Republicans Perpetuated A Monumental Fraud The Consequences Will Be Everlasting

Fifty-one forty-eight, (51−48 ) the final vote of the United States Senate led by Republicans.
The vote to ele­vate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was straight Party line with the excep­tion of West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin vot­ing [Yea] with the Republicans and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski vot­ing no.
Pivotal to the process of Kavanaugh’s ascen­dan­cy was the hope that Maine’s wishy-washy, hand-wring­ing Republican Senator Susan Collins would be a poten­tial no.

From the off­set, those opposed to Kavanaugh hung their hats on two male sen­a­tors. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona.
Both men are staunch Conservatives who vote lock­step with their par­ty on issue after issue, both have had a luke­warm to a frigid rela­tion­ship with Donald Trump and both are not seek­ing re-elec­tion to the Senate.

The hope­fuls were of the opin­ion that both men were free to stand out and stand for some­thing, that some­thing being with Democrats in oppo­si­tion to the Kavanaugh nom­i­na­tion. 
Being uncon­strained from not hav­ing to face the rad­i­cal right-wing vot­ers in their respec­tive states, many were hope­ful that at least one of the two men, Jeff Flake would be a sav­ior in what they con­strued to be an exis­ten­tial fight for the soul of the supreme court and for America.

But more than Flake and Corker, women across the nation, uneasy about the prospect of Roe V Wade with a poten­tial Justice Kavanaugh on the high­est court, looked to Murkowski and Collins, two female US Senators whom they believed were ami­able or open to rea­son.

Throughout the tumul­tuous process, Susan Collins played Susan Collins to a “T” tak­ing both sides of the issue, say­ing that Dr. Ford deserves to be heard while at the time say­ing that Brett Kavanaugh gave her cer­tain assur­ances that Roe V Wade is set­tled law. 
The wishy-washy Maine US Senator was in her ele­ment, pre­tend­ing to care about wom­en’s issues while rev­el­ing in the idea that the eyes of the nation were on her.

Susan Collins

Senator Murkowski kept how she would vote to her­self, many of her con­stituents flew down from Alaska to lob­by their sen­a­tor to vote against Brett Kavanaugh, as did many Maine vot­ers to lob­by Susan Collins.
Jeff Flake, seem­ing con­flict­ed as to how to vote, vot­ed to move the Kavanaugh nom­i­na­tion out of com­mit­tee, on con­di­tion that there was one final one-week of inves­ti­ga­tions by the FBI regard­ing the alle­ga­tions made by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

Brett Kavanaugh

But any­one with the slight­est idea of the way inves­ti­ga­tions are con­duct­ed knew right away that that was a hoax.
There can be wide para­me­ters placed around how long an inves­ti­ga­tion [may] take, but to sug­gest that any mean­ing­ful fol­lowup inves­ti­ga­tion must begin and be con­clud­ed with­in a week is essen­tial­ly per­pet­u­at­ing a fraud on the coun­try.

Chris Coons, Delaware’s Democratic US Senator and friend of Jeff Flake believed every word of his friends cha­rade when he asked for a week more so that the FBI could check out the claims of Doctor Christine Blasey Ford.
Little did Coons know that Flake’s play was noth­ing more than a ploy to give cov­er to Republicans to cut off debate and force the vote to put Kavanaugh on the court.

Jeff Flake

Flake played right into Trump and Mitch McConnell’s hands. Trump would ulti­mate­ly lim­it the scope and reach of the Investigations while a trun­cat­ed report would give lever­age to Republicans who would then argue that the FBI had cleared Kavanaugh because there was noth­ing to Dr. Ford’s claims.
It was a ter­rif­ic sleigh of hand which gave the Democrats tem­po­rary respite but a ter­ri­ble heart­burn in the end.

Jeff Flake may or may not have pres­i­den­tial ambi­tions but his part in that plot was mas­ter­ful. He came off as a states­man who believed in process and pro­to­col but a clos­er look reveals his move was a cyn­i­cal ploy which ulti­mate­ly gave Republicans the cov­er they need­ed to close out debate on the Kavanaugh nom­i­na­tion.

More women came out and accused Brett Kavanaugh of improp­er sex­u­al behav­ior, more cor­rob­o­rat­ing wit­ness­es emerged beg­ging the FBI to con­tact them. We have a sto­ry to tell they claimed.
Unfortunately, the FBI had no inter­est in their truths, no inter­est in what they had to say.
Kavanaugh, cried, lied, and threat­ened Democratic sen­a­tors and the nation. His tem­pera­ment was a clas­sic exam­ple of a bel­liger­ent drunk, but none of that gave Republicans pause. Instead, they dou­bled down on their nom­i­nee.
When the bat­tles are being waged around a wom­an’s right to chose, as they sure­ly will be, let it be remem­bered that Lisa Murkowski stood tall, the Republican men act­ed as Republican men do, Joe Manchin pro­tect­ed his ass over his coun­try, Jeff Flake was true to his name and Susan Collins gave the mid­dle fin­ger to women.

In the end, the FBI con­clud­ed a sham inves­ti­ga­tion which did not include an inter­view of nei­ther the accused or the accuser. We are told only nine peo­ple were inter­viewed and true to the prin­ci­ples of a state run by a strong­man the results of the sham inves­ti­ga­tions were not made pub­lic.
In fact, Senators had very lim­it­ed time to browse through the sin­gle copy of the report which was placed in a secure room in the bow­els of the Senate build­ing.

Mitch McConnell had pulled off a per­fect tri­fec­ta. (1) He had blocked most of President Obama’s Federal appoint­ments for the fed­er­al judi­cia­ry. (2) In an unprece­dent­ed move, he had blocked the ascent of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. President Obama a twice-elect­ed President had every right to appoint a replace­ment for the deceased par­ti­san Antonin Scalia and (3) McConnell had stolen the seat in which sits Neil Gorsuch, a staunch right-wing func­tionary appoint­ed by Donald Trump a pres­i­dent who has been named as an unin­dict­ed crim­i­nal co-con­spir­a­tor.

Today Saturday, October 6th is the day the United States Senate ignored the alle­ga­tions of sex­u­al mis­con­duct against Brett Kavanaugh and vot­ed to advance the nom­i­na­tion to make Brett Kavanaugh an asso­ciate jus­tice of the Supreme Court.
Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th jus­tice in the his­to­ry of the court.
This day may be the day his­to­ri­ans look back on and say this was the day we lost America.
Or not.


The con­se­quences of this vote today will be last­ing on the American soci­ety.
In the end, the FBI direc­tor, Christopher Wray will raise his hand and he will tell the Congress that a fair inves­ti­ga­tion was done by his agents, and it will be a lie.
Donald Trump has cor­rod­ed lit­er­al­ly every pub­lic body in the coun­try.
One thing is cer­tain, how­ev­er, is the bla­tant dis­hon­esty and lack of process with which the Republicans han­dled this nom­i­na­tion.
Scared of poten­tial­ly los­ing the House and pos­si­bly the Senate they per­pet­u­at­ed a mon­u­men­tal fraud on the nation all in the name of pol­i­tics and the per­pet­u­a­tion of white suprema­cy.
Country be damned.
And that may very well be the end result of this fraud.