As a practicing Christian, I have always believed that the words of the Bible, parts of which have been assigned directly to the supreme God, becomes manifest in front of our eyes because of human doings, rather than anything magical or mystical.
Having given this subject much thought, and having observed the rapid cultural metamorphosis from a situation in which truth is at the very least an established baseline, to the proliferation and acceptance of lies, I am moved to put my thoughts into words.
2 Thessalonians 2:1 – 3 New King James Version (NKJV)
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, 2 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of [a]Christ had come. 3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of [b]sin is revealed, the son of perdition.
I never subscribed to the theory that any single individual represented the frightening system of government the Bible predicts, (the system of the antichrist), will precede the second coming of our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Christ. However, having read and assimilated the word of God as best I could, and having studied keenly historical and current events, I long concluded that the frightening system to come has little to do with any single individual.
So no,.…… I do not believe that Donald Trump is the Antichrist as white Christians believed President Barack Obama to be. Nevertheless, I believe that as a species we have woven ourselves so tightly into a cocoon of ungodliness, that we would not know how to disentangle, even if we wanted to. As a consequence, the fulfillment of the scriptures is guaranteed because of our own actions.

While Barack Obama was competing for the presidency of the United States he underwent all kinds of attacks, many of which were not only unwarranted, but downright racist, dirty, and stupidly conspiratorial.
He was accused of being a Muslim, as if being a Muslim was a constitutional block against attaining the US presidency.
It is not!
He was accused of being a Manchurian candidate, and after he won he was accused of being a Manchurian president intent on destroying the Republic.
A manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.
Most of those scurrilous theories came from FOX misinformation, and the bevy of right-wing nut jobs on talk radio which blared out rabid hatred daily.
Those theories eventually got picked up by white Evangelical Christians and inevitably bled into the mainstream conversation and became pseudo-facts, alternative facts. The reality is that those alternative facts infiltrate the brain of people, not just those characterized as the [deplorables], but by people who have advanced degrees, including black people with PhDs who ought to know better, have bought into the lies, and the deceit which has taken over the national consciousness.
I was absolutely shocked that a Ph.D., who is also a black man, and a Pastor, told me that he would rather have Donald Trump remain in the presidency than vote for Pete Buttegeig because he is a homosexual.
He won’t vote for Joe Biden because he is boring, and he will not vote for either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren because they are Socialists/Communists.
He based every statement he made on his Christian faith, not on his intellectual capabilities.
My Ph.D. lamented that his taxes are being used to take care of people who ought to be working. [Did I tell you that he is also a Pastor]?
I stood there in utter shock as he berated the Democrats, pointing to New York City’s Mayor Bill De Blasio who he argues wants to give away everything to people for free, people he believes ought to be working.
Dumfounded, I stood there, mouth agape at what I was hearing, I was almost at a loss for words, something that doesn’t happen often.
I harkened back to Yeshua’s teachings, take care of the poor, take care of the orphan and the widowed, visit the incarcerated.
As small business and property owners, my wife and I pay what we believe are over and above what we should be paying in taxes.
Am I sometimes mad that we get nothing back for all that is taken from us?
You bet!
But the way funds in the federal budget are allocated should leave no one with the wrong idea about welfare.
Corporate welfare is the problem, not the crumbs which are tossed to the poorest Americans.
The thing that puzzles me most is the way the poorest people have been conned into militating for the interest of the rich over their own interests.

Exasperated I pulled up this page, turned my computer screen around and showed him this pie-chart.
His first reaction was that it was exaggerated, I asked him for proof, he gave up and went onto something else.
I wanted to be fair so I found PolitiFact’s piechart. Politifact is well respected as a non-partisan arbiter of political claims.

Politifact argues its chart is more representative of the true federal spending allocations.
[“To get numbers that approximate this, the pie chart(chart number one), cherry-picks just discretionary spending. But that means the pie chart represents only about one-third of federal spending. Once you include the 60 percent of the budget that is mandatory spending, the military share plunges from 57 percent to 16 percent, and the categories that include Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid collectively account for a majority of federal spending. Spending on food and agriculture is still small, but it does quadruple from 1 percent to 4 percent.]
That is PolitiFact’s assessment, I disagree, because Social Security is money paid to the government by working Americans, that money should be locked away to do what social security was intended to do and ought not to have been part of the national budget year to year.
The fact that social security commitments have to be honored from the federal budget is exactly because those funds have been raided to finance illegal wars overseas.
So technically, a more accurate picture would be to add social security’s 25.3% to the military’s 16.2% for a grand total of 41.5%. So we are back closer to the first pie chart’s number of 57%.
To be fair, I wanted you, our readers, to have access to both charts so that you may make an informed decision.
Given a scenario in which the actual truth is that federal spending actually lands somewhere in the middle of the two depictions, or worse, even falls where [Politifact] places the numbers, how can we justify spending that share of the pie on weapons of mass destruction, instead of on poor Americans?
If we (a) set aside Donald Trump’s mountain of negatives which ought to have disqualified him from the presidency, (at least according to normal ethical standards), and (b) are able to set aside the idea that anyone calling themselves Christians, (much less Africa-American and Christian) would accept Donald Trump, we are still left with the disproportionate allocation of federal dollars to contemplate.
How do we, who call ourselves Christians reconcile that amount of resources going toward corporate interest, yet we complain about the meager crumbs going toward helping the most vulnerable?
Are we so socialized into apathy and disdain toward the poor that we would rather continue the trickle-down theory which says if we give more to the rich some will fall from their tables so that the poor can eat the crumbs?
It seems that my Ph.D. friend and the Evangelical movement has done just that.

During his presidency, Barack Obama asked the people earning half a million dollars or more annually to pay a little more in taxes.
Polls at the time showed that the majority of people in that income bracket were quite fine with paying a little more in taxes so that other social obligations could be addressed.
Ironically, it was the poorest people in the Southern and Midwestern States who came out with tiki-torches and pitchforks, they called Obama all kinds of derogatory names, socialist, communist, and those were the good names.
The median income in those states was about $35.000, yet they were out fighting the fight of millionaires and billionaires.
In a September 2019 article for [The Atlantic], Columnist Derek Thompson wrote, ” By the early 2000s, the share of Americans who said they didn’t associate with any established religion (also known as “nones”) had doubled. By the 2010s, this grab bag of atheists, agnostics, and spiritual dabblers had tripled in size.
The stark reality is that fewer and fewer young people are subscribing to their parent’s religious practices.
Is this part of the falling away from the faith? I do not pretend to have those answers.
Daniel 12:4 (KJV) But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
The proliferation of knowledge has never been greater at any time in recorded history. The Internet and social media allow for the mass dissemination of information across continents in nano-seconds.
While this is happening, Pastors and Parishioners alike, are making a mockery of the word of God, the young people are watching and many are saying “we want none of it”.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, businessman, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
You may subscribe to his blogs free of charge, or subscribe to his Youtube channel @chatt-a-box, for the latest podcast all free to you of course.