Republican Congress Engaged In Trying To Scuttle Deal With Iran On Israel’s Behalf


I can­not recall an instance when an American Administration would be engaged in del­i­cate talks on the world stage while the Congress is doing every­thing in it’s pow­er to derail and scut­tle the out­come of those negotiations.
I will defer to con­sti­tu­tion­al experts and his­to­ri­ans on this however.
As Secretary of Sate John Kerry and oth­er west­ern nations engages in del­i­cate nego­ti­a­tions with Iran sur­round­ing what the west says is Iran’s dri­ve to be a nuclear pow­er, the United States Republican led con­gress is active­ly arrayed against the Administration on the specifics of a deal which has not even been worked out yet.
This means Republicans do not want a deal with Iran. To dri­ve that point home they have threat­ened to attach more crip­pling sanc­tions to those already in effect against the Islamic Republic.
It is not out of the ordi­nary that the con­gress of one par­ty finds itself at odds with the admin­is­tra­tion of the oth­er par­ty which con­trols the exec­u­tive branch.
What is unprece­dent­ed is that the speak­er of the House John Boehner is work­ing hand in hand with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu to scut­tle a deal being nego­ti­at­ed by the United States and oth­er pow­er­ful west­ern allies.

“I think anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state and to evacuate territory is giving radical Islam a staging ground against the State of Israel,”
“I think any­one who is going to estab­lish a Palestinian state and to evac­u­ate ter­ri­to­ry is giv­ing rad­i­cal Islam a stag­ing ground against the State of Israel,”

This means the Republican con­gress has cast it’s lot with a for­eign pow­er against it’s own country.
Having Netanyahu address Congress is not out of the ordinary.
Having Netanyahu address con­gress in oppo­si­tion to the President’s agen­da is unprecedented.
Sending a let­ter to Iran to tell author­i­ties there that what­ev­er deal they arrive at will be struck down as soon as the pres­i­dent leaves office is trea­so­nous to some.

Despite those mis-steps the Republican con­gress is active­ly engaged in sub­vert­ing a deal with Iran, on behalf of Israel.
The United States of America has one com­man­der ‑in-chief at a time.
It is the Executive branch’s duty to nego­ti­ate agree­ments such as they one it is engaged in with Iran.
Congress also have a role to play in rat­i­fy­ing some agreements.
Trying to sub­vert an agree­ment even before one is reached is vir­gin territory.
Trying to do so on behalf of a for­eign pow­er is … well you decide.…
Netanyahu does not want peace with Israel’s neigh­bors. Israel is nei­ther a democ­ra­cy nor a real American ally. Despite the lies being told about Israels com­mit­ment to main­tain­ing it’s sup­posed close rela­tion­ship with America.
Israel’s com­mit­ment is based on the bil­lions of American dol­lars which flows to it annually.
Israel’s com­mit­ment is based on America’s con­tin­ued obsti­na­cy in block­ing United Nations action which would pun­ish it for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
It’s a con­ve­nient arrange­ment which ben­e­fits Israeli’s and no one else.

U.S. President Obama
U.S. President Obama

Netanyahu con­tin­ue to use the argu­ment that Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map. What he does­n’t tell the world is that those com­ments came from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the for­mer pres­i­dent of Iran.

The Iranians have con­sis­tent­ly main­tained they have no inten­tion of start­ing a war with Israel, or any­one else for that matter.
They have con­sis­tent­ly point­ed to the fact that it is the nuclear-armed Israel which has been engaged in naked aggres­sion against it’s neigh­bors and not them.
It must be con­strued that Netanyahu does not want peace but ulti­mate­ly wants to see America engaged in an ille­gal war with the Iranian people.
Netanyahu’s aims is to see a neu­tral­ized Iran. Neutralized with America’s mil­i­tary might, blood and money.
A dec­i­mat­ed Iran gives Israel the hege­mon­ic dom­i­nance it craves in the region. This is not a new con­cept for Israel. Since the rise of the Islamic Republic out of the ash­es and con­trol of the cor­rupt Sha an America pawn, Israel’s lead­ers from Ariel Sharon to Benjamin Netanyahu want­ed Iran dec­i­mat­ed and emas­cu­lat­ed. Israel has been forced to reck­on with Hezbollah and Hamas which they allege are fund­ed and trained by Iran. Remove Iran from the equa­tion and the pow­er of Hezbollah and Hamas goes.

Israel is free to con­tin­ue it’s occu­pa­tion and dom­i­na­tion of the Palestinians while it takes more and more of their land.
That is the rea­son Benjamin Netanyahu wants to use Republicans to kill any poten­tial deal with Iran, regard­less of what’s in the deal.
What he wants is blan­ket bomb­ing or crip­pling sanc­tions which destroys Iran.
Only America has the pow­er to do one or both.
Obama will do neither.
A deal is bad for Israel on both counts, that is why he is using the Republican con­gress to try to kill any deal, regard­less of whats in the deal.