Republicans Who Push Replacement Theory Must Be Held Accountable For Buffalo Shooting…

The seem­ing­ly irra­tional feal­ty to Donald Trump by a large seg­ment of the American pop­u­la­tion and the mur­der of peo­ple of col­or both by police and oth­er dis­grun­tled white nation­al­ists must be viewed against the back­ground of the fight by Republicans to end non-white immi­gra­tion and Roe v Wade as the cen­ter­pieces of their agenda.
That agen­da is under­pinned by a des­per­ate attempt to stop the flow of dark-skinned peo­ple into the United States on the one hand and force white women to stop hav­ing abor­tions on the other.
What is behind those two issues, you ask? A mani­a­cal desire to increase the birthrate of whites and lim­it the fur­ther brown­ing of America.
Behind the mani­a­cal effort to force white women to bring to term babies, their fathers and uncles fathered, and worse, bring­ing to term the offspring/​s of rapists is about increas­ing the num­ber of whites and decreas­ing the num­bers of every­one else.
Republican Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts declared on Sunday morn­ing that he wants his state to pass a law ban­ning all abor­tion with no excep­tions for incest or rape, stat­ing that it’s his “inten­tion” to call a spe­cial leg­isla­tive ses­sion to take “fur­ther steps” to “pro­tect pre­born babies.”

Pete Ricketts

For years they pre­tend­ed that this was about reli­gion, and they man­aged to bring evan­gel­i­cals along; even some Black Christians signed on to the idea of anti-choice because they believed as they were told that they would burn in hell for ter­mi­nat­ing a pregnancy.
However, black folks would start to awak­en to the truth as race rela­tions in America con­tin­ued to dete­ri­o­rate. So much for the post-racial America that was sup­posed to suc­ceed Barack Obama’s presidency.
The sense of urgency that dri­ves the polit­i­cal right and the poten­tial over­turn­ing of the almost five decades old Roe V Wade deci­sion and the January 2021 assault on Congress comes from the knowl­edge they have that, giv­en time; white suprema­cy will be unten­able based on the nation’s demo­graph­ic changes.
ACCORDING TO NEW CENSUS DATA, William H. Frey, Senior Fellow — Brookings Metro, wrote, “The nation is diver­si­fy­ing even faster than pre­dict­ed.” 
The U.S. Census Bureau has just released its last batch of race-eth­nic pop­u­la­tion esti­mates in advance of the 2020 cen­sus, with data indi­cat­ing that the nation­al head­count will reveal a more diverse nation than was pre­vi­ous­ly expect­ed. The new esti­mates show that near­ly four of 10 Americans iden­ti­fy with a race or eth­nic group oth­er than white and sug­gest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s his­to­ry in which the white pop­u­la­tion declined in numbers.
The declin­ing white pop­u­la­tion share is per­va­sive across the nation. Since 2010, the white pop­u­la­tion share declined in all 50 states. Most note­wor­thy is the increased diver­si­ty in the younger por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion. In 2019, more than half of the nation’s pop­u­la­tion under age 16 iden­ti­fied as a racial or eth­nic minor­i­ty for the first time. Among this group, Latino or Hispanic and Black res­i­dents togeth­er com­prise near­ly 40% of the population.

Right-lean­ing pub­li­ca­tions like the wall street jour­nal, the Atlantic, and oth­ers have rub­bished the idea that whites are des­tined to become a minor­i­ty to a coa­lesced minority.
The Journal’s John J. Miller, in 2021, in an essay titled; 
Majority Minority’ America? Don’t Bet on It”, wrote: Remember the “coali­tion of the ascen­dant”? National Journal’s Ronald Brownstein invent­ed the phrase in 2008 to describe the “grow­ing ele­ments of American soci­ety” that had elect­ed Barack Obama and giv­en Democrats com­mand­ing majori­ties in both con­gres­sion­al hous­es: “young peo­ple, Hispanics, and oth­er minori­ties, and white upper-mid­dle-class pro­fes­sion­als.” Republican suc­cess­es in 2010, 2014, and 2016 called the coalition’s dura­bil­i­ty into ques­tion. But the 2020 elec­tion— Joe Biden’s vic­to­ry notwith­stand­ing — may pro­vide the great­est rea­son to doubt it. Compared with 2016, President Trump and con­gres­sion­al Republicans improved their stand­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly among Hispanic vot­ers and made small­er strides among oth­er groups, such as Asian-Americans, blacks, and Muslims. https://​www​.wsj​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​s​/​m​a​j​o​r​i​t​y​-​m​i​n​o​r​i​t​y​-​a​m​e​r​i​c​a​-​d​o​n​t​-​b​e​t​-​o​n​-​i​t​-​1​1​6​1​2​5​4​9​609
Miller’s asser­tion is based essen­tial­ly on the mix­ing of races and the chil­dren result­ing from those unions. His asser­tion is premised on the idea that those chil­dren will alter the demo­graph­ics in favor of the present white major­i­ty. An asser­tion that has noth­ing to do with the brown­ing of America yet pur­ports to speak to how vot­ers may vote in the future depend­ing on their assim­i­la­tion into white culture.
White replace­ment the­o­ry is not a fringe idea; it is main­stream Republican ide­ol­o­gy that got Donald Trump elect­ed pres­i­dent of the United States. It was behind the so-called free­dom cau­cus in the US Congress and the intractable oppo­si­tion to President Barack Obama.
It is behind the Republican par­ty’s deci­sion to give up on democ­ra­cy and attach them­selves to the [trumpian] idea of despo­tism. If you can no longer win elec­tions fair­ly, ensure that there are no more free and fair elections.

Elise Stefanik

In the sup­posed lib­er­al bas­tion of New York, Elise Stefanik, the House Republican num­ber three who glee­ful­ly took on the role Liz Chaney had, is a firm believ­er in replace­ment theory.
Stefanik’s Facebook ads, which prompt­ed a scathing edi­to­r­i­al in her home­town news­pa­per, accused “rad­i­cal Democrats” of plan­ning what she called a “per­ma­nent elec­tion insur­rec­tion” and said their plan to “grant amnesty to 11 mil­lion undoc­u­ment­ed peo­ple would over­throw our cur­rent elec­torate and cre­ate a per­ma­nent lib­er­al major­i­ty in Washington.
Asked by CNN’S Manu Raju if she repu­di­at­ed replace­ment the­o­ry, Stefanik said: “I’ve nev­er made a racist com­ment.
That exchange came after Illinois Senator Dick Durbin called out elect­ed offi­cials who “jump at the chance to get fea­tured on [Tucker] Carlson’s show and echo his white suprema­cist blath­er, his dark gospel of fear and hate and racism.”(according to Newsweek)
The American farm­land has always been fer­tile soil in which racism and geno­cide would thrive. From the igno­ble insti­tu­tion of slav­ery to Jim Crowe in the South to the more sub­tle insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism in the North-East and across the length and breadth of America, racism has been America’s shame.
From April 12th, 1861, to May 13th, 1865, Americans fought each oth­er in a bloody civ­il war that would end slav­ery on the books, per se. By the time the shoot­ing war sub­sided, an esti­mat­ed 620,000 peo­ple lay dead, vic­tims of an incor­ri­gi­ble and unright­eous sys­tem that demand­ed blood for its sustenance.

Rupert Murdoch destroy­ing America for profit.


America learned noth­ing from that blood­shed; instead of cleans­ing itself of the stench of igno­rance and hate, it dou­bled down by build­ing mon­u­ments to the very trai­tors who had tak­en up arms against the nation. All across the coun­try, Legislatures enact­ed laws that were just as oner­ous as slav­ery and, in some cas­es, even more so.
Present-day America oper­ates as a nor­mal soci­ety but under­neath that faux exte­ri­or lies the ugly mon­ster of shared igno­rance and hatred that has char­ac­ter­ized this nation through its existence.
It should have come as no sur­prise that rapa­cious vul­tures would seek to unearth the stink­ing car­cass of racism and seek to prof­it from it. Unfortunately, the main­stream media in America but for a few jour­nal­ists, are all con­sumed with fluff and friv­o­li­ty to con­tin­ue bring­ing these impor­tant facts to the fore for well think­ing Americans.
And so now that we are see­ing the bloody con­se­quence of what the hate machine known as FOX is doing to the lives of inno­cent Black and Brown peo­ple, it is impor­tant to say I warned that Rupert Murdock was destroy­ing America.
I told you so, now every media house is talk­ing about Murdoch and his lit­tle min­ions on his hate chan­nel, but the horse is already through the gate, and the well is already poisoned.
The coun­try must leg­is­late its way out of this quag­mire it is in. Legislation can­not stop racist thoughts, but it changes behav­ior. Eventually, those who would use racism as a means to an end will get the message.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.