Reckless Rubio Endangers Ukrainian President’s Security…

These are the two morons who decid­ed to tweet that they were on a zoom call with pres­i­dent Zelenski for no rea­son that we know of.

Sens. Marco Rubio (R‑Fla.) and Steve Daines (R‑Mont did not think twice about jeop­ar­diz­ing the secu­ri­ty of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last Saturday while on a Zoom call with the president.
Though asked by the Ukrainian Ambassador not to share the con­ver­sa­tion because of con­cerns for Zelensky’s safe­ty, the two Republicans tweet­ed out pic­tures of the Ukrainian pres­i­dent. They talked about being on ZOOM with Zelensky.
Democratic Reps. Dean Phillips of Minnesota and Jason Crow of Colorado crit­i­cized the sen­a­tors on Twitter.
Phillips said that the “Ukrainian ambas­sador very inten­tion­al­ly asked each of us on the Zoom NOT to share any­thing on social media dur­ing the meet­ing to pro­tect the secu­ri­ty of President Zelenskyy.”
“The lack of dis­ci­pline in Congress is tru­ly astound­ing,” Crow wrote. “If an embat­tled wartime leader asks you to keep qui­et about a meet­ing, you bet­ter keep qui­et about the meet­ing. I’m not say­ing a damn thing. Lives are at stake.”

We may nev­er know whether or not these two clowns inten­tion­al­ly want­ed to place the Ukrainian pres­i­dent in grave dan­ger. Still, Rubio is report­ed to have received mil­lions of dol­lars in so-called cam­paign con­tri­bu­tions from a Russian Oligarch.
I nev­er trust­ed nor liked the lit­tle weasel, but that’s nei­ther here nor there.
Rubio knows bet­ter; he han­dles sen­si­tive intel­li­gence as vice-chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which makes his actions even more disturbing.
To add insult to injury, he dou­bled down in true trumpian fash­ion, insist­ing that his actions did not jeop­ar­dize the secu­ri­ty of the embat­tled Ukrainian leader. 




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com