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John Boehner Ted Cruz

The Republican Party was hijacked by the South after Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into Law. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan cap­i­tal­ized on the racial ani­mus of whites to win lat­er elec­tions. The Bushes were ben­e­fi­cia­ries of that ani­mus despite not over­ly play­ing to racial fears with the excep­tion of the elder Bush’s use of the Willie Horton Ad. The Ad por­trayed Michael Dukakis as a weak crim­i­nal-cod­dling Massachusetts lib­er­al on whose watch Willie Horton a con­vict­ed mur­der received a week­end fur­lough. Horton did not return but went to Maryland where he com­mit­ted mul­ti­ple rapes and assault before he was re-arrest­ed and con­vict­ed. Democratic Presidential can­di­date Michael Dukakis was the gov­er­nor of Massachusetts at the time of Horton’s release, and while he did not start the fur­lough pro­gram, he had sup­port­ed it as a method of crim­i­nal reha­bil­i­ta­tion. The Republican Party is now a reac­tionary , fundamentalist,Confederate Party. What we are wit­ness­ing is it’s com­ing apart at the seams because a black fam­i­ly is occu­py­ing the White House. They are not even pre­tend­ing to care about what they say or do anymore.

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Racism has reduced the Republican par­ty to a spec­ta­cle wor­thy of ridicule. Obama-hatred has made them look bad even to some of their own. When ide­o­logues like Long Island’s Peter King begin to ques­tion the san­i­ty of Republican actions, you know the wag­on wheels have start­ed to come off. Don’t believe for one moment that the rel­e­vance of the Republican Party will wane any­time soon. They have mas­sive grass-roots Organizations gin­ning up even more hatred and lies about Blacks , Immigrants, Entitlements, Government, Science, the EPA, and every­thing else they hate. Their sup­port­ers are not exact­ly far removed from the flat earth soci­ety, recent polls revealed many Republicans believe the Affordable Care Act is bet­ter than Obama Care. Republican vot­ers who have no health Insurance, vote and demon­strate against the afford­able care act at the behest of their polit­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tives who them­selves have great health plans, paid for and pro­vid­ed by the Government. Many exco­ri­ate Government yet they live off Social Security and Medicare. Even as they hate Government , they do any­thing to get and stay elect­ed. I won­der who make up the Government?

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One can arguably under­stand their hatred for the first black pres­i­dent and his fam­i­ly, they are low-lives. What is mind blow­ing is the reck­less care-free aban­don with which they treat the American work­ers . They cal­lous­ly shut the Government down send­ing tens of thou­sands of work­ers home on fur­lough glee­ful­ly pro­claim­ing that they are win­ning ! Winning that’s what it’s all about ?Never mind the con­se­quences of a Government shut­down to aver­age Americans and the harm being done to the econ­o­my ! They are quite hap­py to go out and cre­ate pho­to-ops and lie to ill-informed peo­ple that the pres­i­dent and sen­ate major­i­ty leader shut the Government down. Here’s a bit of advice to pro­gres­sives, stop say­ing John Boehner is to be pitied. John Boehner is a cow­ard, he is a poor leader who has cow­ered out of fear of Tea Party con­fed­er­ates, fear­ing the loss of his speak­er-ship , even as he takes actions which threat­ens his coun­try. Any man who puts his posi­tion over the good of his coun­try does not deserve respect or empa­thy. In my book John Boehner is a wimp and a damn coward.