The seemingly irrational fealty to Donald Trump by a large segment of the American population and the murder of people of color both by police and other disgruntled white nationalists must be viewed against the background of the fight by Republicans to end non-white immigration and Roe v Wade as the centerpieces of their agenda.
That agenda is underpinned by a desperate attempt to stop the flow of dark-skinned people into the United States on the one hand and force white women to stop having abortions on the other.
What is behind those two issues, you ask? A maniacal desire to increase the birthrate of whites and limit the further browning of America.
Behind the maniacal effort to force white women to bring to term babies, their fathers and uncles fathered, and worse, bringing to term the offspring/s of rapists is about increasing the number of whites and decreasing the numbers of everyone else.
Republican Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts declared on Sunday morning that he wants his state to pass a law banning all abortion with no exceptions for incest or rape, stating that it’s his “intention” to call a special legislative session to take “further steps” to “protect preborn babies.”

For years they pretended that this was about religion, and they managed to bring evangelicals along; even some Black Christians signed on to the idea of anti-choice because they believed as they were told that they would burn in hell for terminating a pregnancy.
However, black folks would start to awaken to the truth as race relations in America continued to deteriorate. So much for the post-racial America that was supposed to succeed Barack Obama’s presidency.
The sense of urgency that drives the political right and the potential overturning of the almost five decades old Roe V Wade decision and the January 2021 assault on Congress comes from the knowledge they have that, given time; white supremacy will be untenable based on the nation’s demographic changes.
ACCORDING TO NEW CENSUS DATA, William H. Frey, Senior Fellow — Brookings Metro, wrote, “The nation is diversifying even faster than predicted.” The U.S. Census Bureau has just released its last batch of race-ethnic population estimates in advance of the 2020 census, with data indicating that the national headcount will reveal a more diverse nation than was previously expected. The new estimates show that nearly four of 10 Americans identify with a race or ethnic group other than white and suggest that the 2010 to 2020 decade will be the first in the nation’s history in which the white population declined in numbers.
The declining white population share is pervasive across the nation. Since 2010, the white population share declined in all 50 states. Most noteworthy is the increased diversity in the younger portion of the population. In 2019, more than half of the nation’s population under age 16 identified as a racial or ethnic minority for the first time. Among this group, Latino or Hispanic and Black residents together comprise nearly 40% of the population.
Right-leaning publications like the wall street journal, the Atlantic, and others have rubbished the idea that whites are destined to become a minority to a coalesced minority.
The Journal’s John J. Miller, in 2021, in an essay titled; ‘Majority Minority’ America? Don’t Bet on It”, wrote: Remember the “coalition of the ascendant”? National Journal’s Ronald Brownstein invented the phrase in 2008 to describe the “growing elements of American society” that had elected Barack Obama and given Democrats commanding majorities in both congressional houses: “young people, Hispanics, and other minorities, and white upper-middle-class professionals.” Republican successes in 2010, 2014, and 2016 called the coalition’s durability into question. But the 2020 election— Joe Biden’s victory notwithstanding — may provide the greatest reason to doubt it. Compared with 2016, President Trump and congressional Republicans improved their standing significantly among Hispanic voters and made smaller strides among other groups, such as Asian-Americans, blacks, and Muslims.
Miller’s assertion is based essentially on the mixing of races and the children resulting from those unions. His assertion is premised on the idea that those children will alter the demographics in favor of the present white majority. An assertion that has nothing to do with the browning of America yet purports to speak to how voters may vote in the future depending on their assimilation into white culture.
White replacement theory is not a fringe idea; it is mainstream Republican ideology that got Donald Trump elected president of the United States. It was behind the so-called freedom caucus in the US Congress and the intractable opposition to President Barack Obama.
It is behind the Republican party’s decision to give up on democracy and attach themselves to the [trumpian] idea of despotism. If you can no longer win elections fairly, ensure that there are no more free and fair elections.

In the supposed liberal bastion of New York, Elise Stefanik, the House Republican number three who gleefully took on the role Liz Chaney had, is a firm believer in replacement theory.
Stefanik’s Facebook ads, which prompted a scathing editorial in her hometown newspaper, accused “radical Democrats” of planning what she called a “permanent election insurrection” and said their plan to “grant amnesty to 11 million undocumented people would overthrow our current electorate and create a permanent liberal majority in Washington.
Asked by CNN’S Manu Raju if she repudiated replacement theory, Stefanik said: “I’ve never made a racist comment.”
That exchange came after Illinois Senator Dick Durbin called out elected officials who “jump at the chance to get featured on [Tucker] Carlson’s show and echo his white supremacist blather, his dark gospel of fear and hate and racism.”(according to Newsweek)
The American farmland has always been fertile soil in which racism and genocide would thrive. From the ignoble institution of slavery to Jim Crowe in the South to the more subtle institutionalized racism in the North-East and across the length and breadth of America, racism has been America’s shame.
From April 12th, 1861, to May 13th, 1865, Americans fought each other in a bloody civil war that would end slavery on the books, per se. By the time the shooting war subsided, an estimated 620,000 people lay dead, victims of an incorrigible and unrighteous system that demanded blood for its sustenance.

America learned nothing from that bloodshed; instead of cleansing itself of the stench of ignorance and hate, it doubled down by building monuments to the very traitors who had taken up arms against the nation. All across the country, Legislatures enacted laws that were just as onerous as slavery and, in some cases, even more so.
Present-day America operates as a normal society but underneath that faux exterior lies the ugly monster of shared ignorance and hatred that has characterized this nation through its existence.
It should have come as no surprise that rapacious vultures would seek to unearth the stinking carcass of racism and seek to profit from it. Unfortunately, the mainstream media in America but for a few journalists, are all consumed with fluff and frivolity to continue bringing these important facts to the fore for well thinking Americans.
And so now that we are seeing the bloody consequence of what the hate machine known as FOX is doing to the lives of innocent Black and Brown people, it is important to say I warned that Rupert Murdock was destroying America.
I told you so, now every media house is talking about Murdoch and his little minions on his hate channel, but the horse is already through the gate, and the well is already poisoned.
The country must legislate its way out of this quagmire it is in. Legislation cannot stop racist thoughts, but it changes behavior. Eventually, those who would use racism as a means to an end will get the message.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog