Remarkable What Intelligence And A Bulldozer Can Do …

Intelligence-based polic­ing is still the best form of polic­ing. A police depart­ment that does not have good intel­li­gence assets is oper­at­ing in the dark in today’s environment.
Recent weapons recov­ery by a spe­cial­ized branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force demon­strates, at least to this for­mer cop who thrived on intel­li­gence sup­plied by trust­ing assets that peo­ple are still will­ing to pro­vide infor­ma­tion to cops they can trust.

AK-47 and M‑16 rifles, found along with two mag­a­zines and 60 5.56 car­tridges, as the National Stadium East oper­a­tion con­tin­ued.
Five firearms have been seized in one day and eight since the oper­a­tion commenced.

It was embar­rass­ing to hear Fitz Bailey, one of the senior lead­ers of the force, speak­ing to the dis­cov­ery of the firearms, talk­ing about winning[back] the trust of the Jamaican people.
Despite the con­stant harangu­ing by the morons in the dance hall indus­try who con­tin­ue to incite mur­der on any­one who dares give infor­ma­tion to the police, the Jamaican peo­ple have nev­er wavered in giv­ing crit­i­cal intel­li­gence to offi­cers they can [trust].
That word trust should be auto­mat­ic when we speak of police offi­cers, but far too often, some mem­bers of the force have squan­dered that trust, mak­ing the agen­cy’s job expo­nen­tial­ly more difficult.
People nev­er wavered in giv­ing infor­ma­tion to offi­cers who have earned that trust. Stationed at Mobile Reserve, I was able to get intel­li­gence that yield­ed a loaded M16 Rifle in a ceil­ing in Greenwich Farm.
Trust pro­vid­ed me with live intel­li­gence, lead­ing me to an armed gang­ster who want­ed me dead. Trust enabled me to remove dozens of crim­i­nals from the streets each month.
See the video here in the link below.

Yesterday while this oper­a­tion was ongo­ing, I wrote an arti­cle direct­ed to the pow­ers that be on the Island. The arti­cle was the usu­al apo­lit­i­cal, high­ly crit­i­cal dia­tribe one would expect from me.
Yes, it pains my heart to see what a few hun­dred lit­tle punk-clowns are allowed to do to an entire coun­try while the lead­ers twid­dle their thumbs.
See the arti­cle below.

At the time of pub­li­ca­tion, I had no idea that the Stadium oper­a­tion was ongo­ing, yield­ing eight ille­gal weapons and an assort­ment of ille­gal ammunition.
In the sug­ges­tions part of my arti­cle, I laid out some strate­gies that I know will yield results, includ­ing the following.
(Marshall assets of the Jamaica Defense Force have a few pla­toons of the JDF come over the back of the moun­tain (speak­ing of back bush), and seal off any escape back up the moun­tain. When those assets are in place, rapid­ly seal off the area from moun­tain view avenue to the south, Rockfort to the east, and upper Mountain View Avenue to the west, then slow­ly and delib­er­ate­ly squeeze the cir­cle toward the middle.
Once the area is sealed, police and sol­diers with dogs and bull­doz­ers tear down all unoc­cu­pied build­ings. Remove all zinc fences and find the guns and the shoot­ers, mov­ing inch by inch).
It is ratio­nal to imag­ine that guns have to be hid­den some­where; why has the gov­ern­ment not empow­ered the secu­ri­ty forces to go into these under­served com­mu­ni­ties and turn up every­thing until the guns are all recovered?

I sug­gest­ed that the secu­ri­ty forces build out that strat­e­gy once that oper­a­tion was com­plet­ed. Guaranteed that strat­e­gy would reduce mur­ders by 50% with­in the first three months and see a drop off of anoth­er 20% over time as the secu­ri­ty forces take back the com­mu­ni­ties. It hap­pened when Tivoli Gardens was annexed to Jamaica.

Tying up huge num­bers of police and sol­diers in com­mu­ni­ties to stand by the side of the road in sup­posed (ZOSOs) Zones of Special Operations and (SOEs) States of Emergencies is a retard­ed strat­e­gy. It is the same as apply­ing pret­ty wall­pa­per to old rot­ten walls.
It allows the per­son paper­ing the walls (the gov­ern­ment) the illu­so­ry effect of doing some­thing with­out actu­al­ly address­ing the prob­lem. Those who defend SOESs & ZOSOs, regard­less of their sta­tion, head of the army, or head of the force, no excep­tions, are just as retard­ed and duplic­i­tous as the government.
Go into the com­mu­ni­ties, tear down the zinc fences, and occu­py the space; that is how you stop this non­sense. You can­not police the coun­try from inside the stationhouse.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.