Republicans Stripping Steve King Of Comm/​assingments Cost Them Nothing..

Finding them­selves in the unen­vi­able posi­tion if the minor­i­ty par­ty in the House, Republicans now have a chance to lick their wounds over the mon­u­men­tal loss they suf­fered in the last elec­tions. Maybe now its time for some intro­spec­tion about where they went wrong. 

The stale­mate in which the coun­try finds itself with no plau­si­ble end in sight to a man­u­fac­tured cri­sis is only one of the many issues which are plagu­ing the GOP and hurt­ing the coun­try.
It has become evi­dent that Republicans can­not be trust­ed with pow­er.
When in oppo­si­tion they engi­neer strate­gies which at best are reac­tionary and sub­ver­sive.
When vot­ed into office they demon­strate that the actions they take are not in the inter­est of the wider soci­ety, but are tai­lored toward a rather tiny sliv­er of the soci­ety.
That tiny sliv­er is usu­al­ly the whitest and rich­est peo­ple at the top.

The inabil­i­ty of the Congress to get any­thing done was not cre­at­ed by the hap­less Democrats. Truth is, the Democrats are too behold­en, to too many dif­fer­ent inter­ests to stick to any pol­i­cy posi­tion as a mat­ter of prin­ci­ple for long and Republicans have always cashed in on that.
Traditionally Democrats gen­er­al­ly end up fold­ing like a cheap tent at the slight­est push­back by Republicans.
Newt Gingrich was able to work with Bill Clinton, despite the reac­tionary nature of his so-called “con­tract with America” insur­gency .
Democrats for their part, basi­cal­ly gave away the house to George W Bush after 911 out of fear he would label them against America.
You will recall Bush’s mantra, “either you are with us or you are against us”?
That scared the hell out of the Democrats, so they gave him more than he demand­ed and the Patriot Act was born.
The con­se­quences of the Bush Presidency and the dam­age done to indi­vid­ual free­doms is incalculable.

The log­jam in the Congress came about because Barack Obama a (black man) ascend­ed to the Presidency.
Republicans at the Congressional and Gubernatorial lev­els decid­ed they would do every­thing in their pow­er to make sure that the poli­cies the new­ly elect­ed pres­i­dent ran on did not become law.
The T‑Party was born, not as some gener­ic grass­roots oppo­si­tion to Obama’s so-called Socialists Policies as some would have you believe. But as a con­se­quence of a strate­gic well-fund­ed cam­paign by über-bil­lion­aires the likes of the Koch broth­ers, gam­bling mag­nate Sheldon Adelson, the Mercers, and others.

Now there is a sor­ta-kind Republican in the white house and of course, Congressional Republicans are more than will­ing to have you believe that Democrats have a respon­si­bil­i­ty and indeed a duty to engage in bipar­ti­san­ship.
Of course, why not? The Democrats have always been like a filler par­ty which takes office when peo­ple are tired of Republican betray­al and the destruc­tion of the econ­o­my.
Republican con­tri­bu­tions are to start some wars, dec­i­mate the econ­o­my and back goes the elec­torate to the Democrats. Yup, even a black Democrat, some­thing which nev­er hap­pened before.
And what do you know, it worked.
Then, it’s back to any­thing which calls itself Republican, and the cycle con­tin­ues.
The prob­lem this time for the trea­so­nous Republicans, is that the Democratic major­i­ty is made up of some not so old peo­ple, some not so white peo­ple, and some not so timid peo­ple.
Many of them ran on exact­ly not con­form­ing to pre­vi­ous Democratic ortho­doxy.
As an Opinion writer, I have for the last cou­ple of years writ­ten that Democratic vot­ers want a deci­sive Democratic par­ty, not a Republican-lite Democratic par­ty. I point­ed to the rise of Vermont Socialist, Bernie Sanders as proof that Democratic vot­ers want clear lines of demar­ca­tion between their par­ty and the Republicans.
Like the cleans­ing which went on in the Republican par­ty which removed the so-called (Republicans in name only)[RINO’s]sic, pro­gres­sive Democratic vot­ers are tired of elect­ing Democrats who are Republican-lite.
This time they vot­ed for Democratic can­di­dates who are Democrats, can­di­dates who are Black, Hispanic, Muslims, Native-Americans- Gays, Transgenders and oth­ers, and all of those groups are tired of the Democratic par­ty tak­ing their votes and push­ing a white male agen­da after­wards.

Congressman Steve King

So now that Paul Ryan, the fake gold­en boy genius, has tak­en his mar­bles and gone home leav­ing Kevin McCarthy to be minor­i­ty leader, yes the same Kevin McCarthy who should have been the speak­er before Ryan, he’s now set­tling into the minor­i­ty spot, one of a dying breed of California Republicans.
And what do you know, unlike Mitch McConnell and his band of Putin sup­port­ers in the Senate Kevin McCarthy and his now chas­tened House Republicans have decid­ed to blow some smoke up the nations rear end by throw­ing their racist point man Steven King over­board.
Paul Ryan pre­tend­ed to care but stuck it to the aver­age Joe while enact­ing the agen­da of the 1%. He is now gone, a dis­tant mem­o­ry and a bad taste in the nations col­lec­tive pal­let.
He left with­out doing any­thing pos­i­tive for the nation for which he will be remem­bered.
It’s not like Steve King has­n’t been a vile ran­cid racist scum­bag all his polit­i­cal life, every­one knows King and many, many oth­ers in the Republican Party are not just racist but dumb nation­al­ists.
There are so many more vile crea­tures like Steve King in both the Republican and Democratic par­ties. Some worse than oth­ers.
So I got­ta ask why now, why have Republicans, at least those in the house final­ly decid­ed to strip Steve King of his com­mit­tee assign­ments?
I mean the vot­ers in Iowa’s 4th District knew who Steve King was all along and despite the out­cry against him they again sent him to Washington?
If Steve King is an igno­ble racist what does it make them?
If Republicans had con­trol of the house would they have done any­thing about their col­league from Iowa’s 4th dis­trict?
Absolutely not, they have now done this so that they can change the con­ver­sa­tion. So the next time Republicans are accused of racism they can point to Steve King and say here is how we treat Racists in our par­ty when we see it.

Paul Ryan

Now here is the thing I can­not wrap my mind around, King has always been this way, so it seems to me that lament­ing in a New York Times inter­view as to the rea­son “white suprema­cy” and “white nation­al­ism” have become offen­sive may have been the straw which broke the Camel’s back.
McCarthy said King’s remarks were “beneath the dig­ni­ty of the Party of Lincoln and the United States of America” and “call into ques­tion whether he will treat all Americans equal­ly, with­out regard for race and ethnicity”.“House Republicans are clear: We are all in this togeth­er, as fel­low cit­i­zens equal before God and the law,” McCarthy said accord­ing to [Huffpost​.com].
What baloney, this idea of a Trump wall is exact­ly because America is becom­ing a mul­ti­cul­tur­al, mul­ti-eth­nic coun­ty. Steve King knew and said it, and so does all who sup­port the Republican par­ty.
The immi­gra­tion fights are about the brown­ing of America and so is all of the vot­er sup­pres­sion laws and strate­gies Republicans have ini­ti­at­ed.

Barack Obama mused after win­ning a sec­ond term that maybe the fever would break, in ref­er­ence to the Republican uni­tary oppo­si­tion to him on every issue.
That did not hap­pen, Republicans main­tained their abnor­mal oppo­si­tion to him even as it regard­ed his con­sti­tu­tion­al right and respon­si­bil­i­ty to appoint a jus­tice to the Supreme court, upon which the Senate is then required to advise and con­sent.
Republicans did nei­ther!
Mitch McConnell ensured that not only would Judge Merrick Garland not get a hear­ing to be an asso­ciate jus­tice, but Republicans would not even meet with him, and so they did­n’t.
Through that process of bla­tant polit­i­cal obstruc­tion­ism, Neil M. Gorsuch now sits in the seat which should have been Merrick Garland’s.
The Republican attempt to jet­ti­son Steve King so as to save face when accused of racism will fool no one.
The Party of Lincoln was nev­er an anti-racist par­ty as some would have you believe. Racism in America was nev­er a par­ty issue, it has always been a peo­ple issue and it still is.
The mythol­o­gy about Lincoln and his par­ty is just that, a myth and so too is the non­sense that Steve King’s racism flies in the face of the par­ty of Lincoln.
Furthermore, this Republican par­ty is now the par­ty of Trump and it’s pri­ma­ry char­ac­ter­is­tic is Racism.