Rebel Without A Job: South Carolina Cop Fired After Posting Photo Wearing Confederate Flag Underwear

Shannon Dildine, Leader of South Carolina Boxer Rebellion, Sacked
Shannon Dildine, Leader of South Carolina Boxer Rebellion, Sacked

A cop who post­ed a pic­ture of him­self wear­ing Confederate bat­tle flag box­er shorts on Facebook has been fired.

Sgt. Shannon Dildine was sacked after the pho­to was spread across the Internet, WCIV report­ed.

It showed him bare-chest­ed, with his arms behind his head and wear­ing Southern pride as underwear.

Dildine served as an offi­cer in North Charleston.

Police Chief Eddie Driggers said the pho­to under­mined Dildine’s “abil­i­ty to improve trust and install con­fi­dence when work­ing with our citizens.”

Your post­ing in this man­ner led to you being pub­licly iden­ti­fied as a North Charleston police offi­cer and asso­ci­at­ed both you and the Department with an image that sym­bol­izes hate and oppres­sion to a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of the cit­i­zens we are sworn to serve,” Driggers wrote in a ter­mi­na­tion letter.

This is the same police depart­ment where white cop Michael Slager was indict­ed on a mur­der charge ear­li­er this month in the fatal shoot­ing of Walter Scott, an unarmed black man who was run­ning away from the offi­cer after an April traf­fic stop.

Dildine has 10 days to appeal the decision.

After the Charleston church mas­sacre which left nine dead, dis­play­ing the Confederate flag has become an increas­ing­ly sen­si­tive issue.

Retailers, from Apple to Walmart, have announced they will stop sell­ing the flag.