire. Sources say two police offi­cers have been shot and injured and two weapons recov­ered in the process.

The exchange of gun­fire has been report­ed to have gone on for over two hours.

Nico Samuels o/​c Bowsa​.No mas…

One thought on “Reputed Gangster Nico Samuels O/​c Bowsa Reportedly Killed By Police..( Gruesome Pics, Inside)

  1. It’s a mat­ter of time before these mil­i­tants armed them­selves in a coast­er minibus like police offi­cers and sol­diers and take over Jamaica house and par­lia­ment. In the end, they’re going to exe­cute a few of these boasie slaves.

    It is sad that mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces were injured, and a pity that his cronies are not a part of the pho­to shoot. 

    Every time one of these Jamaican par­a­sites gets extinct, I cel­e­brate because they’re prob­lems to the Jamaican populace.

    Happy rid­dance Nici .

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