Real Leaders Chastise Their Charges Privately And Praise Them Publicly

- Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams, is this ... The reason for having a PhD is problem solving . Lets begin to solve some problems Commissioner.
- Commissioner of Police, Dr Carl Williams, is this …
The rea­son for hav­ing a PhD is prob­lem solv­ing .
Lets begin to solve some prob­lems Commissioner.

Police Commissioner Dr Carl Williams yes­ter­day blamed inef­fi­cien­cy on the part of some of his sub­or­di­nates for many of the country’s unre­solved crimes.

Williams on Thursday said he was con­cerned about reports of crime ‎in var­i­ous divi­sions and felt that many of the prob­lems could be solved if offi­cers on the ground were oper­at­ing more effi­cient­ly. The com­mis­sion­er said effi­cien­cy could be achieved with greater lev­el of mon­i­tor­ing of ground offi­cers by their supe​ri​ors​.As report­ed by the JamaicaObserver.

The prob­lem of inef­fi­cien­cy in the pub­lic sec­tor is noth­ing new in Jamaica. In fact inef­fi­cien­cy is per­va­sive in most gov­ern­ments across the globe.
This though true of the police depart­ment is not unique to it.
Inefficiency, though a ter­ri­ble drain on scarce pub­lic resources and the cred­i­bil­i­ty of the agency is part of the rea­son Carl Williams is the Commissioner of police.
It’s part of his job descrip­tion to fix those problems.
Williams did not get the job as the first PhD to talk down to rank and file offi­cers who take the risks and do the dirty work but receive none of the accolades.

Real lead­ers chas­tise their charges pri­vate­ly and praise them publicly.
Ballooning crime sta­tis­tics under Carl Williams lead­er­ship may not be total­ly his fault, but his com­ments indi­cate to an old crime fight­er like myself, that inso­far as crime is con­cerned in Jamaica Commissioner Carl Williams has no clue how to bring the num­bers down.
It may very well be that inef­fi­cien­cy is part of the prob­lem, but Williams is the head of the team , he is the coach.
We hire coach­es to fix teams , not bad ‑mouth them.
On that note Williams has already failed the team.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant
Deputy Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant

I under­stand full well that each and every per­son has opin­ions on the way polic­ing is to be done effectively.
Of course yours tru­ly is no dif­fer­ent than any oth­er opin­ion­at­ed out­sider in that regard.
Jamaica has char­ac­ter­is­tics which are unique to itself, as such some things which work in oth­er local­i­ties may not be applic­a­ble to our Jamaican situation.
I do how­ev­er believe that the per­for­mance based eval­u­a­tion DCP Novelette Grant spoke about recent­ly, ought to be at the fore­front at any strat­e­gy aimed at increas­ing per­for­mance in the department.
What ought to be left out how­ev­er, is the notion that per­for­mance means fill­ing quotas.

There are oth­er ways to mea­sure per­for­mance ‚which will not fur­ther bur­den the already over­bur­dened pop­u­lace, than to issue more tickets.
The best way to increase mea­sur­able pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is to revamp and recon­fig­ure the way homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tions are done.
Teams should be assigned to run down leads in each case with a view to solv­ing each one as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Once sus­pects are in cus­tody much senior offi­cers should dou­ble-down on ensur­ing that the lead Investigator is sup­port­ed in pre­sent­ing to the courts , a case which will stand muster.

Each uni­formed Officer who is called to a scene must present a full report on the way each report is han­dled by him or her. Sub-Officers must then doc­u­ment these reports as soon as they are resolved.
This will enable the depart­ment to access that data in the even it’s cus­tomers com­plain that they received no help from the department.
Before all of this can be done how­ev­er Commissioner Williams must have work­able depart­men­tal poli­cies which offi­cers are con­ver­sant with.
I sug­gest the com­mis­sion­er get to work devel­op­ing these and oth­er strate­gies instead of say­ing what every­one already knows.
As I have said on many occa­sions, to be a top cop does not require a PhD . If the top cop has a Doctorate it’s all good, but it is noth­ing if the peo­ple still get no return on their investments.
Policing is not exact­ly rocket-science.
A bad work­man blames his tools.

4 thoughts on “Real Leaders Chastise Their Charges Privately And Praise Them Publicly

  1. Well the Commissioner of Police is right, but I would not blame the men and women of the Jamaican Constabulary Force. The pres­sure of being a mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force is more drain­ing in every way you can. Not only the job itself is stress­ful, but the respon­si­bil­i­ties that goes with the job and the ungrate­ful­ness by the sys­tem, which hell-bent on crim­i­nal­ize the police offi­cers for doing their jobs.

    The offi­cers are doing the right things, “self preser­va­tion” by being method­i­cal­ly care­ful about how they go about doing their jobs. The most impor­tant thing is to go to work, watch the clock, and do not go the extra mile, because it is not worth it at all. At the end of the month they get their check and by the evening they are broke. The sys­tem is designed against the police, just like any indus­tri­al­ized country. 

    They claimed to have mod­ern­ize the police force by mak­ing sure that those who do not have “CXC sub­jects” in cer­tain sub­ject can­not enter the force because it is the 21st cen­tu­ry. So, the bare­foot police offi­cers are “supe­ri­or” to the high­ly edu­cat­ed police offi­cers of the Jamaican COnstabulary Force who see them­selves as big timers or big shots, and that they are too edu­cat­ed to be doing dirty police work. You get what you get and nev­er get upset!

      • None of what I wrote here will be adopt­ed unless some­one comes in , (say the United States) and make them do it.
        Of course the US has it’s own police prob­lems in oth­er ways which needs fix­ing as a mat­ter of urgency.

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