Repeal Or Not, Obama Will Forever Be The President Who Gave All Americans The Right To Be Able To Get Health Care.….

According to pro­po­nents of the Affordable care Act, (ACA), the law has insured more than 20 mil­lion Americans who before did not have Health Insurance.
Opponents say it is a bad law which dri­ves up health care cost and forces Americans to sign up for a plan they may not want at the risk of being fined.
Sounds like two log­i­cal argu­ments right?

President Obama

Well lets take a cur­so­ry look at the argu­ments from both sides.
Former President Barack Obama the President after whom the law was pejo­ra­tive­ly nick­named (Obama care), nev­er missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to remind Americans that the law is imperfect.
He has long argued that if any­one have bet­ter ideas how to insure all Americans while keep­ing costs down he would be hap­py to work with them on mak­ing the law better.

There were indeed hic­cups on the roll out of the law. For exam­ple when the President famous­ly told peo­ple if they liked their Doctor they could keep their Doctor.
That turned out to be impractical .
It is impor­tant to under­stand that a pro­gram of that mag­ni­tude would cer­tain­ly have hic­cups on it’s roll out and implementation.

Republicans brayed that Medicaid and Social secu­ri­ty would be the death of the Republic when those pro­grams were pro­posed . Those two pro­grams are still here and so is the Republic.
The thing threat­en­ing the Republic is cer­tain­ly not Medicaid , Social Security , or the ACA for that matter.
It is the ill pre­pared , ill-equipped occu­pant of the White House.

It goes with­out say­ing that ele­ments of the law are vast­ly ben­e­fi­cial to and pop­u­lar with the American peo­ple. Even those who ben­e­fit from the Affordable Care Act, yet are vehe­ment­ly opposed to Obama Care…
Young peo­ple being able to stay on their par­ents insur­ance until they are twen­ty six(26) if they are unem­ployed is a huge positive.
What was once char­ac­ter­ized as pre-exist­ing con­di­tions, which pre­vent­ed peo­ple from buy­ing health Insurance no longer the sta­tus quo is a big deal .

According to CNSNEWS​.com the final word count of the ACA amount­ed to approx­i­mate­ly 11,588,500 words of final Obamacare regulations.
It is one of the most con­se­quen­tial piece of enti­tle­ment reg­u­la­tion since FDR“s New Deal.
Of course this was going to have hic­cups. Of course this was always going to need fine tun­ing. That’s just the way things work, it takes time to work out the kinks.

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell

So what’s behind the Republicans inces­sant attempts to repeal the ACA?
Republicans have long embraced a fis­cal mod­el for big gov­ern­ment and pro­grams like Medicare and Social Security, which they want to privatize.
According to Forbes​.com  con­trib­u­tor John Wasik, the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has con­sis­tent­ly endorsed a pri­va­ti­za­tion mod­el for Medicare that he’s pro­posed every year since 2011, although his par­ty has always want­ed to take apart the program.

The right wing Washington Examiner even though argu­ing for Republicans , admit­ted that there have actu­al­ly been 54 votes to repeal so far — Those were votes that ranged from defund­ing mea­sures that would have crip­pled Obamacare to delay­ing mea­sures that would have put off some of the very same pro­vi­sions in the law that President Obama has delayed uni­lat­er­al­ly, to mea­sures fix­ing por­tions of the law that passed both hous­es of Congress with bipar­ti­san sup­port and were signed by the president.

Paul Ryan

The sin­gle-mind­ed assault by Republicans on the ACA has always been two-fold .
(1) a hatred for any pro­gram which will have to be fund­ed from the Federal bud­get to assist poor Americans.
(2) A yet unspo­ken racist agen­da to deny a pro­gram like health­care to sur­vive , hav­ing being one of the sig­na­ture accom­plish­ments of the Nations first black president.
If Republicans were inter­est­ed in pro­vid­ing care for Americans need­ing health care, they would have joined forces with President Obama and Democrats in craft­ing a plan which would be fined tuned as prob­lems emerge.

To a man they objected.
To a man they turned their back on a pro­gram which has at it’s Genesis the com­po­nents of the Massachusetts health care cham­pi­oned by none oth­er than Republican Governor Willard Mitt Romney.

Despite sub­stan­tial amounts of data which shows that most of the peo­ple ben­e­fit­ing from Obama care are poor whites liv­ing in ruby-red Republican states. Republicans are stead­fast­ly focused on repeal­ing the law.

According to the https://​www​.wash​ing​ton​post​.com , As Republicans bar­rel head­long towards repeal­ing the Affordable Care Act, new fac­toids and data are slow­ly drib­bling out to reveal just what a mess they are about to make, includ­ing for count­less num­bers of their own constituents.

In red states, a total of at least 3 mil­lion peo­ple are cur­rent­ly get­ting sub­si­dies. This doesn’t include the swing states that Donald Trump won. If you add those in, that swells the total to over six mil­lion peo­ple. * Some of the states with the high­est pop­u­la­tions of peo­ple get­ting sub­si­dies are rep­re­sent­ed by GOP Senators. This includes Florida (more than 1.4 mil­lion); Texas (more than 913,000); North Carolina (more than 499,000); Georgia (more than 427,000); and Pennsylvania (more than 321,000). Many oth­er states with GOP sen­a­tors also have siz­able pop­u­la­tions get­ting subsidies.

John Kasich

Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich is not a big fan of repeal, he has vowed not to sit idly by as Republics rip away health care pro­tec­tion from cit­i­zens of his state .
It is unclear at this time what options Kasich has at his disposal.

Sure Republicans want to cut enti­tle­ments , they have always ran on the need to have small­er Government. No real­ly fis­cal­ly respon­si­ble per­son should be opposed to fis­cal prudence.
But has Republican’s rhetoric matched the facts on fis­cal conservatism?
How can a polit­i­cal par­ty tell tax-pay­ers that they are on their own on health-care?

Whether you agree that repeal­ing the ACA amounts to “you are on your own” is imma­te­r­i­al. The fact is that for mil­lions of Americans who pre­vi­ous­ly did not have health care (Obama care) is a mat­ter of life and death.
The fact that the GOP is now forced to talk about repeal and replace is tes­ta­ment to the com­plex­i­ties of tak­ing away health Insurance of over twen­ty mil­lion peo­ple and leav­ing them to die.
Republican Congressional Representatives going back to their dis­tricts are get­ting an ear­ful from their con­stituents who are not will­ing to have their health insur­ance ripped away.

The irony, and ulti­mate hypocrisy of the GOP’s zealotry on fis­cal pru­dence makes no sense when the spend­ing pie of the American Government is looked at.

Republicans have not seen a social pro­gram which would ben­e­fit tax­pay­ers that they have not demo­nized. This is shock­ing when one con­sid­er that the mon­ey pay­ing for these pro­grams belong to the American tax­pay­ers themselves .

On the con­trary, they have nev­er seen spend­ing which ben­e­fits the Military Industrial Complex that they do not want to throw more mon­ey at.
Much of the hatred for the afford­able care act is about Obama .

As I point­ed out ear­li­er, poor Republicans who are on the afford­able care act, have been some of the most vocal oppo­nents of Obama Care.
You can’t make this up.
Republican lead­er­ship knew that sell­ing hatred for the law would be expo­nen­tial­ly eas­i­er if they pejo­ra­tive­ly Labeled it Obama Care.
From sto­ries of death pan­els to end­less­ly long lines which would see Americans wait­ing to be seen by their doc­tors, all of the mis­in­for­ma­tion and lies have failed to materialize.
That’s now a prob­lem for the Republicans.

As they strug­gle to come up with a plan which will insure more Americans , it seem that what will even­tu­al­ly emanate from Republican;s efforts is a fix of Obama Care.
Sure what­ev­er comes out of the Congress will not be Obama Care. It may very well be Trump care.
What will not change is the fact that Barack Obama will go down as the President who gave all Americans the right to have Health Care.
That is a fact which can­not change.

It is a fact which will for­ev­er be record­ed in American History.
Now they must repeal it, their base will not have it any oth­er way. They will have to replace it. They sim­ply can­not take health insur­ance from 20 mil­lion peo­ple and sim­ply walk away with­out seri­ous backlash.
They now own it , yet what­ev­er they do Barack Obama will for­ev­er be the President who gave Americans the right to be able to pur­chase health care even if they are sick .