Reality Check For A Grand-stander:

Two days ago I wrote an arti­cle in which I dealt with the issue of peo­ple who have time to cri­tique and crit­i­cize the work of oth­ers while not pay­ing atten­tion to their own jobs. The sub­ject of that arti­cle was the head of the new Investigative over­sight agency, the inde­pen­dent com­mis­sion of inves­ti­ga­tions, or INDECOM)for short.
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Terrence Williams:

I believe com­mis­sion­er Terrence Williams would be far more effec­tive in his duties, were he to desist from mak­ing inflam­ma­to­ry state­ments against the police force. He would gain greater coop­er­a­tion from (the police) which would make his job much eas­i­er. Williams has gone out of his way to seaper­ate him­self, and his office from the police depart­ment, through reck­less and care­less utter­ances and asso­ci­a­tions. I won­der how long the crim­i­nal ele­ments will con­tin­ue to make that distinction.

Williams would poten­tial­ly gar­ner greater sup­port ‚were he to use what­ev­er inves­tiga­tive and man­age­ment skills he has build­ing bridges, rather than be run­ning around with anti-police group JFJ, mak­ing unsa­vory com­ments against the police depart­ment. He could do him­self and the office he holds a greater ser­vice, were he to have more pro­fes­sion­al tact in what he says.

carolyn gomes

Criminal Rights Advocate Carolyn Gomes:

He could do the office he holds greater ser­vice, if he spends less time in front of cam­eras beg­ging for more pow­er. Terrence Williams is about Terrence Williams, clear­ly he has gar­nered the skills of police bash­ing, a key com­po­nent to suc­cess in Jamaica.

Many police offi­cers who have spent time on the front-lines fight­ing Jamaica’s urban ter­ror­ists have a dif­fer­ent view about crime. This is true of even oth­er police men/​women whom have served for decades. Make no mis­take about it Jamaica’s homi­cide num­bers are demon­stra­bly high­er than even nations with active civ­il wars.

There are many peo­ple who get behind com­put­er key-boards and extol the virtues of Jamaica, point­ing to what they believe is the nice­ness of Jamaica. Without tak­ing any­thing away from these Utopians, I don’t share your views, of course Jamaica is a nice place, no ques­tion, but some of the peo­ple ? That’s anoth­er matter .

Yea, yea , yea , I know there are good and bad every­where I have heard that spiel a thou­sand times, today I am talk­ing about Jamaica. Please do not both­er me with your state­ments about Jamaica’s vir­tu­os­i­ty, you may chose to ignore the prob­lems, under a fog of white rum and jerk pork and denial, my crit­i­cism defines patriotism.

While I’m on the sub­ject of patri­o­tism, there are some of you sup­posed-Jamaicans, some of you live abroad, some of you live in Jamaica, you have a habit of act­ing like you are more Jamaican than oth­ers whose world-view dif­fers from yours. I wish some of you would come to me with that non­sense, as if you know what it is to sac­ri­fice for country.

I’m good now, glad I got that off my chest, so back to the sub­ject Terrence Williams. Having spo­ken to many police offi­cers at var­i­ous lev­els of the JCF, I heard the same refrain, “we have no prob­lem with pres­sure groups” pres­sure group being those respon­si­ble for over­sight, and even those that out­ward­ly sup­port crim­i­nals like JFJ.

What they have a prob­lem with is Williams mak­ing inflam­ma­to­ry and counter-pro­duc­tive state­ments aimed at bol­ster­ing and enhanc­ing his own pro­file. Williams was back in front of a bank of cam­eras yes­ter­day in a press con­fer­ence he called at , you guessed it, INDECOM head­quar­ters to bemoan the fact that mem­bers of his so-called inves­tiga­tive team came under intense and sus­tained gun­fire on Red Hills Road, which pre­vent­ed them from doing their duties.


Williams was speak­ing dur­ing an emer­gency press con­fer­ence held at INDECOM’s head­quar­ters yes­ter­day in response to the inci­dent. He appealed for all per­sons to “show good sense”.“When you are angered by these shoot­ings, we are there to inves­ti­gate and to ensure that as much as pos­si­ble, the truth comes out,” he said. “It is not helped when you pre­vent us from doing so by block­ing the roads or [employ­ing] oth­er hos­tile actions.“Williams not­ed such inci­dents were rare, but said this was the sec­ond time in two months INDECOM mem­bers had end­ed up in hos­tile sit­u­a­tions.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​0​7​1​0​/​l​e​a​d​/​l​e​a​d​3​.​h​tml

I won­der where would the coun­try be, were police offi­cers to run back to 103 – 105 Old Hope Road and call press con­fer­ences so they may cry like lit­tle bitch­es every time some­one fired at them? You see it’s easy to make state­ments from air-con­di­tioned offices, or from a hotel lounge dur­ing cock­tail hour. Policing Jamaica’s streets is a dif­fer­ent mat­ter. That is where the rub­ber meets the road. To date, almost a dozen brave police offi­cers have been gunned down yet the police depart­ment have not called a sin­gle press con­fer­ence to whine and bitch.

News to Williams, you want to be an inves­ti­ga­tor, if you can’t take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. Frankly I believe the peo­ple fir­ing were real­ly poor shots. Police offi­cers face that hos­til­i­ty every­day, yet Williams nev­er miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to offer grandiose opin­ions, orders and advice, as if he knows some­thing about polic­ing the streets.

Much more to come fas­ten your seat belt Terrence Williams, char­la­tans will have to run away. Pretty soon the forces of evil will make no dis­tinc­tion between you and the JCF .

3 thoughts on “Reality Check For A Grand-stander:

  1. What is employ­ing hos­tile action. Is he afraid to say they were shoot­ing at him ‚he is quick to bash the police. He did not con­dem the thugs who shot at him instead he is ask­ing for good sense “can u imag­ine if the police shot at him ,

    • These peo­ple are mod­ern day Pharisees,these thugs are pre­tenders they can’t shoot. “employ­ing hos­tile action”, it’s laugh­able, I guess it’s uptown lin­go ‚stu­pid morons.!!

  2. It is a pity, that one of these so-called anti-police (INDECOM) inves­ti­ga­tors were shot and killed! I make no apolo­gies for my state­ment. Next time, I pray to God that Mr. Williams or one of his inves­ti­ga­tors are shot and killed. Then they will know how it feels like when one of their col­leagues is killed by these par­a­sites. Did this fool or his team report a crime against the gun­men? It’s a pity, these gun­men can­not shoot well. Now, he is out ask­ing for “sym­pa­thy and coöper­a­tion” from crim­i­nals!!! This is laughable.
    As a Jamaican from the Kingston 12 area (Jones Town), and a for­mer Detective of the JCF, police is always the ene­my of the poor in Jamaica, and those who claimed to fame, they did this by try­ing to gain sup­port from these folks. I can your read­ers this, they’re so wrong because these folks have no rules that they abide by, what­ev­er works for them and their cronies. They are good at man­ag­ing the mes­sage and the pro­pa­gan­da war! In Jamaica the best way to pro­pel or inflate your pro­file nation­al­ly is to demo­nize the police on a dai­ly basis. Most Jamaicans are “indis­ci­pline, uneth­i­cal, and immoral” they lacks the nor­mal traits that decent cit­i­zens of oth­er coun­tries have with­in them. If you are a law abid­ing cit­i­zen in Jamaica, the only way to gain nation­al noto­ri­ety is by giv­ing away your mon­ey to these par­a­sites, then they will seek you out, rob and kill you and your fam­i­ly. These folks can­not be tame!

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