Reid Says Republican Party Begat Trump And Should Reject Him

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid ripped Republican lead­ers Thursday for set­ting the con­di­tions for Donald Trump to thrive — and called on them to reject him.

The Republican Party has become with­out ques­tion the par­ty of Trump,” Reid said. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should now say “enough” and “do it now,” the Nevada Democrat said. Trump’s rise has unset­tled many Republican lead­ers, par­tic­u­lar­ly on Capitol Hill, who remain deeply leery of the real-estate billionaire’s poten­tial for divi­sive and inflam­ma­to­ry state­ments. But they have been unable to uni­fy behind an alter­na­tive, which has left many Republicans in Congress try­ing to dis­tance them­selves from Trump while say­ing they will sup­port who­ev­er wins the nom­i­na­tion. Reid used his fiery speech at the Center for American Progress Action Fund in Washington to make the case that Republicans need to own up to their role in Trump’s suc­cess. “If Senator McConnell won­ders from where Donald Trump came from — he should look in the mir­ror,” said Reid.

Both Ways

Reid said that if McConnell dis­agrees with Trump’s “racist” state­ments, he should say so and reject him out­right. The Nevada Democrat accused Republican lead­ers of want­i­ng to have it both ways for too long. Reid argued that Republicans, with sev­en years of obstruct­ing President Barack Obama and refus­ing to reject the more extreme ele­ments of their par­ty, set the stage for Trump. “Republican lead­ers cre­at­ed the drought con­di­tions,” he said. “Trump sim­ply struck the match.” Reid said Republican lead­ers chose obstruc­tion and “scorched-Earth” tac­tics even before Obama took office. “What thrived in the waste­land Republican lead­ers cre­at­ed? Resentment, hatred,” Reid said.

Pattern Continues

He said that pat­tern con­tin­ues, as evi­denced by the Republican treat­ment of Obama’s Supreme Court nom­i­nee Merrick Garland. Republican lead­ers have said they will not con­sid­er any nom­i­nee for the high court from Obama. “That’s how they’ve treat­ed him for his entire pres­i­den­cy,” Reid said. Republicans also have reject­ed sci­ence and oth­er evi­dence that sup­port­ed Democratic poli­cies, such as on cli­mate change and gun vio­lence, he said. “Even basic facts about the state of the econ­o­my,” he said. “It’s no won­der Americans feel pow­er­less.” Reid added that he believes this all helped to fos­ter the rise of the Tea Party — a wave he said is dri­ven by “some of the dark­est forces in our culture.”

Birther Movement

And there have been oth­er byprod­ucts of Senate Republican actions, said Reid, that have helped kick off what he called “the Donald Trump move­ment.” Those includ­ed, he said, push­ing the idea that Obama’s pres­i­den­cy was some­how ille­git­i­mate, includ­ing through the birther move­ment, which pro­mot­ed the false sto­ry that Obama was born in Kenya. “And who was the most promi­nent Republican in the birther move­ment? Yeah, Donald Trump,” said Reid. “The Republican Party has become with­out ques­tion the par­ty of Donald Trump.” “If McConnell and Ryan think that Donald Trump’s racist, xeno­pho­bic dem­a­goguery is wrong, they should not sup­port him — peri­od,” Reid said. “If they refuse to revoke their sup­port for Trump, they should both put on ‘Make America Great Again’ hats, and stand behind Trump at his next press con­fer­ence.” But they haven’t reject­ed Trump, he said. “This is pre­cise­ly the type of moral cow­ardice” that led to Trump’s rise, he added.
See more her : Reid Says Republican Party Begat Trump and Should Reject Him