Much like they did after Bill Clinton was reelected in 1996 Republicans are on the hunt once again to find a scandal with which to distract the country.They are trying to create the impression the Administration is involved in a scandal, deny the president his agenda and win the next mid-term election.

You have already heard the words from all of their lying oper­a­tives , the same talk­ing points “we want an inves­ti­ga­tion much like Water-Gate, and Iran-Contra”, in ref­er­ence to Benghazi. What they do not tell you is that both those scan­dals were Republican scan­dals, one result­ing in the only American pres­i­dent resign­ing from office, and the oth­er result­ing in a senior mil­i­tary aide tak­ing the fall for the President.

I’m sure you thought they would have got­ten the mes­sage after the trounc­ing they took from the Obama led Democratic tick­et on November 6th 2012,.……nah , they have to learn hard.

Learning the hard way for Republicans will mean actu­al­ly los­ing a few National elec­tions. This Republican Party as it is con­sti­tut­ed will not sud­den­ly change. It will have to suf­fer sev­er­al crush­ing loss­es in order to evolve.

The Republican Party as con­sti­tut­ed is not behold­en to vot­ers, it is behold­en to an unelect­ed lob­by­ist Grover Norquist who scares each and every can­di­date for the House and Senate into sign­ing a pledge nev­er to raise tax­es, at the per­il of being pri­maried with a can­di­date who tows the line.

Of course there is the T‑Party, a front group fund­ed and financed by rich Industrialists like Charles and David Koch, Sheldon Adelson and oth­er Billionaires who are hell-bent on own­ing the gov­ern­ment for their own finan­cial end.

You would nev­er know this if you just assume they are the inno­cent mid­dle age white women and ordi­nary look­ing every-day peo­ple you see artic­u­lat­ing the T‑Party’s mes­sage. Just dig a lit­tle deep­er, peel anoth­er lay­er off that onion and it becomes crys­tal clear that there is sig­nif­i­cant­ly much more going on just beneath the surface.

Both Political Parties are some­what behold­en to spe­cial inter­est , in fact just this week the new­ly reelect­ed President Obama met at the White House with sev­er­al groups, Labor , Business, Civic, and of course Congressional lead­ers. The rea­son for the series of meet­ings was to bring all stake-hold­ers on board for the tax hikes he ran on.

Of course there are Interest groups which make up the Democratic Party’s Coalition, Labor, Blacks, Asians,Women, Gays. Lesbians, Jews, Latinos, essen­tial­ly every­one not a white Anglo-Saxon male ,

Norquist:  Limbaugh

The Republican par­ty does not believe there is a need for change, in fact many in the par­ty still main­tain that their mes­sage is a strong one, despite a crush­ing defeat just days ago, in which they lost seat in the House even in recent­ly ger­ry­man­dered dis­tricts , redrawn in their favor, they lost seats in the Senate , a body where Democrats were forced to defend most of the seats they had and it was pre­dict­ed they would not be able to retain con­trol. Democrats won the biggest prize of all by tak­ing the pres­i­den­cy with a whop­ping 303 – 206 elec­toral votes.

Romney tells donors the President gave gifts to Americans and then turned them out to vote for him , his run­ning mate, equal­ly dense , main­tained that peo­ple turned out to vote, and that was the rea­son they lost. One repub­li­can in the state of Maine said he saw black peo­ple at the polls , and won­dered where they lived, I guess blacks are not sup­posed to live or vote in lily-white Maine, I mean where do these retards come from?

There is not enough time and space to doc­u­ment the idi­ot­ic, moron­ic and nean­derthal utter­ances which have come out of the mouths of Republican’s, most­ly shell-shocked white males.

It is not an easy thing being a white male in America it seem these days, There is a black man in the White House, that’s got­ta be killing them, not to wor­ry, let them car­ry some stress for a change.

At the top of the leader board in the present day Republican Party are Norquist, Limbaugh, and the T‑Party, then there are the sec­ond tier lack­eys at FOX .

Then there are the elect­ed repub­li­cans like John McCain who have grown accus­tomed to stu­pid reporters from the lame-stream media ask­ing what they thought about issues, are scared stiff , that they are rapid­ly becom­ing irrelevant.

As such McCain has waged a rear-guard bat­tle against the Obama Administration since he was defeat­ed in 2008, despite the Obama White House being one of the most scan­dal-free admin­is­tra­tions in the his­to­ry of this repub­lic. The knack on Obama iron­i­cal­ly, is that he does not schmooze with the Washington crowd, many argue he holds them in con­tempt. I actu­al­ly do hope he does, most of them are rather contemptible.

The last Republican Administration was lit­er­al­ly above the law, they com­mit­ted tor­ture in con­tra­ven­tion of International Law. They venge­ful­ly and polit­i­cal­ly out­ed a CIA oper­a­tive, Valerie Plame, in order to get back at her hus­band A,bassador Joe Wilson, for call­ing out the Bush admin­is­tra­tion for lying and fab­ri­cat­ing evi­dence to start a war with Iraq. Then start­ed and waged an ille­gal war against the Iraqui peo­ple . Rendered bat­tle­field com­bat­ants to coun­tries where they main­tained dark sites, and had them tor­tured, and a pletho­ra of oth­er crimes. No one was held crim­i­nal­ly respon­si­bly for any of those crimes with the excep­tion of Dick Cheney’s aide Scooter Libby who was giv­en a slap on the wrist for lying in the out­ing of Valerie Plame.

John McCain:

This led me to do some research on John McCain, I want­ed to find out why he hat­ed Susan Rice the US Ambassador to the UN and pos­si­ble replace­ment to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Rice, a Clinton admin­is­tra­tion vet­er­an, became Obama’s senior for­eign-pol­i­cy advis­er, after she chose him over Hillary Clinton ear­ly in the pres­i­den­tial race. That put Rice square­ly in oppo­si­tion to McCain, each time the war vet­er­an tried to chal­lenge the junior senator’s nation­al secu­ri­ty credentials.

Some of her choice quotes:

His ten­den­cy is to shoot first and ask first ques­tions lat­er, it is dan­ger­ous and we can’t afford four more years of this reck­less for­eign pol­i­cy,” Susan Rice said to reporters about McCain in August 2008.

When McCain tried to paint Obama as some­one who rou­tine­ly shied away from tough deci­sions on Iraq, Rice was there to tear down his record.

On crit­i­cal, fac­tu­al ques­tions that are fun­da­men­tal to under­stand­ing what is going on in Iraq and the region, Senator McCain has got­ten it wrong and not just once but repeat­ed­ly,” said Rice in June 2008.

With ref­er­ence to the sit­u­a­tion in Georgia where McCain announced ‘today we are all Georgian’s:

We were deal­ing with the facts as we knew them,” Rice said on MSNBC. “John McCain shot from the hip, very aggres­sive, bel­liger­ent state­ment. He may or may not have com­pli­cat­ed the situation.”

And a ref­er­ence to McCain strolling around the mar­ket in Iraq with heavy secu­ri­ty to prove how safe it was:

Rice even got per­son­al with McCain when Obama trav­eled over­seas to vis­it the Middle East.“I think he wants to get out and do as much as he can Rice said about Obama’s trip. “I don’t think he’ll be strolling around the mar­ket in a flak jack­et.”

Rice was sub­tly refer­ring to McCain’s trip to Iraq a year ear­li­er, after he was mocked by lib­er­als for wear­ing body armor while vis­it­ing what looked like a peace­ful mar­ket in Baghdad.

John McCain is the bit­ter­est of sore losers and has­n’t for­got­ten or for­giv­en what he per­ceives as Barack Obama usurp­ing his sup­posed strong suit of for­eign pol­i­cy and nation­al secu­ri­ty, with Susan Rice being the one sling­ing the arrows at him. So he has been on this faux Benghazi scan­dal like a pit bull, even after General Petraeus’ new tes­ti­mo­ny has embar­rassed him beyond belief.(dai​lykos​.com)

So there we have it John McCain who has ben­e­fit­ted from his sta­tus as a pris­on­er of war for decade, fears irrel­e­vance, so he takes out his inse­cu­ri­ties and short com­ings on an emi­nent­ly qual­i­fied woman.

McCain has sat atop that pin­na­cle as a per­son who no one dare ques­tion on for­eign pol­i­cy, this is a man who has paid his dues he was cap­tured by the North Vietnamese and tor­tured, this man is a hero, how dare any­one , par­tic­u­lar­ly some­one who nev­er served in any branch of the mil­i­tary ques­tion McCain?

How dare Susan Rice a woman stand up to McCain, even worse how dare an African America woman stand up to a true American war hero? Isn’t that what we are all led to believe ? John Sydney McCain is beyond reproach, right?, There is just one ques­tion I want to ask, What about all of the oth­er war­riors who have lost a limb, lost sev­er­al limbs, or paid the ulti­mate price, do they get the same God like treat­ment that McCain has exploit­ed expo­nen­tial­ly for decades?

And did Jon McCain not tell the Vietnamese all that they need­ed to know? So what gives John McCain the right to say Susan Rice is not qual­i­fied, not bright, sim­ply because she dared to stand up and speak her mind against a man whose time has come and gone?

After Petraeus tes­ti­fied McCain was embar­rassed, but he has­n’t quit, he keeps dig­ging, demand­ing that Ambassador Rice go on Television and apol­o­gise and state that she was wrong . Never mind that the infor­ma­tion Susan Rice had was the infor­ma­tion giv­en her by the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty, the intel­li­gence Petraeus gave.

Essentially Petraeus who head­ed the CIA was not chal­lenged , but Ambassador Rice should go on tele­vi­sion to embar­rass her­self, this is the most dis­re­spect­ful and down­right cheeky piece of shit to come out of that old retard’s mouth.

Clearly John McCain still believes that they still own the plan­ta­tion and Ambassador Rice is behold­en to him. John McCain who bare­ly com­plet­ed the course of stud­ies at the Naval Academy, and may have flunked out but giv­en a pass because of who his father and grand­fa­ther was, has the nerve and the gall to refer to Dr, Rice as not bright, and unqual­i­fied for the job of Secretary of State.

Notice I haven’t men­tioned Lindsay Graham, the oth­er retard from South Carolina, I mean he is from South Carolina, who cares what he thinks? Graham and McCain have bandied togeth­er along with depart­ing Senator from Connecticut, Joe Lieberman, the Democratic Party ‘s Benedict Arnold, anoth­er Connecticut native.

The trio cre­at­ed the impres­sion that they were rea­son­able peo­ple who want­ed to advance the debate, they turned out to be harsh and unrea­son­able crit­ics of the Obama pres­i­den­cy, Lieberman will leave the sen­ate and hope­ful­ly we won’t hear from him ever again, he how­ev­er have refused to join the dis­re­spect­ful and out­ra­geous assault on Ambassador Rice.

The Republican Party which made John McCain rel­e­vant is no more, if John McCain want to stay in elect­ed office he will have to keep up the out­rage he is engaged in present­ly, or some loony will run against him to his right. This forces McCain to do and say out­ra­geous things like the present out­rage he is involved in.

He will have to con­tin­ue to embar­rass him­self in order to be rel­e­vant, at least to his mind. In the end McCain becomes less and less rel­e­vant and is revealed to be noth­ing more than a pathet­ic inse­cure and irrel­e­vant old man whose time has long passed.