Rather Than Set An Example For The Nation To Follow, The JCF Continues To Be An Agency Largely For Show,

These days, I hard­ly spend time talk­ing about what the JCF could be doing bet­ter; there are far more press­ing issues in my adopt­ed homeland.
I try to speak to the hypocrisy of how the United States uses its resources to help fight against transna­tion­al crime as a tool of sorts of dic­tate to devel­op­ing nations on what they can and can­not do to their crim­i­nals. Nevertheless, I can­not pre­tend not to see that some of the issues that plagued the JCF over three decades ago are still evi­dent despite the con­tin­ued talk of trans­for­ma­tion of the force.
I under­stand that there are resource short­ages and prob­a­bly will be for a very long time into the future. Those short­ages include human resources, equip­ment, tools, leg­is­la­tion, ade­quate pay, bet­ter work­ing con­di­tions, train­ing, lead­er­ship, moti­va­tion, and a sim­ple com­mon sense…The lat­ter seem­ing to be the resource in the short­est supply.

One of the press­ing issues fac­ing the coun­try is the issue of cor­rup­tion. It is can­cer that cor­rodes all Government agen­cies, sti­fles progress, and frus­trates the pop­u­la­tion. This hap­pens because the leg­is­la­ture is far too lazy, incom­pe­tent, and moron­ic to pass laws that set clear time­lines in which gov­ern­ment func­tions must be addressed.
For exam­ple, a per­son apply­ing for a birth cer­tifi­cate should receive it in a set time. Same idea for pass­ports, police records, and oth­er doc­u­ments that the peo­ple depend on to get on with their lives. There is no excuse for these things not to be clear­ly set in law and pol­i­cy and enforced rigidly.
Failure to imple­ment these com­mon-sense leg­isla­tive process­es is a breed­ing ground for cor­rup­tion. It allows low-lev­el bureau­crats to frus­trate the pub­lic who real­ly need these doc­u­ments and coerces them to pay bribes.
These short­com­ings are with­in the remit of the elect­ed offi­cials who lack imag­i­na­tion, com­mon­sense, and the knowl­edge to draft and pass mean­ing­ful leg­is­la­tion to advance the nation’s interest.

However, as I have asked over the years, “what stops the police from stamp­ing out the fraud at the Registrar Generals’ office or the Motor Vehicle’s Department”? How dif­fi­cult is it to set up stings and arrest the rogue motor vehi­cle exam­in­ers, rogue Custom Agents, and oth­er leech­es who enter pub­lic ser­vice to rip off the public?
I’ll haz­ard a guess; it isn’t that the police hier­ar­chy lacks imag­i­na­tion (it does), but the force is itself far too cor­rupt to care about the cul­ture of cor­rup­tion that now char­ac­ter­izes Jamaican cul­ture, which it has a sworn duty to try to correct.
No one wants a job from which they can­not steal.
I was nau­se­at­ed sev­er­al days ago when some­one showed me a video on a social media plat­form of a Jamaican cop ask­ing a cou­ple in an auto­mo­bile, “have you done any good deeds for those who pro­tect and serve today” the occu­pants of the car real­iz­ing the pathet­ic attempt at a bribe solic­i­ta­tion hand­ed the cop a few bucks, laughed at him and drove away.
Police offi­cers demean­ing their uni­forms by beg­ging, solic­it­ing bribes, or as the old ver­nac­u­lar goes, “cut­ting,” is a rep­re­hen­si­ble prac­tice that demeans the entire force, even if was an iso­lat­ed incident.
In Jamaica this rep­re­hen­si­ble and shame­ful prac­tice isn’t.

Rather than set an exam­ple for the nation to fol­low, the JCF con­tin­ues to be an agency large­ly for show, form over sub­stance. Members of the JCF now have more degrees than a ther­mome­ter, yet nei­ther the force nor the coun­try ben­e­fits from the advanced learn­ing of these offi­cers who sit atop the hier­ar­chy of the JCF doing noth­ing but [floss­ing].
Instead of help­ing to seri­ous­ly address the prob­lems, the force has sur­ren­dered to being a part of the over­all problem.
The extent to which graft, cor­rup­tion, and crime have hob­bled the nation’s growth and devel­op­ment may all be attrib­uted to and laid square­ly at the feet of the var­i­ous gov­ern­ment agen­cies, the JCF being no exception.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.