Removal Of Queen As Head Of State, Fixed Election Date And Term Limit For PM

THE Government has sig­nalled that it intends to make good on its promise to sev­er colo­nial ties with Britain by bring­ing a Constitution amend­ment bill to Parliament to have the Queen of England Elizabeth ll, replaced with a non-exec­u­tive pres­i­dent as head of state.

This would do away with the gov­er­nor gen­er­al as the Queen’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive here, and make Jamaica a repub­lic. A non-exec­u­tive pres­i­dent, like the gov­er­nor gen­er­al, would still be a sym­bol­ic leader and per­form a rep­re­sen­ta­tive and civic role but with no pow­ers to make pol­i­cy. But he or she could use dis­cre­tionary pow­ers for extra­or­di­nary polit­i­cal inter­ven­tion, based on the Constitution.

Governor General Sir Patrick Allen, in the 2016/​2017 Throne Speech to mark the open­ing of the new ses­sion of Parliament, announced the plan to move to repub­li­can sta­tus, while out­lin­ing a raft of oth­er mea­sures that are now on the leg­isla­tive agenda.

The new Administration appears set on doing what for­mer Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller in her inau­gu­ra­tion speech fol­low­ing her party’s vic­to­ry in the 2011 gen­er­al elec­tion, had pro­posed to do. Simpson Miller said then that as Jamaica cel­e­brat­ed its 50th anniver­sary of inde­pen­dence, the Government would “ini­ti­ate the process for our detach­ment from the Monarchy to become a repub­lic with our own indige­nous pres­i­dent as head of state”. Read more here : Removal of Queen as head of State, fixed elec­tion date and term lim­it for PM